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Everything posted by Bababoosky

  1. YES!!!!!! Hopefully there will be some JUSTICE in this matter! The right person for the right job!
  2. What a shame. Since the k-9's are considered officers, would this be an LODD?
  3. For $25K a year? They are probably making LESS than the cab driver. I know its wrong, but on the scale of priorities, finding someone a cab is not the job of the police.
  4. From what I saw in the Yonkers video, the perp was resisting. There was a large number of Police Officers there to assist in the arrest. There was no brutality (in that video) They just subdued the perp, and carrying his non compliant behind to the car.
  5. What the hell is wrong with companies today? Knowingly selling hats with gang insignia's?!?!
  6. I guess the rest of the people can just watch their dreams burn...
  7. I think its built in to the $40 charge, i could be wrong though
  8. Where are all the kids gonna bring there cars now to drag race and do burnouts? Thursday nights was one of the best local carshows around
  9. The best way I have ever heard for a man to tell his wife that he wants a divorce!
  10. Honestly, why do you think that United Hospital closed down in Port Chester? The inability of the majority of their patients to pay their bills, plus they would just walk out on them anyways. This is an ugly growing trend in the healthcare industry and its sickening to know that yours and my co-pay, and taxes increase every year because of this.
  11. I wish they would have shown that in Hi-Def. Nothing would have been better than the shuttle launch on the plasma and surround sound!
  12. Does this have anything to do with the direct privatization of hospitals? Or does it seem more like an HMO issue? Hospitals around here are losing money everyday on patients that walk in to the ER, get treated, and vanish as if they never existed. THis leaves the hospital to foot the bill. Hopefully more money from the government will allow for the remaining burn centers to stay open, or in fact, increase their size and their staff.
  13. That stinks, I can remember as a little kid going to clam bakes at the Firehouse with my father. I am sorry that you had to cancel. Perhaps ticket sales at the door would have yielded a better result?
  14. Here is the story about the car accident in Yonkers
  15. I can't say that its a bad thing, making people not smoke, but i DO NOT agree with this rule. Gumby is right, your break is your time. Are the employees going to be able to go to their cars and have a butt without fear of being fired? I used to smoke for a long time and quit, for the first 3 months i was CRANKY. Nothing like having a cranky nurse at a hospital (are there any other kinds?) because they didn't get her hourly cigarette.
  16. funny how the fire chief is a former president of the vulcans, his brother in law filed the paperwork that stopped the promotion and signed it as the president of the vulcans, funny how the push was on for the new list and the fire chiefs other brother in law is #5 on the list and also is in the chain of command for the vulcans! something stinks here!
  17. You have to change the provider from Nextel to Sprint on the hiplink (ipage) website. We had a problem with this in our department, but that seems to have rectified it. Another problem has emerged though. Several of our members have Crackberries with different service providers. They don't receive any of the txt messages. Anyone else come across this issue?
  18. Jonathan Lovett used to be the county attorney. He is a great lawyer and loves nothing more than sticking it to the man!
  19. He was just following his daddy and going "green"
  20. So, what agencies are going to be operating at the Kensico Dam tonight for the opening ceremonies? They are expecting around 18 thousand people (more than three times what was at the fireworks show!). I know that Valhalla and North White Plains will be there. I am sure County PD, North Castle, Mt. PLeasant, and DEP will be also be operating. Any other information? P.S. Come 4PM it's going to be a nightmare to try and get anywhere around this aread due to the massive amount of people and traffic! Be Safe
  21. This could be a better resolution to stand offs, instead of risking their lives getting too close to use a non-lethal weapon.
  22. Ask and you shall receive XREP Promotional Video XREP Informational Video
  23. WOW...... Since I can't seem to embed the vid, Watch Me
  24. Yes, they do. "911 Puppet Emergency, how can I assist you" "Oh thank God, someone has their hand jammed in my @ss"