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Physical training

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Just wondering what kind of workouts some of you do. I have been using an ellipitical and also swimming. I wish to incorporate weight training as well. Any suggestions...more reps light weight....more weight...less reps...what are your thoughts???

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For football, we split our workouts into upper and lower days. I think the same sort of workout is great for the FF'ing buisness. We usually bench and squat...the to main things for your arms and legs. Also just plain old sit ups for your abbs so that you are a little more flexable and good for when ur are getting up and down. I use the same workout as football regurally. Also try to get some cardio in to build up your stamina. Those are the basic things you need. Thats what I mainly do.

Edited by NRFDTL11Buff

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I am a trainer on the side and have actually been helping out some cops/firemen on the side who feel they are out of shape. In all honesty, it really depends on the individual and what your specific needs are. Do you need cardio improvement? Do you need more endurance or strength??? Its hard to tell exactly what the person would need over the internet, but from what I've seen, most of the firemen I trained with needed a drastic improvement in their cardiovascular. In general, I would say that its all extremely important. Mix it up and keep the body guessing. Train your body to different movements and dont just stick to the "normal" routines. That will help train your body to function with everyday movements and maneuvars. So maybe one day, do some heavy weights, and some days, stick to light weights with higher reps, and another day, just do cardio alone....they are all good, but once again, it really does depend on the individual. Some might need more of one thing than the other, but they are all important. And another huge factor that I find most ppl neglect is the diet!!! Working out in the gym for 2 hours wont do much if you're going to go home and chug down a 6 pack of bud light and a bucket of fried chicken...

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I always hated and still do working out in a gym. SO boring for me.

I would love to swim, if I had my own pool.

I like active activities that keeps me physically and mentally strong, as well as builds my endurance. (although I'm out of doing anything at this moment except very light walking and some core-excercises tought in PT)

I have a 50lb weightvest with two 25lb attachments that I like to walk hills and stairs with. Although I do look like I have a bomb on, and get funny looks, it really does help with core strength and endurance. I also like to mountain bike, long tough walks, climb, anything active I can find to do.

And, although I hated it at first, I enjoyed running as a group in Probie School, and still like running somewhere other then a treadmill.

Yet, no matter what I do- I've tried all kinds of workouts and supplements, I can't get any definition or get "built". My doctor said once that I would have to eat large every hour of every day to gain muscle...that includes nightitme hours as well. Expensive and impossible. (KOW)

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I always hated and still do working out in a gym. SO boring for me.

I would love to swim, if I had my own pool.

I like active activities that keeps me physically and mentally strong, as well as builds my endurance. (although I'm out of doing anything at this moment except very light walking and some core-excercises tought in PT)

I have a 50lb weightvest with two 25lb attachments that I like to walk hills and stairs with. Although I do look like I have a bomb on, and get funny looks, it really does help with core strength and endurance. I also like to mountain bike, long tough walks, climb, anything active I can find to do.

And, although I hated it at first, I enjoyed running as a group in Probie School, and still like running somewhere other then a treadmill.

Yet, no matter what I do- I've tried all kinds of workouts and supplements, I can't get any definition or get "built". My doctor said once that I would have to eat large every hour of every day to gain muscle...that includes nightitme hours as well. Expensive and impossible.  (KOW)

An ipod or scanner will help lol. When you have a "workout partner/spotting partner" it really helps. Just BS and workout lol.

Edited by NRFDTL11Buff

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Truckie has alot of good advice in there. Any guys who are serious about it, go and talk to an actual trainner. The difference in results you get from someone who is educated in training and from someone who knows what they're doing is night and day.

Seth, sounds like you are SOL. Genetics is a real prick. Depending on your body type you can suck down all the protein in the world and spend every free minute in the gym and still not bulk up. Best part is, once you stop or go to a more reasonable schedule you're body is going to revert to a more "normal" build.

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I would have to eat large every hour of every day to gain muscle...that includes nightitme hours

I did that! tongue.gif lol

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right now i am on a whole working out kick, lost a lot of weight in the process as well. now that it is gettign warm i go swim laps, run, and lift. when it is cold i like to use stairmasters and lift. Me and my ADD dont get along with gyms well so when i go to the gym, i need a lot going on. i bring music, study material and watch the TV. That way i forget that i am working out. I also cover the time on the machines so i dotn know how much longer i have. That seems to be my other enemy. As you can see i spend most of my time doing cardio, i dont want to get big i just want to get in better shape. When i do lift i lift lower end weights like less than 100 lbs, in reps of 12. The main part of my work out comprises of 35 mins of cardio weather it be swimming or on the stair master. I dont really enjoy working out but i have been spending a lot more time, and money to work out. I figure if it will help me get on the job, pass the cpat, and let me live a few years longer it is worth it. Great topic.

Edited by eng158

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When I'm off duty I like to ride my bike, when on duty I use the Stair Master. I would like to get back into weights,but I have trouble focusing. I also like to walk, and swim.

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Truckie has alot of good advice in there.  Any guys who are serious about it, go and talk to an actual trainner.  The difference in results you get from someone who is educated in training and from someone who knows what they're doing is night and day.

Seth, sounds like you are SOL.  Genetics is a real prick.  Depending on your body type you can suck down all the protein in the world and spend every free minute in the gym and still not bulk up.  Best part is, once you stop or go to a more reasonable schedule you're body is going to revert to a more "normal" build.

thanks party. its really true that a trainer can help drastically! not putting down anyone or their workout ethics at all, but unless you really are educated in it and have great experience doing it, chances are, you're PROBABLY not getting the results you need (nevermind how you look in a mirror). i'm a perfect example. before i contacted my trainer, i was the typical high school student doing the typical training...lots of weights and incorrect movements. i just felt that the more the better, but boy was i wrong!!! been trained under the supervised eye for over 4 years now, and i love helping others as well and i couldnt be happier (but there's always room for improvement!!!). try contacting a local gym in your area for a trainer that meets your specific needs. if you really want a hand looking for one...feel free to PM me. i can prob. point out some great guys who spend most of their time training just firemen/cop/ems etc etc etc... for their specific tasks that they perform daily...remember that the body is a tool, and just like any tool, the body needs maintenance to work properly! As just like partyrock said, Genetics really is a b****, haha, but it isnt a barrier from results. theres always a way. stay safe out there guys

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As part of our Safety Stand Down last year we brought in two personal trainers to give us a little fit test. It was an eye opener for many. We followed it with 8 weeks of 2x/week 1hr. circuit training workouts with the PT's. It was great to have 12-16 firefighters all showing up on or off duty. But alas, the money ran out and we had to make a deal to "pay to play." Still a great deal for those of us who do it. $10 per session gets you 1 hr at the station of circuit training with one PT. They come twice a week and given the low turn out the personalized motivation and assistance is great. Now on we have 4-5 guys per session. We have found that for a good many of us, it takes the regimented schedule to stay motivated. And even those who workout on their own concede they fail to push themsleves as hard as the PT does. Our PT's based the circuit on a balance of strength, balance, and cardio endurance after researching the rigors of firefighting. Of course you have to get off your butt on your own at least 1-2 more times a week to get any changes really going.

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Buy a heart rate monitor. I lost 20lbs using a heart rate monitor and not eating garbage. Sugar is the ENEMY! Control what you eat and do cardio at 80% of your heart rate. Im trying to build more muscle, actually get stronger, I dont want to gain weight, anyone who says you need weight on this job is the same guy that needs to lose 30lbs! Just remember it takes a 3500 calorie deficit to lose a pound of fat, and that doesnt mean that not eating for a day will cause you to lose a pound of fat, its a gradual thing. Also find out what your Basal Metabolic Rate is. has a few good calorie computers on it to figure out a ballpark of how much you should consume and how much you would burn doing a certain exercise. But target heart rate is key.

Dont end up a statistic, more than half of firefighter deaths are due to cardiac events. Like they say at work, Train For Life!

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alot of guys have difficulties trying to figure out what number to take for this and how much to take of that...and i dont blame those for not wanting to go crazy. yes, it does help to find out and it might quicken the process, but in the end gents, just use common sense. Like someone just said, SUGAR is the key (bad key that is). try to avoid it as much as u can. that means, cut the sodas, candy bars, cereals etc etc etc. dont beleive everything you read on the carton. just cause it says "healthy choice" or "non-fat" on it, dont mean DCK! but again, this will mostly help with just your physique. you need to get out and train your body as well! if you dont like to run, then ride a bike or swim (much better on the joints), and if you train the way i do, then you actually get the benefit of getting a great cardio and weight training regiment at the same time. remember, this is really a science that involves alot of turns down the road. its not as easy as just buying a heart rate monitor and just running alot, or going to walmart and buying a 20 pound dumbbell and doing curls at night. sure, it might help, but always ask yourself, whats your real goal? to just look good, or get in shape and be healthy, inside and out. everyone here is giving great advice and good personal experiences, but again, we are all different, and therefore, require different attention, big or small. stay safe out there, and sorry for ranting, haha....this is just something that i'm really into...great topic

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I agree with Truckie that most people are lacking in cardiovascular endurance. The key for me to keep it fun so I stay motivated. I like to enter a few races each year so that I have a goal for my training. I find it easier to make time to train if I know that I have a race or event coming up. I just ran the Queens biathlon on Sunday which is a 3 mile run-18 mile bike- 3 mile run. I placed first for my age group. It’s nothing to strenuous but the last 3 miles kind of catch up to you. I am registered for the Army 10 miler this October which is held in Washington DC.

The Westchester Medical Center Biathlon is this June 24 which gives even you whales enough time to train. It’s a 2 mile run- 15 mile bike- 2 mile run. The registration fee is $40 which pays for the tee shirt and benefits the Westchester Medical Center foundation. They do allow 2 person relay teams so ANYONE can do it. Just to motivate the geriatrics among us there was a 77 year old at the Queens biathlon. Which if your not paying attention was longer. If you can’t scrounge together $40 ask you Fire Department or VAC to sponsor you. I unfortunate wont be able to make the medical center biathlon (this year). Here’s the link to the Medical center race

It doesnt matter if you do all the training in the world if you smoke and drink heavily. For the love of god quit smoking mad.gif and go easy on the booze.

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As part of our Safety Stand Down last year we brought in two personal trainers to give us a little fit test. It was an eye opener for many. We followed it with 8 weeks of 2x/week 1hr. circuit training workouts with the PT's. It was great to have 12-16 firefighters all showing up on or off duty. But alas, the money ran out and we had to make a deal to "pay to play." Still a great deal for those of us who do it. $10 per session gets you 1 hr at the station of circuit training with one PT. They come twice a week and given the low turn out the personalized motivation and assistance is great. Now on we have 4-5 guys per session. We have found that for a good many of us, it takes the regimented schedule to stay motivated. And even those who workout on their own concede they fail to push themsleves as hard as the PT does. Our PT's based the circuit on a balance of strength, balance, and cardio endurance after researching the rigors of firefighting. Of course you have to get off your butt on your own at least 1-2 more times a week to get any changes really going.

It was an eye opener or the physical trainers were eye openers??? I bet you got great turnout for that!!! :P

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As part of our Safety Stand Down last year we brought in two personal trainers to give us a little fit test. It was an eye opener for many. We followed it with 8 weeks of 2x/week 1hr. circuit training workouts with the PT's. It was great to have 12-16 firefighters all showing up on or off duty. But alas, the money ran out and we had to make a deal to "pay to play." Still a great deal for those of us who do it. $10 per session gets you 1 hr at the station of circuit training with one PT. They come twice a week and given the low turn out the personalized motivation and assistance is great. Now on we have 4-5 guys per session. We have found that for a good many of us, it takes the regimented schedule to stay motivated. And even those who workout on their own concede they fail to push themsleves as hard as the PT does. Our PT's based the circuit on a balance of strength, balance, and cardio endurance after researching the rigors of firefighting. Of course you have to get off your butt on your own at least 1-2 more times a week to get any changes really going.

It was an eye opener or the physical trainers were eye openers??? I bet you got great turnout for that!!! :P

Seriously, we almost all could benefit from cardiovascular endurance training - flying off the handle, jumping to conclusions, dodging responsibility, and pushing our luck is not actually exercise!!!

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