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Cheshire (CT) Home Invasion Sentence Announced

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It has just been announced that Stephen Hayes has been sentenced to death for all 6 counts in the death penalty phase.

Now on to the next monster.

Please keep in mind Jennifer Hawke-Petit and her daughters, Hayley and Michaela who were the victims of this horrible crime.

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Good. Finally justice can be served.

Having read some of the accounts of the trial proceeding and events of the crime, anything less than the death penalty for this evil man would have been too good. Lets only hope the appeals process does not take too long and that justice can be served to the Petit family and the co-defendant also guilty...

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I used to live in Meriden at the time this happened, which is adjacent to Cheshire. This horrible tragedy stunned the entire area and destroyed a beautiful innocent family. BOTH of these ANIMALS need to be made examples of and the Justice System needs to WAKE UP and realize that they need to do a better job the FIRST time! Both of these MANIACS should NEVER have been on the street with their past records and allowed to terrorize innocent people. My heart breaks for Mr. Petit that he has to live the rest of his life with the pain and loss of his family because these ANIMALS were allowed to walk the streets! Hopefully this will wake up our lawmakers and elected officials to make some changes that will keep this from ever happening again!

May God Bless Mr. Petit and the souls of his loved ones.


Edited by JAD622

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The only problem I have with this is that lethal injection is way too nice. Tie him to a bedpost, beat him,then douse him with gasoline - and let Mr. Petit light the match!

PEMO3, Alpinerunner and PFDRes47cue like this

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The only problem I have with this is that lethal injection is way too nice. Tie him to a bedpost, beat him,then douse him with gasoline - and let Mr. Petit light the match!

i am opposed to the death penalty, and find it disgusting that our society is the only advanced society that still allows capital punishment. and anyone that states that 'it's cheaper to kill them than keep them' crap clearly is detached from our "system." it DOES cost more to put them on death row and then kill them than keep them in a cage - look it up

but understanding how the lethal injection works is actually pretty damn painful. you just don't hear the person scream because they're in a coma, but even under the coma doctors say they feel the pain more times than not. they are knocked out, but not "properly" sedated, so they feel Phase II, which is when they 'sizzle' the organs. The guy that was executed with 3 bullets to the heart did not suffer. His body twitched after being shot, but that was just nerves in shock.

it wouldn't suprise me to hear the victims family opts to keep the monsters jailed for life, but that is their decision

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It's not often I take this kind of view, but having heard enough of the details of the case it's a pity it couldn't be... slow.

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I volunteer to stick him...

x2 brother.

I am so happy to hear he got the death penalty, but it should have been done a LONG time ago. This piece of trash doesn't deserve to breathe another breath of air. I am a strong believer in the death penalty and I would have no problem doing it myself. I live close by to where it happened and it horrified everyone, that poor family, my heart goes out to them. God bless them.

This is only one animal involved in this case. The next one better get it too.

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I am pleased that the jury had the wisdom to arrive at this verdict of death. I would also like to thank Connecticut Governor Jodi Rell who veteoed a bill to repeal Conecticut's death penalty statue. In her veto Governor Rell cited this case as a prime example as to why Connecticut needs to keep the death penalty on the books.

I pray that Doctor Petit finds some consolation in this verdict but we all know that nothing, not even this verdict will ever heal the pain in his heart and for that I am truly sorry.

As for the savages that committed this atrocity, I hope his heart sunk in court today when the verdict was read, I hope this savage was stripped of all hope and is sitting in his cell right now contemplating it, do us all the favor scumbag and save us the money of funding your worthless appeals ..... these criminals represent the worst element of society and should not be amongst the living any more. The justice system has passed it's verdict and now God will soon pass his.

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Well, to add another element of disgrace to this nightmare, the Attorney for this "Animal" was quoted as saying in Court after the verdict was read "my client is smiling and happy because this is what he wanted from the

beginning"! to that I say "Give him what he wants NOW! Why wait?" Get rid of this piece of SH*T now and not after 20 years of appeals and having to hear his name for years to come!

What a disgrace!

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In all of my days, I've read about some seriously messed up things that perps have done to innocent people. I'd have to say, beyond a doubt, this is one of the sickest, most atrocious things I can remember.

It was hard to even read the articles about what had taken place inside that home.

It's hard to understand how cruel perpetrators of violent crimes can be; in this case to innocent young girls and a beautiful grown woman.

The doctor has shown an outward strength and grace that I cannot comprehend in the face of such things haven been done to his family.

I pray for him, and the souls of his beautiful family taken so violently on that terrible day.

We can't understand why God lets things like this occur; but surely the devil lives in people like this; these two horrible, drug-addled, sick human beings that murdered this family.

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I'm glad the jury came back with this decision, I believe these animals both deserve a horrific deah. Unfortunately, our new governor, who has been a topic of discussion on this board MANY times, said he would sign any legislation to abolish the death penalty in this state. We'll see what happens...

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I'm glad the jury came back with this decision, I believe these animals both deserve a horrific deah. Unfortunately, our new governor, who has been a topic of discussion on this board MANY times, said he would sign any legislation to abolish the death penalty in this state. We'll see what happens...


No, not surprisingly, what you posted is not true (I believe someone who dealt with this crime first-hand also corrected you about this when you posted the same statement on another local board yesterday).

The new Governor stated that he is personally opposed to the death penalty, but clearly recognized the severity and heinous nature of this crime and stated that he would not support anything encompassing existing death row inmates or pending incidents (such as the one in Cheshire).

Given, the 20 (or more) likely years of appeals and the method to be used to execute a person in this State, the sentence (although just and warranted) is a paper tiger. The only way these two animals will ever see fitting justice at this point is if the general population of the prison where they reside has access to them.

Edited by x152

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No, not surprisingly, what you posted is not true (I believe someone who dealt with this crime first-hand also corrected you about this when you posted the same statement on another local board yesterday).

The new Governor stated that he is personally opposed to the death penalty, but clearly recognized the severity and heinous nature of this crime and stated that he would not support anything encompassing existing death row inmates or pending incidents (such as the one in Cheshire).

That does not contradict that Sage said. He said he WOULD sign any legislation to abolish death penalty, but would not support anything encompassing existing death row inmates or pending incidents (such as the one in Cheshire). Really too bad.

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