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Everything posted by x648eng119

  1. I just heard a rumor that the top 3 spots on the Peekskill residency list are females, 2 of them I personally know - Congtrats to K.P and K.P.!
  2. As much as I love A-rod, and would love to see him stay, sure he earned his keep for the regular season, but once October rolls around, every year, he sucks. 30 million dollars a year is a hell of a lot of money for someone who doesn't produce the big numbers when it counts the most... I say the bombers should go after Lowell.
  3. What's with the so-called #1 Yankees fan Rudy Guliani cheering for the Sox? I know it's not a true political issue, but damn! I hope Stienbrener changes the location of seats during the Yanks-Sox series to near the 3rd base side dugout! And as much as I'd like to see the Rockies win, I honestly think it'll be the Sox in 6.
  4. I'm so freakin' excited, I just had to share... For those of you (probably most of you who don't work for transcare, or are members of Croton FD) who haven't heard... I just finished my orientation today, and I have my first shift tomorrow as a Hudson Valley VA Firefighter at the Montrose-FDR Campus!!! I'm still in disbelief that I've joined the ranks of the carrer firefighters, I think it may finally set in tomorrow morning... ::Insert giddy girlish giggling here:: Oh, and a special thanks to my new chief, aka RES20CUE, for the opportunity!
  5. Aaron Boone %^#$T&)%":@W,;'@#&(E_(&^%^%~>N?><?*&T@#)Y^&%$^*S&*#@$%^&>I!~@<:X|}{@&!*()W@!^#(O@)$%R)(*()@":>L!@#~>"?><&*(@#!)C*_@H<?>@#!A?"}}>!@#M)(&)(*(*&P%&*^!)()@#I@#*&(^%$*!@#N":>"<#@!<S^&*^&*$$^#I<":"<<"<@#&%&*^$!@%^$&P&*)(*&_)(&^(&*%^*!@#><<:"<:S*()@%&*?><"><":<(#&^&$@#^%^&*()(
  6. GO SOX - **note -that's just the decoding - I am not cheering on the sox! ^&*($^B#^@(!@*&^$#@_&&I!@^%#&$$%~*@!(<:"@#L&)@!#$#$^:">L&*!@*^%$^%^%*&*(|}{B:>"{@#!&%$%^U&*^#(*$&)!(!!@#&*()C&*%^$%@*$$!@$*(:>"}?/.;k./,'[].,><N[}{|>@#^&^E!@#$&*()>"R@#*(&(^%^
  7. My band is playing this Saturday, Oct 13 2007, at Lil' Sue's Hideaway In Poughkeepsie (LaGrange). We're celebrating our lead singer's 24th Birthday, so it should be a grand ole time. Plus we've got a few new songs we'll be playing for the first time. The bar is real easy to get to. Take the Taconic Pkwy to the Rt 55 West exit, and it's on the left hand side about 3 miles down the road in the Apple Valley Shopping Center. (Look for a Subway and a Hess Station. - Corner of Titusville Rd) Or Mapquest it: 106 Freedom Plains Rd Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 The band starts around 9PM... Come Join Us!
  8. bump
  9. Mustang-1 will be there!
  10. I can see the shirt now: "MUNSON for 2082, AND SKIPPER OF THE BEST TEAM IN BASEBALL" Do you think they'd let you wear #15?? In all seriousness, if Torre is fired, my #1 choice would be Donnie Baseball.
  11. Oh and one more thing - for anybody who thinks Torre did a crappy job this year... Just think.. at the end of May the Yanks we're 21-29.. Injuries were killing them. To have a 2nd half like the Bombers did, that man not only deserves to keep his job, i think he deserves a raise!
  12. I don't understand some of you Mets fans... 1. At least the Yankees made it to the post season... 2. The yankees we're down by what? 9 games at the end of August, and got to within 1 behind Boston with 4 games to go. Last I checked, that's a lot better then being up by 7 games with 17 left to play, and BLOWING IT! 3. I live in NY, therefore i like NY teams. The mets aren't my favorite obviously, but I was pulling for them, as I do every year (except when the play the bombers...) And to tell you the truth, I was glad to see Philly get swept in the first round. And for all you Sox fans... two words... BILL BRUCKNER! GO ROCKIES!
  13. We're going to be playing New Roc Harley-Davidson's "Full Metal Attraction" Open house, on Sunday September 9th, from 12PM-4PM. Come check out the great music, as well as all the new 2008 HD Motorcycles. Take one for a ride, or even take one home!. NRHD Will be offering amazing deals on all motorcycles, parts, and apparel. There will be a bike dyno, test rides, and even enter for a chance to win a 2008 HD Motorcycle. NRHD is located at 8 Industrial Ln, New Rochelle, NY 10805. Behind Home Depot, and across from Costco. 914-632-NRHD (6743) www.NRHD.com
  14. And here come's the NYS V&T Law once again: Now the only grey area here - what's an emergency, what's not? The one traffic cop did have his lights on.. Could have been a traffic stop too
  15. I posted up once on here about my band a few weeks ago. Here's our myspace page again, in case you missed it. Rupture's Myspace We're having our first show on August 18th. We're trying to get as many people to come as possible. $5 to get in, and you get to enjoy some kick a** music and FREE BEER! Here's the specifics:
  16. As bad as some elderly people can drive, It's not just them. I can't count the amount of times i've almost gotten taken out on my motorcycle by some young teenager weaving in and out of traffic in their "riced-out" honda civic with the music so loud i can't even hear my exhaust. I'm all for a new road test every 10 years or so.
  17. Hey everyone - I know it's been a while since I've posted anything here, but I just wanted to let everyone know that me and a few friends have put together a band, and we're looking for supporters. We're based out of Hopewell Jct (Dutchess), and we play a hard rock/metal type of music. (All original - no covers as of yet.) The name of the band is Rupture, and we are going to the recording studio this weekend to do our demo CD. Once those are out, I'll make a post on how to get a copy, and where we will be playing. For now, I have some samples of songs on our myspace page which can be found here: Rupture's Myspace . Please add us, and enjoy the music!
  18. You're forgetting.... 1. Cracked Heads Every Valve Rattles Oil Leaks Every Time. 2. Dear Old Dads Geriatric Express 3. Dumb Owner Didnt Get Enough Used to be a chevy guy, until "Mustang-1" came into the picture
  19. 1 Is a regular air horn, the other 5 play DIXIE!!!!
  20. The new addition to the driver training checklist in Mamaroneck EMS - "Attach outboard motor and oars before leaving"
  21. If I remember correctly, I've seen E40 Stationed with E41, and L21 stationed with E42. I could be wrong, but I think that's what I saw the last time I drove by those houses.
  22. Sounds like a good time - Bet your asses I'll be there!
  23. Date:4/14/07 Time: 1332HRS Location: I-95 NB at Potter Ave Bridge Frequency: 460.4625 Units Operating: NRFD: E21, E24, L13, R4, 2302. NREMS: 30A1, 30A2, 30A3. NYSP - THRUWAY Description Of Incident: 3 Car MVA, initial dispatch as extrication. 1 patient "trapped" between middle row of seat and front seat in minivan. 4 total patients, 2 trauma alerts, 1 ambulatory to Soundshore via 30A1/30A3. 1 Trauma to Jacobi via 30A2. Also, during incident, 66A1 Relocated to NRFD Sta1, and took in another EMS call at 247 Drake Ave Writer: 648eng119
  24. Hey Vinny - just keep in mind - cameras and water DO NOT MIX! (Kind of like rigid pulse-oximiters and infants, lmao) All in all, i hope this is all a bunch of hype. I know the OT opportunities will be coming in from both the county and transcare, but i just want a nice, q***t (i don't dare type the word) Sunday at home.
  25. Very well said. It's something that I'm sure many people seldom think of, but you made a lot of very good points. (Except the whole LIME fire truck thing!! J/K x635!)