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All Motorcyclists Please Please wear your helmets!

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Feel free to move this to wherever you feel the need to. I recieved this in an E-mail the other day.

A truck was traveling down the highway at around 1 o'clock in the morning near Tulsa , Oklahoma .

Motorcyclist was traveling at ~120mph and ran into the back of the moving semi-truck.

Truck driver said he felt the impact, and it took almost a 1/4 mile for him to pull over.

This is what he found...






Edited by 67-L57

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Corrected the error. I was linked to where a fellow member pointed out that unfortunatly the victim died at the scene. here is the link


Edited by DOC22
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Helmet or no helmet, when you hit a truck at 120 MPH, you're done!

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Call me heartless but not much sympathy on my part. Doing 120mph on a motorcycle on a public round is akin to russian roulette, and the odds aren't good. Fell sorry for the family, too bad he didn't think off them before he opened the throttle up.

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I believe this may have been posted on here already...but still interesting and funny to see. Still a cleaner scene then what I had the other night.

Also its a good thing the victim was DECEASED (I'm not a big fan of the use of "dead"). If not in a private email going around with colleagues..we were all wondering exactly where in the treatment paradigm taking a picture is?

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I agree, a helmet would make little difference in this situation.

Guys like this give safe and responsible bikers a bad rap. The only positive side to this story is no "innocent" bystanders were injured. This kid took a knowing and calculated risk, and I have little sympathy for the result. He set into the motion the events leading up to his own death.

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A Darwin awards Winner if i ever saw one

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Old pictures.

Also, you need to put a *GRAPHIC* warning on this topic, some people may find these images disturbing.

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Good call Goose!! Warning for the young ones would be nice.

I received this email a long time ago. The thread should be called "All Motorcyclists Please Please SLOW DOWN"

It didn't matter if he was wearing a Helmet he was going way to fast...

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Good call Goose!! Warning for the young ones would be nice.

I received this email a long time ago. The thread should be called "All Motorcyclists Please Please SLOW DOWN"

It didn't matter if he was wearing a Helmet he was going way to fast...

Did the E-mail you got say that the person survived?

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Wow! Too bad for him! But, 120 mph? No reason for that kind of speed! Look what good it did him, even with a helmet.

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Did the E-mail you got say that the person survived?

I got the same email a while back to and it DID say he survived.

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We had a fatal motorcycle collision last night where it has been reported that the rider was doing 130 m.p.h. before striking the back of a SUV. Per a traffic investigator I know the rider "didn't even have time to say ouch".

The big thing around here is to do "tricks" on the freeway. I've even witnessed it, wheelies, standing on the seat, etc. I called CHP immediately and got a dispatcher right away (doesn't happen all that often). Even with me watching there were no available units to pursue these guys. They make the road dangerous for all other drivers.

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We had a fatal motorcycle collision last night where it has been reported that the rider was doing 130 m.p.h. before striking the back of a SUV. Per a traffic investigator I know "didn't even have time to say ouch".

The big thing around here is to do "tricks" on the freeway. I've even witnessed it, wheelies, standing on the seat, etc. I called CHP immediately and got a dispatcher right away (doesn't happen all that often). Even with me watching there were no available units to pursue these guys. They make the road dangerous for all other drivers.

your right, now that i think about it the last time i was in california i did witness this. The riders were going down the road and put their feet down and YAY.... Sparks, at night, on a highway. BRILLIANT. Also, I remember a close friend in California telling me that it was one of the harder states to get your motorcycle license in. Can you shine any more light on that RescueKujo?

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Also, I remember a close friend in California telling me that it was one of the harder states to get your motorcycle license in. Can you shine any more light on that RescueKujo?

I don't have any idea as I always felt with as many cars as there are in California I wouldn't want to ride a motorcycle around here. So I've never pursued a motorcycle license. Now, a Firefighter's endorsement or Ambulance Driver's license (privately employed Medics and EMTs must have one, not firefighters) I can tell you the hell you go through for those....This was my renewal year and had to take 4 separate tests at DMV :blink::blink:

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