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NYPD Test Filing Dates 4-1-09 - 8-31-09

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I don't understand- are they testing just due to procedure? Last I had heard, weren't they delaying an academy class and not filling 1,000 open positions?

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I have no idea I heard the same things you did I just found this on the website today and thought I would share.

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I don't understand- are they testing just due to procedure? Last I had heard, weren't they delaying an academy class and not filling 1,000 open positions?

This is the story as far as i have been told, unofficially, by that answered the phone at APD:

They were looking to cancel all of 2009 academies but a deal for was worked out ~ 300 cadets for Jan and July. The city has gotten some money from the stimulus for putting cops on the street - don't know the figures but its in the millions. The most recent i had heard was that there is a possibility for an additional ~250 cadets for the July class. As far as 2010 is concerned there are no academies scheduled at this time as far as my limited knowledge.

At a city council meeting the other day it was made known that the NYPD is well below 2001 staffing levels and that the desire to start hiring in larger numbers was expressed. If that happens is anyone's guess.

So, everything is up in the air....despite being high on my exam list, i'm thinking about filing for this exam just to cover myself if things get any worse. It sucks any way you cut it.

Edited by Goose

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I thought they were doing a continuous filing period?

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from what I have been told by people I work with that are high up on the current list it look like 2 classes this year and next year who knows. But I have also been told that Corrections is going to have 4 tests this year for CO but possibly lay off 1897 CO's. at $40 per person testing and thousands of testers its not to bad a fund raiser for the state.

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from what I have been told by people I work with that are high up on the current list it look like 2 classes this year and next year who knows. But I have also been told that Corrections is going to have 4 tests this year for CO but possibly lay off 1897 CO's. at $40 per person testing and thousands of testers its not to bad a fund raiser for the state.

The city writes their own test so they keep all of that money for themselves.

Last I was told the Classes were 250 in January and 250 in July.

Either way we need lots more cops on the street now because things are starting to pick up very quickly. This summer should prove to be very interesting.

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We need more cops! Economy is down so crime goes up. And the summer is when all the fun is. I thought our fantastic president (sarcasm) was giving the city millions in stimulus money to add cops. another broken promise?

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