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Everything posted by Beekman

  1. Easy. ANSI Class II or III Vest with COMMAND on the back. Solves the vests/roadways issue too.
  2. One of the drawbacks of the Pertzl is that you need to train regularly with it. I used Frank's Petzl and dropped to the ground because it is very finicky and touchy when you try to descend. If you are not going to practice at least quartely, save your money and buy rope and a beaner.
  3. Shawn Beresford Damage Controlman 2nd Class, U.S. Navy DC Division/Fire Department U.S.S. John F. Kennedy CV-67
  4. Many years back someone must have distributed a list of what classes Chiefs and Assistants should have as Wassaic's and Beekman were almost identical including Hazmat 1 which hasn't been offered in years and we aren't even neighbors. Chiefs and Assistants need more of the administrative training classes (Intro to Fire Officer, Fire Officer 1, Legal Issues of the Volunteer Fire service, Incident Safety Officer, etc.) These are the classes that keep officers out of trouble. We just updated our policy to the following for Chief: Firefighter 1 Intro to Fire Officer Fire Officer 1 Hazmat Ops Hazmat Incident Command Principles of Fire Investigation Pump Op ICS 100, 200, 300 and 700 Legal Issues of the Volunteer Fire Sevice CPR-AED (Cars carry AEDs) Incident Safety Officer Fire Police (Chiefs and Asst. are considered Peace Officers in NYS and the District wanted some sort of training) Baby Steps!
  5. Beekman has a written policy in place that is strictly enforced. Interiors have 13 months from their last physical to complete it or you go on "administrative absence" (nice way of saying suspended) until you complete your physical. I do know of another Department that suspended members for missing requirements (OSHA) and they had to wait until the next year to re-apply. As for the "why should I care about another department's issues"- two words MUTUAL AID. If Joe Smith from ABC Fire Department shows up to your scene and he hasn't had a physical and gets hurt or worse, guess who's problem it is besides the ABC Fire Department?
  6. The New York State Residential Code requires a 45 to 90 minute self-closing fire rated door from a garage to the interior and fire rated sheetrock if the garage attached to the primary dwelling. If the door is left self-closing and the sheetrock isn't penetrated by the homeowner (wires, plumbing, etc) it will contain the fire as experienced by the UnionVale Fire District a few years back when a million dollar plus house under construction had a fire in the garage overnight and it burnt itself out. Unfortunately if you have a heavy fire load the fire will attack the combustible garage door and extend to the exterior of the building
  7. Unbeknownst to the ambulance crew, they probably saved someone's life by accidentally blocking this bonehead in. The headline is a bit deceiving.
  8. You can have all the PR you want. The price of commercial/municpal projects is still sky high and creates a sticker shock to most and folks can't afford it no matter how "affordable" you make it seem.
  9. Oh yeah???? Got that one beat. A certain federal fire department in Westchester had an Assistant Chief, now acting Chief, complete his background check form 15 years after he was hired.
  10. 12????? Besides these poor guys heading over to the Sandbox right before the holidays, the rest are going to get stuck with a lot of overtime. Get back safe!
  11. Folks we are definitely in the wrong business!!!! 8 years and $54 million in studies just so they can recommend a new bridge and now need more time and more money to "study" a new bridge? This is progress?
  12. Most residents I run into understand the security side of their alarm system very well as they use it daily but are completely clueless about the fire alarm side. Most can't even tell you where the detectors are or how to reset the system.
  13. If you run lights and sirens to a reported "non-emergency" and any of those vehicles gets in an accident and the lawyers find out you were notified it was a "non-emergency" call, good luck and kiss all your stuff good bye and prepare for your life to be destroyed. Absolutely send the equipment in no lights and no siren. Nothing against PD or Security but most are not trained in fire alarm systems. I don't even trust some of my own folks. Heck most aparatus can use a good run around the block anyway, just take your time. FAMILIARIZATION!!!!!!
  14. Yeah because there's no corruption at the State level!!!! Client #10
  15. Forget the tax relief. How many Departments had voters approve LOSAP and then you had a bunch of members come back to get their "free money" (I do one year and get credit for 6) and contribute nothing to the FD but just whine "where's the sheet?"
  16. It would have made sense to allow firefighters to get health insurance through the State instead. My District doesn't have a health plan as it doesn't have any full time employees. The Town would need to handle it and Town employees, where I live, pay a significant contribution and the Town matches it. I can't see the Town paying for volunteers to have insurance through them. There will also be issues with who is eligible. Health insurance is very expensive and I don't need anyone joining the FD just so they can get cheap health insurance and become a leech.
  17. You can sense the religious undertone
  18. The words "fully involved" were uttered by a Fire Police on a Fire Police frequency (Beekman Fire District, not County). Like I said, we don't even monitor their channel. I couldn't even tell you the level of fire training the person has because I don't even know who it was, nor was it a factor. I had a well seasoned Lt. on the scene scoping out the house and planning the atack. Any of the transmissions that are followed by "Beekman 21" are on the Beekman Fire Police Channel. As for the wires, Beekman and East Fishkill personnel did a good job of taping off the area under the wires as there was a fear that the wires would drop down. NYSEG was delayed as they got slammed by the storm that also caused this fire. A NYSEG supervisor came and pulled a fuse on a pole until one of the NYSEG trucks could come and cut the wires at the pole.
  19. This is why the aerial wasn't deployed. The B side just before 34-11 (Quint) arrived.
  20. Roofs Open- while I did not get to see the fuel tank, the Fire Investigation Division reportedly communicated that statement to Beekman Car 3. The 275 gallon tank did rupture and eventually dumped approximately 200 gallons of fuel in the garage which then went outside. When and how much it contributed to the fire is unknown. The heaviest involvement was in the one garage bay where a propane tank, large air compressor, oxy-acetelene unit, kerosene heater, pails of something and the 275 gallon tank were. Lots of stuff screaming during the fire. Thankfully no one was hurt including the two cats.
  21. My youtube firefighter strikes again! Lt. Mallen is right guys. 34112 is a 16 year old kid who has no fire experience and now has a bounty on his head. The "fully involved" radio transmission was on the Beekman Fire Police frequency which isn't even monitored by the fire side. Most of the information posted in the IA is inaccurate, too much to even bother listing. The stick was even't considered due to the heavy fire below where it would have met the roof. There was also unknown but partially visible damage to the roof from the lightning strike. The beginning of the driveway has a large tree and electric lines and the street frontage was all tall, thick pine trees. On a positive note- Thank you to East Fishkill, UnionVale, LaGrange, Pawling, NDP EMS, DCFID, CC-12, CC-15 (yes you beat him again), DCSO and NYSP.
  22. Is this test for the same job classification as the test given last September? They burned through a list in a year?
  23. Consider it done Mac
  24. I also know a few people who really cut down on their responses because of rising gas cost. The Districts/Departments can help by making good use of staff vehicles for carpooling to calls, training and parades. It's also a good way for Chiefs and Officers to try and get their folks qualified on the apparatus thereby using District/Department fuel and getting the equipment off the floor. A win win