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x635: "Hello From L.A.!!"

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Hello Everybody!

Just a quick note to let you know my status here:

Flew Jetblue out Monday morning as scheduled. Flew on “Mystic Blue” a 1 year old Airbus 320. Between the funny, friendly, and doting cabin crew and pilots, the leather seats and live personal DirecTV really make flying fun and comfortable. We did however, have to stop in Albequque at a Gas Station and Mini mart. The pilot wanted to have enough fuel in the plane in case we got held from landing in San Diego due to the weather conditions. Which was cool because we got to have another takeoff, and I got to can say I've been to Albequrque...sort of, We were about two hours late on landing. Weather is partly cloudy, but you could tell it had been raining heavily. Overall, the flight was awesome, just a little tainted by the cold I was starting to develop coupled with the severe lack of sleep I had in the past week. More about that in a minute. Went to get my rental car, and when outside discussing what kind of standard size car I wanted with the Enterprise sales rep, I asked how I could get the pretty Dodge Magnum that was sitting there. And I did…..for the same price as what I would’ve paid anyways!! That made me VERY happy! It’s only got the V-6 though, no Hemi, but it is still an awesome car.

So after landing in San Diego yesterday, and getting the car, and wanting some rest, I headed up to Long Beach and my hotel. I’m staying at the Holiday Inn Long Beach Downtown, and it’s an awesome hotel. Feeling pretty miserable when I got here, so I took some Nyquil, which relieved my symptoms a little but kept me wide awake until about 530 am. So I get up at 0630 am to go take the test..and I feel 10 times worse then I did the day before. Took some Dayquil, which helped, but still felt wiped out. Stupid forced schedule I have to work, and figures it has to take its toll now. Went and took the test, with about 5000 other people that were there. There are 3 other dates with 5000 people each this week. I am confident I did well on the test, and will obtain my dream at some point. Anyways, go back to the hotel. Sun is starting to come out. I feel like crap still. I like my hotel, and really don’t feel like moving today down to a hotel in San Diego as originally planned. But I still wanna do my traditional Sunset Strip beginning-end driv this afternoon e and get some In-N-Out, so I manage to get that done. Still feeling miserable, but still managed to get a couple decent shots and have a good time. And as luck would have it, EVERY LA City Engine I saw was pulled onto the apron IFO for a bath. Guess it was a procedure after a rainstorm or something, or maybe just a routine afternoon activity? Watched the sun set at Venice Beach and headed back to the hotel.

So here I am, back in my hotel. I’m going to bed now, or at least I’m gonna try, so I can get up early and get down to San Diego to explore in the AM. Hopefully I will be feeling better and up to the task. I will be flying back to NY tomorrow night, and arriving early in the AM. If I’m still feeling lousy, I may take an earlier flight.

Funny thing though. It was like 49 degrees out here this afternoon, and some people were bundled up like it was Alaska. Rain has been crazy, it is like a major event. People here aren’t experienced driving in the rain, and flooding is a problem, although their drainage systems are far more advanced the in WC. Tiny canals that are empty beds in the summertime are raging rivers. Everything is so green and lush. I'll take LA rain any day over a NY winter, lol!!

I love LA for so many different reasons! I only got to see San Diego briefly yesterday, and from what I saw so far, San Diego is awesome as well and I can’t wait for my visit tomorrow

BTW, I submitted a photo of one of the rigs I got today, it should be the feature photo on the main page.

Hows the weather back home?

And did I mention I have a Dodge Magnum as a rental car and I am in SoCal!?!? How cool is that!!!!!!!!!!!

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hope u feel better seth. i know u did well on your rxam u know everything have fun out there. how fast is that magnum?

the weather in ardsley is supposed to rain tomorrow and tomorrow night maybe some wintery mixture but who knows the weather man are never correct

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Sounds like you're doing your best at a good time in spite of how you feel. Enjoy the rest of your trip and FEEL BETTER, DAMMIT!

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Thanks Guys. It's funny, when I was on a regular,set schedule at school, I never got sick once the whole year. I go a schedule that is all over the place (not really my choice), and it seems like every couple of weeks now I'm getting sick. Ugh. I am absolutely pissed that I had to get sick while I was out here....I had so much I wanted to do and see. Also....I let myself get too run down by keeping busy when I am actually off and dont take enough time to rest....maybe I should take advantage of Jetblue's cheap fares to the Bahamas,lol!

Anyways, I'm trying to work my way though some of my emails.....and what do I discover sitting in my inbox? A $25.00 travel voucher from JetBlue to apologize for the 2 hour delay and stop at the gas station! I LOVE JETBLUE! They rule, and that is just another example of why.

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Seth isnt is amazing to see the way the people dress out there when it gets below 60???? I definately know what you are talking about with the dress up. Heck just about the whole time I have been out there has been short and t shirt weather to me. I hope you feel better. Avoid the empty drainage pits its amazing to see them and the people who still think they can get across them. Have seen some of the moronic moves the people do after it rains.Take up JetBlue on the Cheap Airfares sure has gone down after New Years.

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Hey seth first off hope you feel better, one question maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me but did that engine 69 have a CHROME deluge gun on it?

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Sure looks like it in the picture..Must be a parade rig. Oh i guess I should leave that alone huh.

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Seth- San Diego is so awsome!!! Take a quick trolley tour around the city. There are so many great things to see in that area, to bad your coming home today.....Jet Blue is awsome, remind me to tell you about my flight home from FL. Fell better & have a safe trip back to the snow!!!

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Seth its gonna be miserable here untill thurs am, snow possible they are saying 4 to 8 inches.

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I've been out to Cali a number of times. Been to quite a few of the places he's mentioned. I think everyone should go there at least once.

Seth I hope the test went well. If I could have afforded the trip out there for the application and the trip back for the test I would have been right there with you. Should have told me you were going, I could have set you up with a tour of a few houses or something in LA Co.

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I've been out to Cali a number of times.

Except for Code 3 Day, which you need to make! No "Bachelor Partys" this year, I hope!

Anyways all, I am back in the WC! :sad: Quite the shock, considering I spent yesterday afternoon chilling on Mission Beach in San Diego! Sunny and 60 degrees, and tons of people around. I'm done with NY and the snow, lol!

I will post the rest of the details of my trip tommorow. Photos will be submitted, and hopefully posted.

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Yo, it's like "Guido".... Dis guy...I dunno 'bout 'em. I dunno.

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OK, so I spent Wednesday in San Diego......I really didn't get to do all that I wanted to do,including taking pictures of firetrucks, I need at least a week for that city to do everything I want and I will be going back soon I hope. I spent the morning at the San Diego Zoo, which was awesome.....and what was supposed to be a quick trip to the beach turned into a very relaxing afternoon chilling and people watching on Mission Beach in San Diego. Mission Beach is awesome, the beach was very active, it's kinda like a year round "Seaside NJ" in a few good ways, but without all the guitos and everything that comes with them, lol. Very young and nice area. Had a lot of fun. And before I knew it, it was time to catch my flight.

Flight back was cool, arrival was scary came in through a storm, lots of turbulence, couldn't really see the runway until we were right on top of it.

San Diego is awesome!

Photos will be up soon

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Yo, it's like "Guido".... Dis guy...I dunno 'bout 'em. I dunno.


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Photos are now posted,

Not a lot of fire apparatus, but I still hope you guys enjoy some photos of what made for a great time for me.

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X-635 I like the cold weather shelter sign it was a high of 62 and a low of 37. That is not even remotely cold.

By the way Jen says that animal is a prarie dog. (Not sure ont eh spelling there)

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=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

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Now to the important stuff....How are the "Ladies" out there?? :-P

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And why are there no pictures of the good looking ones?

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I love the picts, Seth. Great shots of the sunset on the beach. Awesome rental car as well, all it needs is some lights and a siren!!

=D> =D>

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