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Los Angeles swiftwater canine rescue

31 posts in this topic

In regards to using tranquilizing darts, or sedating the animal it is not as easy as it sounds. As Chris said earlier their are different dosages for different animals and they are all weight dependant, so it is necessary to be accurate on your estimate of the animals weight. The darts are also very slow due to being in most cases air propelled and heavy, so even if you are a "great shot" hitting the animal in the right spot (a large muscle ie. thigh or shoulder)is difficult when the animal is moving , especially as you get farther away. Once you dart an animal you own it. That means that you are responsible for its well being and sustaining its life, if you are not able to get to the animal after it is darted, it could lose its airway and die. Depending on the drug used, many animals are still conscience and just their muscles are disabled so this would be considered cruel should the animal be conscience and drown due to being darted. You would have been better off shooting it and putting it down immediately.

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