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Yonkers Multiple Alarm 11/16 Discussion

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Reports from on-scene members report this structure is COOKING!!

Furniture shop (read: tons of solvents, chemicals, and wood)that used to be a movie theater, packed tightly into a taxpayer with limited access to exposure, espeically the rear.

I guess Fire season begins in Yonkers!!

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what did all the 10 codes mean? i got 10-75 but what r the other 2.

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10-84 is "On-Scene, "10-29" is Yonkers Code for Structure Fire.

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I got a lot of pics...sent them into EMTBRAVO. I also have Audio on this. I will get everything up tomorrow...Considering the heavy volume of fire tonight, YFD did a great job of protecting the exposures =D> . It was a "crappy call", wood framed row of stores, but like Seth said...Fire season is here for YFD ...Pics and Audio tomorrow...G'Night.

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dffd great shot of 71 truck. I've seen a lot of pictures in the past and that one is up there with the best. Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!

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Looking foward to seeing the rest of the pics...Looks like the place was really "Cookin!"

Also if anyone hears 10-30 from Yonkers, i believe that also means "all hands operating", usually an additional engine as well for FAST

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just left the fire and it was cookin'.... when i left there was still fire visable from a block away in all directions w all the aerials operating w mulitple master streams

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At one point, they shut down all ladder pipes so that the fire would burn through some of the roof that had collapsed to the interior of the structure. It seemed to work a little bit, but as of 01:30 hours, there was still heavy fire in the extreme rear interior of the movie theater.

As for any FF injuries, i am aware of only 2. One 'tweaked' his knee and i am not sure about the other. Both were transported to a local hospital by Empress.

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That building ,the old kimball theater,was deemed a surround and drown if you couldn't get in and knock it down in the first few minutes.

It was a used furniture salvage shop with stuff piled to the ceiling.I used to work on the first due ladder (73). Any reports of civilians missing or hurt cause people used to sleep in the rear .Sounds like the guys did a GREAT job. =D>

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I have observed a lot of fires in the past, but let me tell you at first this was one of the "quietest" fires I have ever scene. I got there fairly quickly, and when I was in the rear you didn't hear nothing except the fire roaring, and the sound of the apparatus engines. Thats one thing I noticed. I would hear the occasional firemen yelling - but usually at these fires you hear a lot of sirens at first and a lot of noise, saws, Comms radios, civilians was DEAD quiet at first. Just some weird observations...

On News12 they said that the fire was contained to the Kent theater. I thought it started in the laundry mat (Exposure 2) of the Kent theater and spread to the theater? Can anyone confirm?

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The fire did originate in the 1 story laundry mat. The battalion was on the air and arrived almost instantly from the dispatcher giving him the call. I started out from my house (Woodlawn), and was there as the 2nd due Engine arrived. From what I could see there was a heavy fire condition in the rear and cockloft of the laundry mat. They made a push, but there was a TON of fire in there. They did a great job.

It communicated into the "theater" about 10-15 minutes into the operation. It looked like it must have came through the eaves. From my vantage point in the front it didn't look like much fire on the 1st & 2nd floors of the theater early on. When the TL on the Side 2 (not sure which one) headed up to the roof to put a hole, they got an extremely heavy push out of the trusses. They worked (from the safety of the bucket, an excellent move!) on the roof for about 10 minutes until the entire rear 100' of the bow truss roof fell in.

I have some pictures, and I will try to get them up sometime tonight.

Nate DeMarse

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I got there way late, around 23:30. I kind of walked around the scene for a bit, not getting in anybody's way of course, and then went and hung out across from the buildings right next to the Chiefs and other higher-ups. The people from the laundry mat were also there and from what i kept overhearing, they believe it started in one of the dryers along the back wall next to the theater.

Also, it appeared as though the Fire Inspector was focusing his investigation in the laundry mat because he was continuously trying to get a better idea of how the interior was set up. It didnt seem as though he was too concerned with any of the other businesses.

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News 12 also had a line on the infobar (the text at the bottom of the screen during shows) at 4:30 this afternoon saying that firefighters were still at scene 24 HOURS after it began. They dont know how to cover news or how to do math either.

The fire did start at the rear of the laundry. You have to watch News 12 with the volume turned off.

There were at least (2) suspicious fires, I belive outside rubbish against the buildings, at that row of stores the last 2 months or so.

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They are bad but its better than the no coverage we used to get for fires in Westchester. Have to agree tho on the volume statement. LOL They say some pretty stupid stuff!!!!!

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can you give me a web site to listen to live audio from westchester county :D

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nice pictures you guys - but whose white SUV was that marked "Emergency Command Unit?

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Con Edison... They have Emergency Response and Emergency Management personnel, and from what I have heard use ICS extensively.

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i couldnt read either logo on the door, and having moved out of state - havent seen a con ed truck in 4 years ;-)

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I saw that New Rochelle was called for mutual aid over MVFD, who is usually first. Today I heard MV using a "squad" again. I guess a ladder is O/O/S .....again. NRFD L-12 should just run out of L-2's house.

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Thats right, NR L12 was called mutual to Yonkers. The recent 'bad blood' between MV and yonkers could be the reasoning.

I too heard MV using a "Squad" unit. Anyone have more info on that?

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[-X Got nothing to do with bad blood. It's who's first on the mutual aid list.Like I said before YONKERS hasn't been first on Mt. Vernon's mutual aid list since 99-2000 and anyone who goes back that far knows that Yonkers Eastside companies spent more time in Mt.Vernon then they did in Yonkers and depending on what was needed maybe Mt.Vernon couldn't spare the manpower

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Ladder 12 coverd at Station 13...Shoot who remembers the last winter Yonkers had? It seemed like ever day something in Yonkers was burning...

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My mistake. Hadnt thought about the mutual aid list and what order it is arranged.

How does yonkers work their call backs? And just how many spares do they have?

When i got the the scene, 302 was right in front of the fire building, supplying mulitple lines. It seemed a little odd to me that a spare somehow made its way between all the other rigs that were already there, and im going to guess had already dropped lines and connected to ladders and hydrants. Was there a massive relocation of equipment and reconnection of hoses? Or am i just missing something altogether?

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Usually, when Yonkers goes to a Major Alarm 10-30, they place a recall of all off duty personnel to man the Spare Rigs to help cover the rest of the city (along with Mutual Aid Companies from New Rochelle, Greenville, Eastchester, etc). Spare Engine Companies 302 (at Station 12), 305 (at Station 4) and 301 (At Station 14) are available. Also up at the Ridge Hill Bunker, Reserve Engine Companies 315, 316, and 317 are located as well as Reserve Ladder Companies 76, 78 and 79. Spare Tower Ladder 77 (Old TL 75) is housed at Station 3. The off duty YFD Personnel get these rigs manned and out. In the case of 302, it might have been a reserve rig that was in place to cover an front line rig that might have been out of service for PM or Repair?

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Yonkers went M/A for a truck company to have 3 engines and 2 trucks in town (they had 3 and 1 left). It makes sense if MV was down a truck, they obviously would decline.

Yonkers told Mount Vernon years ago that they would respond to the scene for M/A, but would no longer cover houses. This was when the "abuse of mutual aid" hit the media about 6 years ago or so. MVFD, as of this summer, was still the first department to go M/A into Yonkers to cover houses. They have responded into Yonkers 4 times this year and 6 times last year.

BTW, a 10-30 is an all-hands fire (full 1st Alarm). The recall begins around the point of the third alarm, with a recall of a BC for B-3 usually after the 2nd Alarm. This is all, of course, at the decresion of the Chiefs. The recalled manpower would staff the dedicated reserve fleet at Ridge Hill first.

Also, it does look like a spare was being used at the time of the job, possibly E-313.

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