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Name Change of VAC to EMS

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When Officers and Members decide to change the name or lettering on

the Ambulance from "XXX Volunteer Ambulance Corps" to "XXX EMS" do you need

to change your DBA, Corporation Name, NYS DOH Paperwork, NYS DOH Certification, Etc?

I've noticed a lot of VAC's make this change.

Does "EMS" look cool? Sound more professional?

Will the name change effect donations?

Personally, I think you want the public to know you are Volunteer.

Be proud of who you are.... Volunteer Ambulance Corps.

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Perhaps some corps are making this change because EMS is a more recognized term to the public. Most people are familiar with what EMS stands for but I know for a fact many people do not have a clue what VAC stands for.

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If you put Volunteer Ambulance Corps on the side of the bus, I think people get the point.

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If you put Volunteer Ambulance Corps on the side of the bus, I think people get the point.

Yes, but if you limited for space and just use VAC, I don't think most people would get it.

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for the rigs i prefer the "volunteer ambulance corps" on it. the only thing i changed from "valhalla vac" to "valhalla ems" was the back of our shirts, and yes it's simply because 'EMS' is more recognized than VAC. honestly, i just got sick of people asking me "what does VAC mean?"

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According to NYS DOH whatever name is on your CON is the name that has to be on also on your vehicles. Whether or not that is strictly enforced is another area of debate.

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On our t-shirts we have "EMS" on the back because it take up a lot less room. On our First Response Vehice we have "EMS" instead of Volunteer Ambulance Corps.

This is because we are limited to the amount of room for the lettering.

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According to NYS DOH whatever name is on your CON is the name that has to be on also on your vehicles.  Whether or not that is strictly enforced is another area of debate.

Its enforced. I think Millerton, which went from a village fire dept to a fire district, just had a problem because the name on the rig didn't match their certificate.

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Some agencies have switched the names on their rigs from "VAC" to "EMS" because they have paid personnel.

If you look at Peekskill they started that with the first one of their rigs with the current lettering scheme.

Ossining has "Ossining Volunteer Ambulance" on one side and "Ossining Ambulance" on the other. I am told it is because they have paid and volunteer, but who knows if that's true.

I like EMS but if you are officially recognized as a VAC or FD then you have to do what the law says.

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Yes, but if you limited for space and just use VAC, I don't think most people would get it.

As big as they're making ambulances these days you could put VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE CORPS and EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES end to end and not run out of space!!!! tongue.gif

ALS is right, if you go changing your "name" you better check with DOH folks and repaint some forms too or you might be on the wrong end of a DOH inspection...

I don't personally think that a VAC loses its "V" if it uses paid personnel to cover some shifts. If the agency is still operated primarily by volunteers and is incorporated as a non-profit agency, it is still a VAC in my book. Of course, that's my book and I'm the only one who reads it... biggrin.gif

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Limited for space???? Its an ambulance (moving Billboard) Remove 17 different colored stripes, you can write anything you want.

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I don't personally think that a VAC loses its "V" if it uses paid personnel to cover some shifts. If the agency is still operated primarily by volunteers and is incorporated as a non-profit agency, it is still a VAC in my book. Of course, that's my book and I'm the only one who reads it...

So true. Look at Portchester/Rye.....they are still named as a VAC (tho I don't recall how they label their rigs). How many vollies do they really have over there anymore? Everyone I know from there is paid. Same with OVAC. They only have about 5 or 6 volly paramedics anymore. All the rest are paid. No idea about EMTs, but even a lot of them are paid now too.

Edited by WAS967

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PC labels their buses Port Chester - Rye - Rye Brook EMS

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as long as the profit is not shared among the board you can be NOT FOR PROFIT. the buses should say EMS,That is what we are , also the public does not feel that they should pay the bill ,they say " well you're volunteers aren't you why should I pay"

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I think it is just that "time". EMS is becoming more recognizable as time goes on...Volunteer Ambulance Corps were the wave of the everyone wants to be EMS cause it sounds cool...JMO...but as one agency goes...others tend to follow suit. Empress used to be Ambulance Service...but now all of the rigs are labeled is their website. Peekskill is still PCVAC as far as I know and when the new logo was developed (+- 10 yrs ago) EMS was added to it. Hence the patch reading Peekskill EMS and then the ambulances followed as they were purchased. The old patch was oval and the new is the shield design. As I was saying, in my opinion it is a trend...just "new" and "fresh"

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I think EMS definately is the more professional title than Ambulance Corps. I think older titles are like squad and corps go back to the pre certification days. But if the goal is to retain the word volunteer in the name, what's wrong with Volunteer Emergency Medical Services, or at least Volunteer EMS? Who says it even needs to all fit ont he same line.

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