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Everything posted by DaRock98

  1. So did anyone go out to see it today or catch a glimpse of it? I wish I had time to but I was working all day.
  2. Although I have never flew to or from Heathrow airport I did just get back from San Diego on Sunday and flew from JFK to San Diego Airport and I did not have any complaints with either one. Actually I did not notice any difference in security and found it quite easy to go through. I also felt it hasn't changed much from pre 9/11. I am sure if I went through a busier time like a Friday it would have been delayed more but me and a few of my friends flew right through the checkpoints in the matter of 10 mins both going and coming home. I'm sure its frustrating if it's backed up but I would rather be safe and wait the extra time then have something happen on the flight.
  3. Very well said moose I couldn't agree more with you. Teaching and talking with the younger guys gives them experience from first hand knowledge. I learned a lot from the Senior members of my department some of the stuff I will never forget and I am happy they actually took the time to teach me this stuff instead of the ignorant people who just don't give a flying f*** and don't realize that one day these kids will grow up and be standing right behind you in the line of fire and MAYBE b/c they didn't take time out of there precious day to talk to them it could get them and the probie hurt or even killed! That kind of attitude disgusts me! Sorry end of rant I promise.
  4. wow I guess that was a dumb question I read the article twice and I still missed it. I guess I really need some sleep. Thank You.
  5. Well my 2 cents is that in an airport there are many more hazards for example the plane missing the runway and possibly crashing into a building filled with either jet fuel or people where on a highway or interstate a SUV probably won't hit a building filled with that sort of stuff b/c there aren't to many buildings right on the highway if there are any at all. Yes this is only one example but if something like this happened the results could be catastrophic. I also believe when this call was initially dispatched the size of the plane was unknown so I think its better to be safe then sorry. Send them you can always turn them around!
  6. Another question why was there so many command transfers I believe I heard it being transfered 2 or 3 times?
  7. I would think so but I don't really know what the requirements have to be in order to call it that. It looks like the mini attack that we have in my dept but ours is a lot older and only carries 2-3 people.
  8. Does anyone know his age or health condition? I hope he is ok!
  9. Does anyone know the number of pt's actually extricated from the cars and how many were transported?
  10. Small air craft that flipped over with 1 pt with abrasions on ops 10. Just updated 2 minor injuries.
  11. Nice pics I will be in San Diego this week I will try to get some pics myself to post.
  12. Thank you for the info in a perfect world I would love to work for 60 Control (I think ) So I am mainly interested in that. Is there any training or classes that I need/could take to prepare myself for the civil service test? I read a little more today on the westchestergov site and from what I gather all I need is experience in using a two way radio and a high school diploma(which I have). I don't believe I need a college diploma if I read correctly? Thank you again for all your help.
  13. Yea you are right about the locker and car now that I think about it, but I'm sure just like you said there are better places to secure your gun so that stuff like this doesn't happen. I hope that everybody learns a lesson from this and thinks a little more before placing a gun on a bench in public with lots of children around. Not that it would make it any better but if people can learn from this mistake we can chalk it up as a learning experience and pray that it doesn't happen again.
  14. Ok so this 46.22 can be heard on low band but from what I am reading if I am correct this can not be heard over a pager or can it be but only fire 16? Sorry for the million questions but if something like this can be done to pagers for fire 11 I would want to bring it up to my chiefs b/c I don't like the fact that I can't hear anyone call in responding anymore.
  15. Are there other channels that you can hear other battalions on that you know of? or possibly SteveOFD I know he knows a lot of this sort of stuff.
  16. Does that swimming facility have lockers for personal belongings while people are swimming in the pool? If so why wasn't the gun locked in the locker while he was in the pool? If it doesn't have lockers why wouldn't he leave the gun either in the car or at home if he was planning to swim? I think everyone involved are VERY lucky this didn't turn deadly.
  17. I agree PPE probably should have been on here in this situation but I also agree with ny10570 in saying that something could always go wrong even wearing full PPE. I'm not saying to go out training without the proper PPE on but just don't let it make you feel like your are invisible and just because you have it on you won't get hurt. I think departments need to stop thinking about appearance first and start thinking about the safety of the men that wear these uniforms as well. Ny10570 brings up some VERY valid points regarding this issue and I have to say I agree with a lot of them.
  18. They are great Seth! I think they are a good idea to keep the site a little more organized. Keep up the good work!
  19. Try this thread I kno it's long but it should have the info you are looking for. http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php?showtopic=23923
  20. I don't mean to take away from your thread but I was also interested in a job dispatching but in Westchester. I know absolutely nothing on how to go about getting a job or any requirements to to get hired. I've been to the Westchester.gov website but haven't really got any information from it. I know from reading this site that a few people on here work for the county can any of you give me some info on it at all? Anything you can offer would be a great help. Thank you.
  21. So does that mean you can hear units responding over your pagers? Also can 46.22 be heard on pagers that are set to 46.26?
  22. When I go to the Emtbravo.net Network page it says: Forum Topics: 23,217 Is that wrong? or is it just my computer?
  23. Good I'm glad they dug it up! I can't stand any Boston team.
  24. No I completely agree I joined this site to learn new things because every firefighter knows you can never stop learning in this business. I hope to learn about more important things such as life safety, new tactics, to better myself and my department. So far I have learned a lot from this site and thats why I continue to come back, it was a joke and I hope he or anyone else doesn't take it as a jab or insult. Sorry.