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Greenburgh PD*EMS

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how is GPD EMS set up? I know they have POs/EMTs on some buses, but I think there is also an ALS bus, along with ALS PD flycars....

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they have 2 types of buses. they have Greenburgh Police and Greenburgh EMS. they look the same except for the fact that the ones that say police on it are operated by cops and the ones that just say EMS are operated by civilians

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They also have a few ALS flycars operated civilans and PO's. Greenburgh usually saves the buses for the town itself and the flycars for the villages. (Ardsley-Secor, Elmsford, Dobbs Ferry, Hastings, Irvington, and Tarrytown) However, it isnt unusual to see a rig in one of the villages.

Since some of the medics are cops, you can get pulled over by them.

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Bet wishes to newly appointed Officer/Paramedic Adam Hamblim, formally with the Putnam County Sheriff's Department as a Deputy Sheriff-Communications Specialist. We wish you the best of luck.


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This may sound like a stupid question, but... if some of the medics are cops and you can get pulled over by a cop driving an ambulance, then how would out of town people know what to do? If an ambulance in any other place tried to pull me over, I sure as hell wouldn't stop because the average person doesn't think that a cop is driving a bus. How does GPD EMS get around that initial confusion, and more importantly, how is it legally justified in court? If someone from out of town honestly didn't know the system, could they be liable if they didn't pull over for the ambulance on a traffic stop?

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I know that the buses that are operated by PO/EMTs do say police on the hood. The fly-cars say the same things. I have seen people pulled over by the fly-cars and once called GPD and an ambulance, driven by a PO/EMT responded. The PD rigs do say POLICE on the front, sides and back. So I guess that they would be liable in court becuase POLICE is on the front, although I would hope that somewho is not from the area would get cut some slack.

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Listen, regardless of the TYPE of vehicle, when you have lights and sirens from any direction you are supposed to pull to the RIGHT and STOP. Yes, there have been incidents of confusion in the past. I heard of stories where people refused to stop for the oficer in the rig so he called a sector car in to assist. When the secotr car finally got the guy pulled over the guy's response was "but it was an ambulance I didn't think i needed to stop". Needless to say he got a summons for failure to yield as well and the initial violation. Now if a vehicle of questionable authority makes you pull over and acts like it is a traffic stop and you fear for your safety, they you would probably be well within your rights to leave and head to the nearest police station or call 911. If they are legit then 911 can put you in contact with the dispatcher to verify legitimacy. I'm sure there has been confusion in the past as well concerning the authority of DEP and MetroNorth Police. Both have the ability to pull you over and issue traffic violations if they witness such. Regardless of where it happens.

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I know there would be confusion as to wheter to pull over or not, but either way you have to. I have seen POs in fly-cars pull people over, but I have yet to see an ambulance pull someone over.

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Hey WAS, I never said that you didn't have to stop for the GPD ambulance that wants to pull you over. I'm an EMT, so I know what you do when there's something behind you with lights flashing and siren blaring. What I did say was that I think that people from out of town, such as myself, might be initially confused.

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On the flip side, another issue is the use of an ambulance to pull someone over can put their civilian medics in jeopardy.

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On the flip side, another issue is the use of an ambulance to pull someone over can put their civilian medics in jeopardy.

Civilian medics do not pull cars over.

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how is GPD EMS set up? I know they have POs/EMTs on some buses, but I think there is also an ALS bus, along with ALS PD flycars....

A rough idea of how GPD*EMS works, as I posted in another thread.....

75 is the villages flycar medic, responding from Dobbs Ferry Hospital. 70 is the BLS Ambulance for the town and is floated townwide on patrol, usually on the Central Ave corridor. (Staffed by single PO-EMT). 79 is the ALS Ambulance for the town, and backup to the villages (staffed by single medic) and is usually located in the area around Fairview Station 2 on Dobbs Ferry Road. 77 is the spare ambulance for the town, and is occasionally staffed by an extra PO-EMT. 71,72,and 73 are the Police Paramedic Flycars and patrol certain sectors. They are staffed by a Police officer Paramedic, and there are usually only 1-2 of those on the road at a time. (on a side note, 71 is one of the nicest flycars in the fleet, and is usually staffed by one/same officer-medic who loves that truck,lol)

The flycar medics usually meet up with the single staffed ambulances and transport, or the single staffed ambulances have to rely on taking a patrol police officer or firefighter out of service to drive to the hospital. On the flip side, the town often loses its police force and patrol coverage to EMS calls.

ALL AMBULANCES IN GREENBURGH have only ONE person assigned to them. There is no such thing as a fully staffed ambulance in Greenburgh.

On the flip side, another issue is the use of an ambulance to pull someone over can put their civilian medics in jeopardy.

Civilian medics do not pull cars over.

But the GPD Civilian Medics cars and ambulances look exactly like the GPD cars, and so does their uniforms.

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On a ride along the other night, we did see a PO rig pull someone over.

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71,72,and 73 are the Police Paramedic Flycars and patrol certain sectors. They are staffed by a Police officer Paramedic, and there are usually only 1-2 of those on the road at a time. (on a side note, 71 is one of the nicest flycars in the fleet, and is usually staffed by one/same officer-medic who loves that truck,lol)

THAT garbage scow?! C'mon, the best thing we could do with 71 is cut it's mic wire!! :D

Sorry, Mikey, had to post it!!! :twisted:

And Seth, just a quick correction....79 is now one of the backup Ambulances....78 is the town Ambulance, staffed by a civilian medic-and second due ALS for the Villages.

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