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Posts posted by wcr20

  1. It's not clear from your original post - but are the VAC radios on the same frequencies as the PD? Can you talk directly with the PD cars/portables, and they with you, or does a dispatcher need to relay between 2 rados or frequencies? If a PO is standing next to you - and he can talk to the same dispatcher on the same frequencies and same base radios (and/or repeaters) that you are using and you cannot- then you have a problem with the portable radios - could be misprogrammed etc. If you cant HEAR the same dispatcher on the same frequency that the cop standing net to you can hear, then that is also indicative of a portable problem, but a different symptom. That could be programming, tuning and sensitivity, choice of antenna, etc. All of those should be discussed with your radio vendor.

    No - If you are NOT on the same frequency/system as the PD, but talking to the same dispatcher on a different radio in thier console - then thats a whole different problem.

    I think the original response from Capt. Barry is right - call your vendor right away. No one here is going to be able to solve this for you without tons of more specific info, and probably a lot of expensive hardare

  2. I've watched it several times - and I'm not sure that you can draw that conclusion properly Seth - Like many reality shows, careful scrutiny of editing leaves me wondering - ie: cut from shot of trooper driving a charger to what is likely a stock helicopter or stationary shot of a CVPI blazing by, to a cut back to the interior shot of the Dodge.

  3. I can think of a coupla possibles...

    some sort of mesh/data network for one of the utilities

    weather reporting remote stations

    Radiation/Chemical or some other type of 'homeland security' device

    though i dont know if these types of things would be so dense or not

  4. Not really 'smaller' - but under the heading of different - several departments in the area of Skokie IL use high and low top full size vans - they are generally set up with a comms desk and/or command post inside and out of the weather (as opposed to under the open hatch of an SUV).

    Oh - I should note that these are full time career departments and the vans are the on-duty Battallion vehicle

  5. After living in Chicago for 8 years I can tell you that on 'melty' days it happens regularly - All the buildings put up signs on the sidewalks "Beware of Falling Ice", and at the company i used to work for, they actually reroute foot traffic off the sidewalk and into the portion of the walkway that is recessed under the 2nd floor of the building. THe stuff falls off the elevated tracks in the loop too - its hard to avoid getting hit by something.

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