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Everything posted by LCFD968

  1. Here are some photos from Extreme Makeover's website. Mr. Arena it was honor to be a part of it. Congrats and Good Luck to you and the whole family. Arena Photos from Extreme Makeover website
  2. I'd have to go with you even out the boat....LOL
  3. Awesome show. I would love to do that but when that guy wigged out and that had to go back to shore i figured that would be me. Thank goodness for DVR's i record every show.
  4. I go there at least 5 times a year to the one on Overlook Dr.(except last year, I went once). Bring up your camping chairs stop by Planet Wings and relax for two movies.There is an awesome Ice Cream Shop right there. Its a great time. Here is the link to the web page. Overlook Drive-In Schedule
  5. NY Journal News Click on link for an awesome slide show.
  6. How about they built that house in 5 days!!!!! Tore down house on Friday and started building on Saturday. Everybody remember May 14th the show airs.
  7. All i can say is WHAT AN HONOR!!! I spent over 12 hours there yesterday (Monday) and WOW!!!! My dogs(feet) are screaming. Great job by the Allure contractors especially Tommy with the loudspeaker barking out the orders. Its was great. Somebody said in an earlier post that time flew while they were there. I can vouch for that. You'd be working then take a little brake and eat lunch. Next thing i knew the volunteers are walking around saying dinners on. Time was flying. Even the band in the house behind the Arena's home was awesome. Good luck to the Arena's and their new home.
  8. I will attending for the first time on Thursday. Should be cool. Any tips on where to park?
  9. As I sit here at work chomping down on my Double egg, double cheese and bacon on a roll from Carmel Deli and bagel I am wondering what everybody's prefrence is in the morning. What are the the awesome sandwichs and where do you get them. I once had a Bacon, Egg, Chili (yes chili!)and cheese from a deli in Portchester that was real good going down but a little regretful while blue fishing in the afternoon. So, what does everbody eat and where do you get it from?
  10. Just the man trying to keep a brother down!!!!!!!!!!!!!AGAIN!!!!!
  11. Sorry for the late notice. Lake Carmel Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary Are Having their annual Pancake Breakfast Sunday MArch 19th, 2006 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am at the Lake Carmel FD Main Station 851 Route 52 Carmel, NY
  12. Date: 3-5-06 Time:1400 hrs Location: The woods off Bowen Rd. Frequency: Units Operating: Lake Carmel, 17-2-3, 17-4-4, 17-3-3, 17-8-1 17-1-1, 17-1-2, 17-1-3, 17-9-5, 17-9-6, Brewtser FD, 11-2-4 (4 wheel drive engine), 11-3-2, 11-1-1 Kent 16-2-1 (4 wheel Mni attack) Carmel VAC 31-7-2 County Car 5 & County Car 8 Description Of Incident:Called in by county car 8, a column of black smoke can be seen unknown location, put Lake Carmel FD on standby until they can find the source. Narrowed it down to a section of woods off Bowen Rd. Drove approx. 1/2 a mile to a mile into woods and found a 20 x 30' hunting cabin fully involved. The trail to get there was snow covered and it was a challenge to get to the scene( helicopter drop would have been easier). Brewster and Kent Fd both have 4 wheel drive engines. Writer: LCFD968
  13. TK's American Cafe Tk's American Cafe in Dunbury Conn. 32 flavors of wings MMMM MMMM MMMMMM Good.
  14. Volunteer Firefighter Numbers Down Nationwide There are more than a million firefighters across the country, and three fourths of them are volunteers. But their numbers are declining. The National Volunteer Fire Council says there has been a 10% drop in volunteers over the last two decades. They are also reporting an increase in the number of calls. Between checking the equipment, false alarms, and of course, fighting fires, being a volunteer firefighter is like a second job. "We're not here all the time, but we try to be here as much as possible," says German Township, Indiana Fire Department Captain Ron Melser. Except with this job, you don't get a paycheck. When you are called out, it's time you spend away from your job, or your family. "Most of the people in the fire department have a family. So, we have kids, but we don't get to see them very often," says Melser. "You want to help, that's what you want to do, but you have a family also, so those are the kind of decisions you have to make as a volunteer" says German Township Fire Volunteer, Captain Ken Miller. Those are a couple of reasons why firefighters say volunteer numbers are down At German Township they have 14 volunteers, which is half the manpower they really need. "We've had up to 30, some odd firefighters and then we've been down to as less as 12," says Melser. That's why when fires occur, you will likely see multiple fire departments helping out. Also, firefighters say, these days with volunteers, there is more training involved. "A lot of training, a lot of EMS; our department is advanced support, so we have a lot of schooling for that," explains Miller. But to some volunteers, that's just part of the job. "We take a lot of pride in being there on time and taking care of them, giving them the best care they can get until they get to the hospital," says Miller. Volunteer firefighters at German Township do get paid every month for vehicle and equipment maintenance. However, it is a very small amount considering on average, it costs about $7000 to train and equip a volunteer.
  15. We are looking to buy a Rescue Truck or Rescue Pumper in the near future. What is the opinion of putting a cascade system on the truck? Our neighboring department has one on there Rescue if we ever needed it at the scene and we have a unit at our Sub Station. The first 2 rigs on scene at a structure fire 10 packs and 17 spare cylinders. The rescue carries an additional 6 packs with approx. 15 spare cylinders.
  16. This was also in the 05' Trailblazer 6 cylinder and i think the 8 cylinder. I do think it looks kind of like a trailblazer on steroids. its going to be one of those that grow on you if you don't like it.
  17. I like it. Makes it easier read. Keep up the good work!!!
  18. Carmel FD has one on there Rescue
  19. I am proud to say that 17-2-3 is now in service and yes it fits on ALL of the roads in our district.
  20. Thank you everybody here responses. BFD1054, I think Bucannon FD just got put on the mutaul aid list for Lake Carmel FD, LOL!!!!! All kidding aside, we are a bedroom community and i dont think it would serve a purpose in our fire district to have a cascade system put on the new truck when Carmel FD has one right down the road. It just seems that cons being money factor, weight issue and taking up space outweigh the pro's of just having the cascade there. Not when Bucannon can be here in 20 minutes, LOL!!!
  21. WOW!!! Incredible footage. I was trying to see if there was airbag deployment or not. if so its going to a few minutes before they shake the cob webs out of there head. As for the people that just drive by what BS. It just shows you that most people are all about themself and the cant be bothered. "they will read about it in tomorrows newspaper and say that they were there"
  22. Chief Robert Shannon 1st Asst Chief Ed Schaeffler 2nd Asst Chief Jim Hauth Captains: Justyn Lewis, Mary Beth Stimson and Shawn Madsen Lieutenants:Dave Churchill, Scott Pompei, Bob Schaniel, Ron Paulson Brant Ryan, PJ Ryan and John Ryan. Ambulance 1st Lieutenant: Erin Fitzsimmons 2nd Lieutenant: Chuck Flickinger Fire Police Lieutenant: Tom Felicco President: Tom Bellmio Vice President: Ed Schaeffler Sr Recording Secretary: Betty Bachman Corresponding Secretary: Lou Stadler Financial Secretary: Ron Duonola Treasurer: Frank Miale Board of Directors: Cathy Lewis, Mat Dzubak, Ed Hallisey, Jack Hayes, Low Ellman and Fran McCarthy Good Luck to all!!!!
  23. A great place for custom decals is I have a decal from them on the back window of my Avalanche.