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NYS Trooper shoots, kills knife wielding man

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tough story, but i guess a good a call

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I feel very bad for the Trooper...for having to go through this traumatic episode...

nothing can prepare you for this...

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DeRuyter Lake is about 5 minutes from my house. Nice and a small close community. It been a sad and strange start to our summer on the lake. First we lost a high school seinor in a cabin fire now this. I work for the ambulance crew that was on this call. I was at my full time job @ the Cortland County Sheriffs department that night so I did not make this call. Our crew treated the woman for minor cutts and brusies to neck. Hopefully the rest of the summer stays quiet on the lake.

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Hey after repeated requests this guy got what he deserved. Although it may be Traumatic, he and all LE's are hopefully prepared for a situation like this.

Better to be judged by 12 then carried by 6.

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Hey after repeated requests this guy got what he deserved. Although it may be Traumatic, he and all LE's are hopefully prepared for a situation like this.

Better to be judged by 12 then carried by 6.

with all of the non-lethal weapons out there, i think situations like this should end differently, but those weapons need to be used more with patrol cops and not just an esu/swat-type service that may not be considered the first responders.

for something like, this i can't help but think of the example of a man who was shot and killed bc he was off his psych drugs...not bc he didn't want to take them, but bc he couldn't afford them. he couldn't afford the drugs he knew he was supposed to take to aviod a possible situations like this...and a death sentance isn't right. i always think of this example bc it portraits a certain innocence for these people and that someone other than them should be held accountable. although one should be accountable for their actions, some people truly cannot and beg for help that they never get. i'm not saying this man was 'innocent' per se, but you never know...a little off topic, but i thought i'd share this.

Edited by vacguy

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with all of the non-lethal weapons out there, i think situations like this should end differently, but those weapons need to be used more with patrol cops and not just an esu/swat-type service that may not be considered the first responders.

for something like, this i can't help but think of the example of a man who was shot and killed bc he was off his psych drugs...not bc he didn't want to take them, but bc he couldn't afford them. he couldn't afford the drugs he knew he was supposed to take to aviod a possible situations like this...and a death sentance isn't right. i always think of this example bc it portraits a certain innocence for these people and that someone other than them should be held accountable. although one should be accountable for their actions, some people truly cannot and beg for help that they never get. i'm not saying this man was 'innocent' per se, but you never know...a little off topic, but i thought i'd share this.

If you are patrolling solo you don't use non-lethal weapons against a person armed with a deadly weapon, its a recipe for disaster.

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If you are patrolling solo you don't use non-lethal weapons against a person armed with a deadly weapon, its a recipe for disaster.

very true. don't get me wrong i'm not putting down the trooper, he felt it was necessary and that's his decision. i wasn't their so i can't judge. situations like these just make me wonder...why? gettin into the mind of the "criminals" is pretty interesting. if he wanted her dead right here and now, i'm sure he could have done it well before he cop(s) got just seems to me like a psychotic episode. but, who knows. sorry to get off topic again, another discussion for another time.

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with all of the non-lethal weapons out there, i think situations like this should end differently, but those weapons need to be used more with patrol cops and not just an esu/swat-type service that may not be considered the first responders.

for something like, this i can't help but think of the example of a man who was shot and killed bc he was off his psych drugs...not bc he didn't want to take them, but bc he couldn't afford them. he couldn't afford the drugs he knew he was supposed to take to aviod a possible situations like this...and a death sentance isn't right. i always think of this example bc it portraits a certain innocence for these people and that someone other than them should be held accountable. although one should be accountable for their actions, some people truly cannot and beg for help that they never get. i'm not saying this man was 'innocent' per se, but you never know...a little off topic, but i thought i'd share this.

How do you know what kind of less than lethal weapons the Trooper has? OC against a 13inch knife is not going to work. Maybe a you could tase this subject. Or maybe hand to hand. Give me a break. Almost everyone on our job carries a Taser when they are working. I happen to be one that isn't trained yet. Give me this situation with a man walking towards me with a 13" blade not listening to my REPEATED INSTRUCTIONS to drop the weapon I am not going to pull out my OC. I am going to pull out my GUN. Whatever happens after that is in GOD'S HANDS.

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How do you know what kind of less than lethal weapons the Trooper has? OC against a 13inch knife is not going to work. Maybe a you could tase this subject. Or maybe hand to hand. Give me a break. Almost everyone on our job carries a Taser when they are working. I happen to be one that isn't trained yet. Give me this situation with a man walking towards me with a 13" blade not listening to my REPEATED INSTRUCTIONS to drop the weapon I am not going to pull out my OC. I am going to pull out my GUN. Whatever happens after that is in GOD'S HANDS.

like i said, not knocking the cop. but as you mentioned "not listening" vs my point which is (possibly) 'not being able to listen to the commands.' theirs a big differance as you could imagine, that's all.

Edited by vacguy

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