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Millbrook Multiple Alarm Fire 11-15 Additional Info Thread

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Picure of Google Earth of Hitchcock Estate.


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It sounds like the section on left next to the house. If it is that section only, it appears to be about 60 x 150

If I didn't have to work in the morning I'd take the 45 minute drive :angry:

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Crap, It didn't dawn on me that it's the famed Timothy Leary Estate (As in the Moody Blues song) If I wasn't feeling so crappy, I'd take the ride up even if I did have to work in the morning!

Jim, Lame excuse.......You are a slacker!!!!!!!! :P And for all you young guy's who don't know who Timothy Leary was..... Google him......

Oh, I forgot...... It's Dr. Timothy Leary........

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It sounds like the section on left next to the house. If it is that section only, it appears to be about 60 x 150

If I didn't have to work in the morning I'd take the 45 minute drive

Extended further then that unsure how far, Pictures should be popping up tommorow.

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Friday, November 16, 2007

Fire fighters still at site of Hitchcock estate barn fire in Millbrook

MILLBROOK - Millbrook fire fighters are still on the scene of a fire that destroyed a barn at the Thomas Hitchcock estate in Millbrook.

Large plumes of fire were reported shooting up in the air at the scene near Bangall Road around midnight Friday.

Firefighters from across the county, including Millbrook, Wassaic, Union Vale, Dover Plains, Pleasant Valley, Stanford and Arlington responded to the blaze, along with state police and rescue/EMT units.

Fire officials were unable to say whether any animals were in the barn at the time of the fire.

No further information is available at this time.

For more on this story and a photo go to:

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it must have been pretty huge, i heard command call for manpower to the scene around 5:30am, many hours after the fire started

Edited by EFFP411

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it must have been pretty huge, i heard command call for manpower to the scene around 5:30am, many hours after the fire started

At it's peak yes. Union Vale laid I think 1000 Feet of LDH w/thier Lazy Lay alone. Alot of hose to pick up.

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Here Are Some Shots From My Visit To Millbrook Last Night





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***These Photos Were Taken Approximately an Hour and A Half Into The Incident***

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FFD941 - Nice work and thanks for sharing......... I sat this one out......... :blink:

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How's this for a "first fire" back in the service after a 4 year break? :lol: It was good to see some old faces....and a few members from here..

I knew this property very well, as my babysitter lived in the house that was the biggest exposure many moons ago! The barn that burned entertained us for quite a few summers - plenty to explore. Very sad to see this...

First in companies were met with a tremendous, tremendous fire load and very little water. I've never seen so much LDH on the ground as I did last night....Once good water was established, Arlington's and Dover's Trucks put out alot of fire, but alot had burned itself out as well, as a major portion of the structure is large stone walls.... Walking up from the main road, it was pretty impressive sight... You could hear different tanks exploding, sounded like someone beating huge steel drums.

Here is a high resolution, advanced fire graphics diagram of the fire from the above Google earth map...AFD's Tower was set up where pictured, then was moved to the other side along with Dover to soak the large barn portion.


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Excellent Drawing X, well done. Forgot the cows though ;)

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First in companies were met with a tremendous, tremendous fire load and very little water. I've never seen so much LDH on the ground as I did last night....

well, i've seen some insane amounts of 5 inch, just ask any of the guys at the Hudson river Psych center fire. there was enough five inch to(Insert witty comment here), well pretty much miles of it.....

Edited by EFFP411

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Excellent Drawing X, well done. Forgot the cows though ;)

A guy from The Patch;


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Hey you still have your patch port

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