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NY Firefighter Critical-Burned (The Secret List)

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Given the recent discussions about Bowling Alley Fires, I thought I'd share this:


We have been advised that a fire in a bowling alley with a bow string roof resulted in a collapse and critically injured a firefighter in Oneida (NY) this morning.

Initial reports are that at least 2 firefighters who were operating inside of the bow string truss structure became trapped under the collapse. One was able to free himself and immediately called a mayday. One other firefighter was unable to free himself. The first firefighter (Lt) was able to pinpoint the location of the downed firefighter and a FAST/RIT team located him within moments of his air supply running out. His face piece was reported to be intact but he did suffer very serious burns. The FF was transported to the local hospital and later air lifted out. Local media has identified the injured firefighter as Mitch Dryer, a 2 year member of the Oneida City FD. FF Dryer remains in critical condition in the Burn Unit. Lieutenant Rob Cowles reportedly escaped without injuries. While we al l await additional facts, our deepest thoughts go out for FF Dryers recovery, his family and all the members of the OFD.

+++++TRUSS FAILURES AT FIRES: Additionally, CRITICAL information related to fires in TRUSS BUILDINGS can be found at:

Updates to follow.



The Secret List 4-22-07 / 1840 hours <>

Channel 9 News

News 10 Now story on FF Dryer.

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i was on the IAFF web site and it has a a link honoring the brothers from the front lines in iraq. Brother Dryer was one of those men. This is a real shame that this brother made it home from there on to get hurt here. my prayers go out to this brother and his family as well as the brothers for LOCAL 2692.

Edited by efd184

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Prayers for a successful and rapid recovery.

Very saddened that a truss roof has gotten another one of our brothers. Never forget the risks of trusses, especially those and the lessons past of bow string truss roofs!

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I spoke to Rob Cowles, Brother Dryer's Lieu. He said Dryer is recovering better then they thought. Rob got a bit banged up also, but is ok. I went to flip school with him, so I gave him a call.

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We all wish him well and a speedy recovery I understand that he is doing well but will not be able to return to firefighting duties. Here is just another example of "WHY" why are we risking our lives for a bowling alley?? It dosent make sense stop the insanity!!! stop sending men in for no apparent reasonor at least make it safe as possible and no way ina building that has been burning and has a truss roof--- Chief thats a deffiniation of insanity for sure.

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does anyone have any info on how this brother is doing?

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does anyone have any info on how this brother is doing?

There is a thread following the brother from Oneida's progress at .

He is still in the hospital, and his wife has been posting to the site on a regular basis. According to one of her last posts, he is doing well overall, but was faced with the decision of having his elbow fused or his arm amputated. He underwent the amputation surgery and is doing well, and she states he is in good spirits.

Wish him the best.

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There is a thread following the brother from Oneida's progress at . 

He is still in the hospital, and his wife has been posting to the site on a regular basis.  According to one of her last posts, he is doing well overall, but was faced with the decision of having his elbow fused or his arm amputated.  He underwent the amputation surgery and is doing well, and she states he is in good spirits. 

Wish him the best.

thanks for the info brother

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In defense of the members injured, there was no visible fire on arrival. Two members entered the building to locate the fire in good visibility and found a small pile of burning debris at floor level when the roof collapsed within minutes of the initial arrival.

Staffing is 5 career FF's on duty, no volunteers in department. IC was doing an outside 360 at time of collapse. The remaining members and returning off duty members (recall) did an outstanding job of rescuing FF Dryer while there was significant risk to their own lives. They did not give up when many others may have, and even the injured lieutenant re-entered to aid in the understaffed rescue. Kudos to the Oneida FF's.

Please be slower to Monday Morning QB when few facts are known.

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Prayers for a speedy recovery

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The injured firefighter was just released from the hospital.

Click Here

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