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Renewing long expired (5yrs) EMT cert

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What options do I have to renew my EMT-B certification? I think it expired around 2003. I'm not currently with an FD that runs EMS, but for a few reasons I think it would be good to have a current certificate.

I saw the announcement below, but I suspect that is only for current EMTs - can anyone speak to that? Can I still challenge the EMT recert? I know I'd need to brush up on the practical skills, and I could review the material for the writtten. Incidentally, I don't especially want to fork out the several hundred dollars I usually see for the courses for non-members of EMS agencies, so if there is an option to avoid that it would be nice :)


Thanks - Monty.

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What options do I have to renew my EMT-B certification? I think it expired around 2003. I'm not currently with an FD that runs EMS, but for a few reasons I think it would be good to have a current certificate.

I saw the announcement below, but I suspect that is only for current EMTs - can anyone speak to that? Can I still challenge the EMT recert? I know I'd need to brush up on the practical skills, and I could review the material for the writtten. Incidentally, I don't especially want to fork out the several hundred dollars I usually see for the courses for non-members of EMS agencies, so if there is an option to avoid that it would be nice :)


Thanks - Monty.

You're only option is to get into an original course. You'll have the same state issued number but the state grace period is 1 year . If you expire, you have up to 1 year in which you can take a refresher, after that time you have to take an original.

The CME program is only for currently certified EMTs (B,I,CC,P) who are currently practicing in an agency and the agency they belong to is a part of the CME refresher program (i assume most are these days). Complete your CME packet by going to the required and elective classes, get a CPR card and get a CIC to sign off on the required skills (airway and patient assessments i think, cant remember), send it to the state 45 days prior to your expiration and you will get a new card mailed to you.

As for the money - it is what it is. If you're fire department is registered with the state as a BLS provider you can pay upfront, submit the receipt to your corps/department and all they have to do is file the necessary paperwork and the state should send them a check. If thats not the case then you'll be paying in full (obviously).

Edited by Goose

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No longer true. And I believe the grace period was 1.5 years, but not entirely sure.

Now, regardless of how long you have been expired, you have the ability to take a refresher course to get your certification back. If you have been expired a long time, then it might be a good idea to take the original class, but it is no longer a requirement.

And yes, I believe the CME Recert is only for current and practicing EMTs.

Edited by WAS967

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My card was expired for 9 years and I was able to recert my card with no problems. I asked my EMS Coordinator from my county and he allowed me to enlist in the refresher class and challenge the exams. I did fine, even with the addition of the basic pharmacology EMT-B's have now with ASA, NTG and albuterol in the field. Just ask your official in your county, whomever that may be and see what happens.

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I have been expired for a few years but am also thinking of renewing....good posts.

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