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Everything posted by BIGRED1

  1. That's a disgrace. These kids are the worst.
  2. Ouch, that will clear the cobwebs out your head. he seems ok. Could have been a bit worse with a fall or even a serious head injury. Helmets save lives.
  3. I think that too many people are jumping on the under armor band wagon. The stuff works great for sports and the like. The 100% will melt fabric is not for firefighting. People think that since it wicks away sweat when playing football it will work when in a burning building. I am sure it is comfortable but it will melt if things get real bad. People have to remember that in a normal kitchen fire or something that is not real big you maybe be fine, but go into a real high heat environment and the stuff will melt to your skin and cause a real burn. I don't wear the stuff at work but it has been brought up as a idea. As mentioned they might have a FR line but i have never seen it. Just stick with the stuff that works.
  4. Maybe he was just too dumb to sentance? I always wondered the same thing. You hear about these criminals who have 70 prior arrests. I would think that at some point a judge would say " ya, life in the real world is not working for you. Maybe a place where your bad decisions don't effect society is more your speed." It's funny cause good people never get a second strike let alone a 78. You make one mistake and then they throw the book at you. Lock you up and throw the key. I am not a lawyer but i would think that after they let you off because it's your first offence, its jail time each felony after that.
  5. Saw it and it was great. Really well done. It follows these guys lives and sucks you right in. I think we all know that Detroit is in some troble but seeing it on the film and you realize just how little we know about thier struggles. You will leave the theater effected and deep in thought.
  6. Got my tickets for Sat. Been looking forward for this for a while. Look like a great documentary.
  7. This thing looks massive. Even if it hits Delaware, it gonna dump a ton of rain and moisture into our path. I would expect a couple of days of the suck. Don't forget like 7 changes of clothing and dry socks if your working this weekend. On the upside, if it hits Monday / Tuesday we will all have stocked up on emergency food consisting of snickers, milking way , M&M's , and Milk Duds
  8. I see no reason why the helmet can't be juist given to the guy who wore it. It is a object. The object had a value when it was new. After being used and as time past it depriciated. Now it is not of any value casue it is A) used and is "out of NFPA compliance" I would like to keep my helmet when i retire someday.
  9. I was there the other day with my nephew who is in the coast guard. He had never seen it so i said lets go take a look. Went in and was shocked at the way people acted. I mean it has turned into another tourist attractions. It's like "Lets go take some pic infront of the Wall Street Bull, Empire State and oh ya lets go into Ground Zero, nice pic for the family album". I was just sad and annoying. I mean I saw alot of the same stuff going on. Kids running around, people talking on their cells phones loudly. Had a family ask if i could take a picture of them. I did since I am a nice New Yorker, but they had these big smiles like it was the Statue of Liberty! It's a memorial, have some respect!
  10. I agree. Bill Engvall has been preaching this in his act for years( "Here's Your Sign"). But instead of a sign you get a nice little scar on your back or more often your hand. Shake a kids hand and there it is. You would know right away that maybe this kid ain't cut out for that job at Mcdonalds. But in all seriousness, there is always gonna be some new fad or stupid thing kids are gonna do. Could be the bath salt thing, the strangulation, Huffing glade, etc. I say maybe we should take a year off from safety speeches and let a little dawinism do it's thing.
  11. Is anyone else a little pissed that Google has some crap about the first drive in as their daily theme and not something for D-day? Show some respect
  12. Don't let my wife know, she will have me picking stuff up everytime i need a refill.
  13. Thanks for the info. I Don't think that the two really compare, since one is receiveing services free of charge, while a company saying that they will offer a discount to MOS is just a way to get more business and just plain a good move. Here is how i see it. If they offered me a discount then i would pass it on to the people i know. That in turn makes guys go there instead of say Home Depot/Lowes/ etc which are currently choking the little guys out. Maybe i will see something in the store about the services they offer. I need a tree cut. BOOM by extending courtesy you have helped your business. We all do this everyday. A business give you good service you want to shop there. Someone give you a hard time or makes you upset, you no longer give them your business.
  14. Thanks. Thats pretty close to get too. I had seen thier website and it i was tree pruning company so i was kind like huh. Do they offer firefighter discounts? I know some places do.
  15. Anyone know a place to get propane tanks refilled in southern westchester around New Rochelle? With the summer around the corner and weather getting better i want to fire up the new grill but have no idea where to get propane fuel. I know you can exchange tanks at some places but I prefer to use my own tank. Also i think it is cheaper to refill rather then exchange. They sell empty bottles in Home Depot but they don't fill them and they have no idea where you can.
  16. Well it is not a new idea but it is still a decent idea. Not great as per the above mentioned reason of zero front end protection. Perhaps there is heavy gauge support under the trough up into the bumper. I would think that in a crash that thing would fold like a cheap suit.
  17. Oh you just give them the wrong answers. If they dumb enough to cheat, then they wont need to pass anyway. Just one more person you did better then All kidding aside, cheating is bad and its mere allegation taints the pool of candidates. These two buffoons need to be shown the door and room needs to be made for the honest guys who study and break their asses going to classes and hitting the books instead of the bar (most nights )
  18. Does he mean like the roof props near mask confidence? There really is nothing outside. All the hand tools are in the well protected shed, the ladders are all inside the tower (from what I remember), Even the door simulator is inside. When was the last time you were at the training center? I mean the rail car is fine outside, all the propane trees are ok, Really the only thing that is effected by the weather in the smoke house basement.
  19. It builds character. Teaches them that firefighting is a hard job. Even when your not in a burning building, your still working. I remember the many times having to lug two bottles to get filled during FAST in the summer. Meanwhile the instructors took the gator over. I think the facility is great and enjoy using it. Could it be improved? Sure but what placed couldn't be improved. There is new technologies coming around everyday. Would be great to have a flashover simulator but it is not in the cards right now. Maybe next year, maybe never. Just use what they got, train hard, train often, train safe.
  20. The old senior men are gonna pass that knowledge on to the future senior men. The guys who are there to keep the couch warm will not seek these guys out and will just kinda be stagnant. I see nothing wrong with asking why. It is how we learn. Why do we do the 7-9-8 that way? Why should should you feel the door with the back of your hand instead of the finger tips? It is when you get the smart a** guys asking why should I clean the bathroom, the other guys don't. Why should I check the rig, it has not gone out in a week. These guys will be left on the side as the core firefighters press on and carry on the traditions and then teach the new guys when they become senior men.
  21. The story This is a real shame. Shows that these returning Vets and active military are always trying to help people.
  22. I guess if you keep it light and somewhat PC it is ok. But no one should be criticizing their department and definitely not John Q Public. We all have funny stuff happen and maybe want to share it. But if i am reading you right, people should not be airing their grievances on Facebook or the like. If you have such an issue maybe you should take a step back and see what you are really complaining about. Is it deeper then "this guy is a tool"? On the other hand maybe there is a outside issue rearing it's head (ie. trouble with the wife, substance abuse, etc.). I think we as emergency personnel should put the best face forward because "Do it perfect and no one remembers, screw it up and no one forgets"
  23. I have to agree with you. These vids are amazing. The first one was scary but i thought "any given Sunday". everyone has one of those days and we don't all run perfect calls every time. But this is the norm for these guys. Sub par everyday, every run. I have a feeling this is one of those departments where the Chief is 27 years old. How they have not had a LODD yet is amazing.
  24. Wow great vid. The guy with the garden hose was clutch out there. You see him knocking back that fire? WOW. So ya these guys are all over the place. Did everyone get out of the rig masked, up on air? Check. No clue how to hit the switch to shut off the Q? Check. Advancing the line to the front with JUST a mask and no pack on? Check Everyone got a tool so the neighbors think we know what we are doing? Check I found this vid as well.