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Everything posted by nfd2004

  1. There are ambulance services that also charge for "NOT TRANSPORTING". If someone refuses to be transported, they sign the wavier requesting no transport (they didn't call for the ambulance). And a few weeks down the road, a bill shows up for Not Transporting.
  2. I remember this incident well. Police Officers gunned down just for being there. And as posted previous many other officers of the NYPD gunned down for the same reason. Just for being there and being cops. Thosewere some very Tough years. Thank You for remembering.
  3. Very sad story. My condolunces to the Boone County Ambulance Service and to this very young womans family. May she Rest in Peace.
  4. Here's a story I posted on another web site a few years ago. I called it "The Story of Little Nick". There's just some things you never forget. For me, this was one of them. So if you'd like to read the story of this young guy who is no longer with us. And I also ask that you go down to the bottom of the page to see his picture. Thank you.
  5. After reading these post and knowing what I know, I think I'd put my priority in Bridgeport AMR. They get plenty of action. Not that far from NYC, and Fairfield and Bridgeport Fire Depts respond only as First Responder BLS. You would get to use those paramedic skills all the time. About the only problem I would see there is I guess no union protection. Where as in some of the other AMR Offices like New Haven, I guess there is. These tight economic times, it just might be something to consider. But the doors are open for you. The entire medical field is about the only place these days with some type of job security and fairly decent pay and benefits. If I were a young guy myself, thats where I'd be looking into. I think I'd really enjoy working in the streets, espically a busy area like Bridgeport or New Haven. Later, I'd probadly look into becoming a firefighter/paramedic or a nurse. Everybody can't be a nurse, firefighter or paramedic though. Then I would probadly turn towards a "911" dispatcher. Pretty much the same thing. Job Security, pay, benefits etc. And with all of the above, the biggest benefit comes from helping people everyday you work.
  6. If its ACTION you want, certainly AMR in Bridgeport and New Haven are the places to be. I have a brother-in-law who works at AMR in Bridgeport and he's got stories to tell every time I see him. But he also does routine transfers, however he is an EMT and not a Medic. Maybe that makes a difference. Besides, most of AMR covers the surrounding towns which are busy within themselves. Another thing is I believe AMR is a Nationwide Company. I would GUESS that you could transfer throughout if you ever wanted to. I live in Norwich, Ct about 120 miles from NYC. We have American Ambulance as our primary responder/transport, and they also do many paramedic intercepts with many surrounding towns. However, I know they also do many routine transfers. Have you considered working for a city fire dept ? I know here in Connecticut, many are looking to hire Paramedics. I think New Haven is short about 70 Firefighters and may be giving a test soon. They probadly will need paramedic/firefighters as they are also planning on adding another ALS response unit. I have a good friend who just left one fire dept to go on another. They hired him in a heartbeat because he is a medic. He gets a nice extra payment for being a medic too.
  7. From what I have heard and read, most people involved seem to agree with you.
  8. Anybody know where I can buy a DVD of this documentry ?
  9. The last I remember reading on this site is that the City of Newburgh was planning on laying off 12 firefighters leaving the city with only One Engine, One Ladder, with three guys on each, and a Chief. Is this still the case ? If it is, six guys really can't do much with this fire.
  10. George "efd..", I heard that very sad story about the ATF agent, former War Vet being shot and killed on the radio. It sure is a sad story. Picking up meds for his sick father, who was also a NYPD retired Police Officer. As I remember the story, he had just lost his wife also. And now to think some scumbag took his son away too. I have no use for these people. I have two nephews, one died of a drug overdose on Christmas a few years ago, and his brother is still using. He goes to the hospital ER all the time to try and get pain pills. He's always given me a tough time, spent several years behind bars for stealing, and totally ruined my parents house that we let him stay in because at one point we tried to help him. He's been fired from every job he ever had. Basically, a useless piece of $hit. And now we read about all these pharmacy robberies and a True American dying because of some scumbag here right in our own country. Plus the other incident that ny10570 talks about claiming four lives.
  11. I thought this guy asked for ADVICE, not if we worked for the FDNY or not. I guess my expertise came in with giving ADVICE to many others to get on several career fire depts, INCLUDING the FDNY. Maybe you can go to and look up what was written about a year or two ago on a thread called "I'm Proud of Them". It tells there, just some of the people that followed the ADVICE of myself and a few others. And by the way, I believe one of those now a career firefighter with the FDNY Special Ops. I'm sorry for just trying to help. I wasn't aware that he was only interested in responses from FDNY members. And by the way, I am a full supporter of the FDNY and the FDNY EMS. Read some of my hundreds of posts over the last few years on this and other web sites.
  12. I agree with Every one of the statements above. And I certainly agree with "EMTDelta" on here. Besides, how do you know that he/she isn't investigating you. It happens all the time. People tell their stories on a site like this for the world to see. I'm sure its very easy to find out exactly who you are regardless of any user name. Regardless, you better be honest about any wrong doings. But I will also tell you that we all make mistakes in our lives. Like somebody says, the dept will take a reformed anything over a liar.
  13. Bridgeport, Ct total calls for "2011"....14,982 (Thanks to Lt Andy Ellis Bpts TL 5) Eng 1...2928 runs Eng 3...2691 Eng 10...2127 Eng 4...1865 Eng 6...1804 Eng 12...1737 Eng 16...1295 Eng 7...1210 Eng 15...934 TL 5...2196 L 10...1273 L 11...965 L 6...760 Rescue 5...1181 Batt 1...769 Batt 2...503 Safety Officer...401 (started August)
  14. Connecticuts Busiest Cities for Workers taken from . In order to be considered a "Worker", at least one line had to be stretched, and operating within a building fire. 1) New Haven - 74 2) Hartford - 68 3) Bridgeport - 55 4) Waterbury - 30 5) Stamford - 29 6) Stratford - 27 7) Meriden - 26 8) East Haven - 23 9) Danbury - 21 10) Southington - 19 11) Fairfield - 18 *12) New Britian - 17 (tie) *13) Norwalk - 17 (tie) 14) Manchester - 16 15) East Hartford - 15
  15. "Timmy", I think you might be referring to the "Fire Zone". Yes, it really is Excellent for the family. Last I knew there was a program which shows what happens in a fire. There is also the front of a fire engine where the kids can sit in and actually feel they are riding in an FDNY pumper. I didn't want to leave that. They transmitted a 10-75 over the radio. But the Fire Zone is a Great place to visit for the young family.
  16. I certainly was not aware of that. I never knew Satellite 1 was located there. Also, the FDNY Fire Musuem is a Great place to visit. Another excellent place to visit with the family is the FDNY Fire Zone located near Rockerfella Center. But most of my visits to the FDNY have been in the area "CBX4627" is familiar with.
  17. A little off track here, but I'm under the impression that White Plains runs with only two guys on a rig. Is that True ? P.S....... I hope not, thats a pretty good size city.
  18. My Sincere Condolunces go out to the Family and Friends of this very Tragic event. I'm sure those Stamford (Ct) Firefighters did everything they could to attempt to try and save those people. But sometimes things are beyond our control no matter what we do. And for those family and friends, and those Stamford Firefighters, Christmas will NEVER be the same.
  19. I had the privilage of meeting Chief Fitzpatrick last October. He gave us a tour of the Yonkers Fire Dept Special Operations Unit. "You just know when you see somebody who's really into the job". Such was the case when I met him for that one day. I certainly wish Chief Fitzpatrick a Happy and Healthy, well deserved, retirement.
  20. From what I understand, The City of New Haven (Ct) will be doing a similiar tactic. They plan to close down Engine 8, which shares quarters with Squad Co 1 and replace Engine 8 with an EMS ALS Unit. EMS is now the priority of the fire service. Over the years, with the help of the insurance companies, we have talked ourselves right out of business. When cities that were once doing 30 working fires a month are now doing 2 fires a month, its kind of hard to defend keeping those fire companies. Over the last few years we preached smoke detectors, Learn not to burn, and now its working. Insurance companies insisted on having everything from car fires to building fires investigated, so if there was any question, the insurance company didn't have to pay a claim. Better building codes, the use of cell phones, and fire alarm systems for early detection have also played into it. Nothing wrong with any of this. Peoples lives are saved and they don't loose their property. BUT, from an Old School prospect, "we have been putting ourselves right out of business". Do you ever hear of a lawyer preaching to stop crime or accidents ? Of course not. They want job security. Of course I disagree with putting an Engine Co out of service, no matter what hours of the day it is. But our very own efforts have cut our own throats.
  21. And on a side note, whether you are in Uniform or Not, what you say and do can hurt you. You are no longer John Q. Citizen. You are now Firefighter So & So, and represent that dept. You are held to higher standards than most citizens. So In or Out of Uniform, you need to represent your dept well. Don't drag the other members through the mud if "YOU" happen to feel like making a FOOL of Yourself.
  22. Many depts (police, fire, etc)fought hard over the years to be able to live outside the city limits. Whether it was NYC or others. Sometimes they had to give up other things in order to get that. Police Officers and Firefighters die on the job whether they live in the city or not. And if people act in an UNcivilized manner, it doesn't matter where a police officer or anybody for that matter lives. You don't have to be a city resident to understand that some people are out to only cause trouble. And its not only police officers or out of town residents that have no use for them.
  23. Thanks very much Frank for that Excellent Report. I appreciate that also. May the Brooklyn C.O Rest in Peace.
  24. I think this kind of puts a little prespective on EGO Thinking. We can think that we are important with our titles and all the other so called important goodies. But there is probadly nobody more important in this country than the president of the United States. Now, these are the most important people in our country. Can you name them ? If you can then you're really good. Now, how about the Second most important people in our country, the Vice Presidents. So if you think you're somebody important, just remember most people can't even name the presidents of our country. And by the way, they pull their pants down to take a $hit just like everybody else does. We all have a job to do. If its to be in the fire service, so be it. If its to be a LEADER in the fire service, so be it. But nobody is better than anybody else. And no matter how good you might think you are, there's always somebody better. I hate to bust your ego bubble, but it is a fact. So go home and think about that. You are only a small speck in the system. So sorry if your feelings are hurt, but get over it and get over yourself.
  25. In Connecticut, so far most places have been very lucky in the fact that they haven't seen the cuts like in New York State. However, many cities made many cuts over the years and have trimmed their depts to the point that ANY working fire now requires mutual aid, there by taking fire companies away from their respective towns and cities. It is now the norm, rather than the exception. Politicians like to make funding available while they are in office to make themselves look good. When they leave, that funding disappears. Such is an example of where several police patrols were added in my own city. When the politician left to seek a higher office, they often explained how they INCREASED Service, crime was reduced etc. What they didn't tell the people was that the funding for that program would eventually dry up after cutting it 25 % per year. As a result, those Community Police Officers that were used for ones Political Future, does NOT exist as I write this. And we're back to the crime the way it was before. And as was mentioned earlier, we should expect to see cuts due to the economy these days. Don't put the blame on the people who get paid to risk their life and who help us every single day of the year. Put the blame where it belongs. The Politicians that gave away money on Pipedream projects for the advancement of their own political future. And as a reminder, every contract that is signed by the city for police, fire, etc, MUST Be Approved by ALL Parties. With that said, for me it doesn't matter if a cop sits at a coffee shop all day long, or a firefighter plays games in the firehouse every day of the year. But when I call that well known "911" phone number, "they better be ready to perform".