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Are You A Professional?

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I am both a professional by the noun sense (a person paid for their services) and the verb.

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One can only, in my mind, begin to consider the concept of a professional firefighter, when they go outside of the box as categorizing Jakes as paid or volunteer. The article did a very good job at highlighting what I think the general consensus is, it is not what you are paid, but how you go about the job. Simple as that..

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One can only, in my mind, begin to consider the concept of a professional firefighter, when they go outside of the box as categorizing Jakes as paid or volunteer. The article did a very good job at highlighting what I think the general consensus is, it is not what you are paid, but how you go about the job. Simple as that..

I've seen some of the greatest career departments in my lifetime, and they're sure professional. I've seen some volunteer departments who really have they're act together, and are very professional. I've also seem some of both that weren't very professional at all.

It all starts at the top. If you're lucky to have a progressive chief, and high morale, good organization, a thorough and comprehensive training program, and most importantly, your department knows how to fight fires, if it's involved in EMS and does it well, and the dept has all the right equipment, then you are fortunate to be part of a professional organization.

Sloppy, lazy, complacent departments with vindictive bosses, a hateful, lackadaisical membership, backstabbers et al, can come in any form, shape or color. Go to the firehouse tomorrow and redouble your efforts to keep pushing for a "more professional" department. None is ever perfect, and there's always room for improvement in any organization. It's worth the fight!

wraftery, x635 and FiftyOnePride like this

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