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Everything posted by x648eng119

  1. True - but in reality, it's everybodys responsiblility
  2. I'd rather her say that than "Having trouble getting it up?' Thats just disturbing!
  3. This one is also pretty good http://www.crapville.com/games/skate.asp
  4. Gee, thanks. Never say the "B" word - or the "Q" word for that matter! I'm sensing a Croton Falls call around, oh, 0230hrs!!
  5. Yes, it is - and i changed the title of this thread to properly reflect that. Now I'll probably spend my whole night trying to break 301.4 in between calls!
  6. Update...0459Hrs - 299.4M - Lets see anyone beat that!
  7. nah - tylenol with codine - i don't mess around!!! JUST KIDDING!!
  8. Luckily, I've been off during the last storms, but monday night is the last tour in this rotation - I think i may be stuck this time :sadblinky:
  9. Good God Man - haven't we had enough already!! And i know plenty of people are going to reply, saying bring on the white gold - especially p'ville 2372. Well, you all can BITE ME!!
  10. That's what i'm sayin - way to put it wolfie
  11. Any further info on this? Any picts? what kind of cab? (Former LFD cab?)
  12. :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: While working a paramedic shift, everybody's favorite dispatcher/medic had an unfortunate incident with a "vicious" dog and injured his leg. Best wishes and a speedy recovery to paramedic Granville.
  13. In the experience I have with EMD, it doesn't change the type of response, but sometimes it will determine who gets sent on the call. ie:a call that comes up with a level A or B respnse may not get FD first response, or a medic, depending on the area, whereas C, D, and E (Possibly O) would get everything.
  14. You can't take what this guy said personal!! He has every right to speak his mind. I don't agree with everything he said either. But some of his thinking isn't far off. Every job has its Heroes! Not just Firefighters. :wink: I'm not taking it personally, but i still think he's a d$!%&ebag!
  15. VERY nice looking rig. Good luck with it, and may it serve you well for many years to come.
  16. Appearently the injury was nothing serious, and 45M1 was back on the road less than an hour after the incident. Yay!! =D> =D> =D>
  17. Date: 2/23/05 Time: 0840Hrs Location: In Area of 465 North State Rd - Nearest Cross: Taconic St. Pkwy Frequency: 46.26 Units Operating: 53B1, R37, 2051 Description Of Incident: Briarcliff FD/EMS toned out for MVA Rollover on N. State Rd near TSP. Writer: 648eng119
  18. Speculation - Plus, I'd rather get a little more than I need to buy it so I can put some money into it to repair a few minor things.
  19. I 2nd that motion - LONG LIVE DA MACKS!!
  20. DEAL! - That goes for anyone else who wants to chip in. I need appx 50-60 Gs
  21. unfortunatley, the 2 go hand in hand - if there was a such thing as snow in warm weather, i wouldn't mind it
  22. That's how i feel about "old man winter" He should be excecuted.