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Zadroga Bill PASSES on second vote in Senate

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Republicans voted en-mass against the bill. They're not giving anybody anything unless they get their billionaires tax cuts. Nice job Republicans, message to sick and dying from 9/11: DROP DEAD!

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I like to think of myself as very independant (libertarian?) and I have never been more disgusted with the any party at any time that I am now with the Republicans. The fact that they voted down the Zadroga Bill doesn't need comment. Everyone knows it's horrible. But the "underlying problem" of the tax cut bill stopping everything is equally as sick. The republicans have been beating the "Reduce the Deficit" drum for a while now (understandable), yet demand tax breaks for people making over $250,000. Disgusting.

You can't reduce the deficit, while decreasing income (taxes), and keep the economy going with unemployment checks. Don't want to spend money without it being covered? YOU NEED INCOME!

That being said, Obama bent over for the Republicans and did what needed to be done, and his party won't support that, either. So the Dems are making me pretty sick, too.

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The lack of interest and page views on this topic is a statement in itself. Apathy, even from fellow emergency service workers, many of you were even there and worked on the pile yourselves...........amazing.

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The lack of interest and page views on this topic is a statement in itself. Apathy, even from fellow emergency service workers, many of you were even there and worked on the pile yourselves...........amazing.

I think its more like...I'm speachless. WTF can you say about the politicians that could turn there backs on these hero's.

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From what I read, the republicans are holding off on voting until the tax cuts are finalized. The Democrats were told that no bills would be passed until the tax bill is voted on, but brought this up anyway knowing it was not going anywhere. Shame on both parties for playing politics with this bill. As far as your millionaire and billionaire quote, this bill will have an effect any any household with a combined income of 250K+. In this neck of the woods, that does not get you too far.

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Here is the bill itself:

9/11 is still killing people.

Absolutely disgusting that these politicians put politics and this game they are seemingly enjoy playing in Washington and screwing over the people who put them in office. Since it takes being a multi millionare to have a signifcant role in US Government, all these politicians are not in tune with the people they serve.

I also blame part of society, the citizens need to stand up for what they believe in. I don't think you're going to ever see massive rallies about this. People don't care anymore about the governemnt because come election time, you just vote for the best of the worst. People statiscally care more about getting Betty White to host Saturday Night Live, or what the latest celebrity is doing, then their own government- until something affects them personally. And, since the press can skew stories any way they wish, I don't think people are getting the correct information. C'mon, if you had the outpouring of support there was after 9/11, this bill would have been easily passed. Now, people just have forgotten the sacrifices.

As far as the political parties, all I see is the Republicans opposing everything the Democrats do, just as a political game. I also think this propaganda about President Obama is hurting things, and whatever you may think, he is the commander in chief. Republicans who are "getting back at him" out of spite and refusing to work with the Oval Office are causing a lot more problems.

Also, with all the money we've spent paying for this war overseas, we could have easily made sure EVERY responder to 9/11 was taken care of. They were the first victims.

I guess they forget that THEY WORK FOR US!

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This whole thing makes me sick to my stomach about the leaders of our country! The fact of the matter is that republicans have always been in it for big interests and big money for THEMSELVES while democrats have been in it for the good of the common wealth of the people of America. Something this country was suppsed to be founded under since the begining of this institution! I cannot believe that our government would turn its back on the thousands of first responders and labor workers when they need help the most. The fact that the republican party will not vote on the Zadroga bill until their F**kin tax cut is passed is a complete miscarriage of justice to many many people who are deathly ill from side effects of working at ground zero.

But like anything else, everyone is in it for themselves and their interests and do not care about the little guys on the totem pole. Almost a decade later, we're pulling out of Iraq and we still haven't capture Osama???, but we sure did privatize 50% of the oil companies in the middle east and Bush has left office with our money, pride, and a country in shambles!

If they had put that money into the job sector, everyone would have jobs right now but politicians needed to spend it on a war for personal interests and nobody has been brought to justice WTF!!!WHERE IS THE JUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The lack of interest and page views on this topic is a statement in itself. Apathy, even from fellow emergency service workers, many of you were even there and worked on the pile yourselves...........amazing.

I put it straight on my Facebook, for those who hadn't heard about it. Other than that... what more needs to be said? They did the deed, and that says it all. Republicans need to know this will be remembered for a LONG time.

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I've been a registered Republican for almost 16 years, and a NYC fireman for about 10 years...........................The Republicans have DISGUSTED me with their actions regarding the Zadroga Bill............I've personally been down to Washington D.C. TWICE, and up to Boston 2 weeks ago, with fellow 9-11 workers and survivors lobbying the politicians who were on the fence about voting YES on this Bill.................One Republican i'm particularly PISSED OFF at is Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown...............I have ALOT of friends on the job up in Massachusetts, and Scott Brown was basically put into office by the firemen and cops of Mass.................That was one reasons why we had a press conference up in Boston 2 weeks ago.....................Just goes to show you.........NONE OF THESE POLITICIANS ARE ANY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Absolutely makes me sick. Typical Republican politics. This is such a disgrace

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Republicans? Democrat President, Democrat House, Democrat Senate, seams to me that there should be no probem if they really wanted to get this passed (now that they are in a lame duck it is a little late). Anyone remember that it was the Democrats that changed the rules during the last vote in the summer where this would have passed? What are you all worried about anyway? We are all going to have the same health care covrage. The governmet is going to look out for us all. We will all have the same access to medical care so again I ask what is the problem? Why a seperate bill? I enjoy giving half of my salary to the goverment so that they can make my life so much easier. They can decide who is my doctor, what I can eat, what I can drink, where I can live, what I can drive, what temperature my home is, what TV I can buy. They have really made so much things easier for me.

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Republicans? Democrat President, Democrat House, Democrat Senate, seams to me that there should be no probem if they really wanted to get this passed (now that they are in a lame duck it is a little late). Anyone remember that it was the Democrats that changed the rules during the last vote in the summer where this would have passed? What are you all worried about anyway? We are all going to have the same health care covrage. The governmet is going to look out for us all. We will all have the same access to medical care so again I ask what is the problem? Why a seperate bill? I enjoy giving half of my salary to the goverment so that they can make my life so much easier. They can decide who is my doctor, what I can eat, what I can drink, where I can live, what I can drive, what temperature my home is, what TV I can buy. They have really made so much things easier for me.

Your outlook on this issue would obviously be different if you knew somebody who was sick from working at the WTC site. Politics aside, what they did yesterday was a disgrace, and if they don't somehow come to agreement on it before this Congress ends, they can all Repub and Dem alike take a flying hike as far as I'm concerned.

And which came first, the showdown on the tax issue, or the Zadroga Bill? Yes it is politics, but all that was needed yesterday was for TWO Republicans to come to the aid of those in need from WTC sicknesses. And not ONE would cross over to help. We'll see how this plays out, maybe they still get it done. If they don't they can all go take a flying leap in the Potomac!

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Republicans? Democrat President, Democrat House, Democrat Senate, seams to me that there should be no probem if they really wanted to get this passed (now that they are in a lame duck it is a little late). Anyone remember that it was the Democrats that changed the rules during the last vote in the summer where this would have passed? What are you all worried about anyway? We are all going to have the same health care covrage. The governmet is going to look out for us all. We will all have the same access to medical care so again I ask what is the problem? Why a seperate bill? I enjoy giving half of my salary to the goverment so that they can make my life so much easier. They can decide who is my doctor, what I can eat, what I can drink, where I can live, what I can drive, what temperature my home is, what TV I can buy. They have really made so much things easier for me.

Really? Fully 50% of your income goes to taxes? The government picked your doctor? What insurance plan are you on? The government told you where you can live? Could you post the letter from the government that dictated that to you? Even told you what car you can drive? Was that in the same notice about where you can live?

The fact of the matter remains, this bill was blocked by the Republicans. They may want to be known as the "law and order, tough on crime" party, but when it comes to matters like the 9/11 bill and union/collective bargaining issues, public sector workers (and private sector) in many cases don't have much to look forward to under Republican leadership.

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If they knew that ANY bill was going to be shot down until they got rid of the taxes for the rich or settled on a medium ground, why would they introduce the bill in the first place?

Flame suit donned and ready

Edited by EMSJunkie712

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EMS- They did it precisely BECAUSE the GOP would vote it down. If they don't put it to a vote, it is their fault. If they put it to a vote and the GOP votes it down, then the GOP are the a$$holes who voted against, as W called them repeatedly, "Americas Heroes." It is just a political return-fire.

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If they knew that ANY bill was going to be shot down until they got rid of the taxes for the rich or settled on a medium ground, why would they introduce the bill in the first place?

Flame suit donned and ready

No bill needed to be "shot down". This Bill could have been moved forward. The votes on extending the tax breaks is a separate and distinct issue. The kindergarten playground mentality of my way or the highway is doing a great disservice to many emergency services workers who work and live right here in the Hudson Valley.

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Republicans? Democrat President, Democrat House, Democrat Senate, seams to me that there should be no probem if they really wanted to get this passed (now that they are in a lame duck it is a little late).

"Fifty-seven Democrats voted for the bill and 41 Republicans opposed it." So to answer your question, yes, republicans voted it down. The rest of your post is obviously grossly exaggerated to show your opinion, which you are entitled to. But don't mess with the facts.

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The facts are that they had Super Majorities. Those are the facts and they are undisputible. How short our memories are, socialized medicine for all, cash for clunkers, cash for refrigerators, light bulbs, and and don't forget the projects in Chappaqua...touch a nerve yet..

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The facts are that they had Super Majorities. Those are the facts and they are undisputible. How short our memories are, socialized medicine for all, cash for clunkers, cash for refrigerators, light bulbs, and and don't forget the projects in Chappaqua...touch a nerve yet..

A little sympathy for the sick and dying at this point wouldn't hurt, Mr. Pointmaker.

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The fact of the matter is the Rebublicans want the tax cut for the wealthy and arent afraid to hold us hostage--yes hostage. Nothing will get done untill the tax package is passed. it seems like it dosent matter to them that the increase of 700 billion to the debt is ok. Wait just wait till next year when they start with we have to cut Social security or priviatize it, have to cut health benifits, cut unemployment because it will drive up the debt. Is that coming?? as sure as the sun rising inthe east.

We all say REMEMBER 9/11 NEVER FORGET ----ALL GAVE SOME SOME GAVE ALL. We must remember too

I am done ranting.

Scott Brown a fake---what a mistake and I am not so sure the Tea party isnt either. We can see whos standing strong in our cornor. see I had more rant in me done now.

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The facts are that they had Super Majorities. Those are the facts and they are undisputible. How short our memories are, socialized medicine for all, cash for clunkers, cash for refrigerators, light bulbs, and and don't forget the projects in Chappaqua...touch a nerve yet..

Lets not forget LOSAP's, FireAct, SAFER, etc. All gov money thrown at special interests that just happens to be US. But lets conveniently ignore that because "we're special".

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no nerve touched yet here.

Lets not forget LOSAP's, FireAct, SAFER, etc. All gov money thrown at special interests that just happens to be US. But lets conveniently ignore that because "we're special".

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I just can't believe that Bill DIDN'T PASS. I'm not at all into politics. I don't have much faith in ANY of Them. BUT I SURE WILL REMEMBER THIS. You could bet if it was a group of people that paid $10,000 a dinner plate it would pass. "Crooked Politicians". And I do mean it. Do us all a favor, and Throw them ALL Out.

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The fact of the matter is the Rebublicans want the tax cut for the wealthy and arent afraid to hold us hostage--yes hostage. Nothing will get done untill the tax package is passed. it seems like it dosent matter to them that the increase of 700 billion to the debt is ok. Wait just wait till next year when they start with we have to cut Social security or priviatize it, have to cut health benifits, cut unemployment because it will drive up the debt. Is that coming?? as sure as the sun rising inthe east.

We all say REMEMBER 9/11 NEVER FORGET ----ALL GAVE SOME SOME GAVE ALL. We must remember too

I am done ranting.

Scott Brown a fake---what a mistake and I am not so sure the Tea party isnt either. We can see whos standing strong in our cornor. see I had more rant in me done now.

And don't' forget; the Republican's are not your friends if you are union; most of them would like for nothing more to change the laws so unions would not be able to represent public sector workers as well.

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Just a thought (and I may very well be wrong).... Very often valuable bills that would benefit many people are voted down initially to insure that other also important legislation can be passed as well. These are political tactics and while they did vote the bill down during this lame-duck session of Congress it will probably pass when reintroduced next year.

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They may have voted it down--it was the verbage "nothing passes until we get the Bush Tax passes for ALL" that my friends is being held hostage. Remember this 700billion to the debt--- its ok now to do that BUT when social security and medicare and medicade areon the table lets see how they react.

And will someone please tell John Bainer to stop crying--he got his holiday wish he will be Speaker of the House.

There I go ranting again

Everyone please have a safe and Happy Holiday

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The facts are that they had Super Majorities. Those are the facts and they are undisputible. How short our memories are, socialized medicine for all, cash for clunkers, cash for refrigerators, light bulbs, and and don't forget the projects in Chappaqua...touch a nerve yet..

Prior to the Democrats having the 'Super Majority' the Republicans had it for a good portion of President Bush's time in office. The Republicans didn't push a bill through to care for 9/11 responders when they easily could have. BTW, while speaking of President Bush (who I voted for both times and who aligned himself with F.D.N.Y. Firefighters and our union after 9/11) why has he been silent on this issue? Why isn't the man who was leading our country on September 11th, 2001 and who swore that he would NEVER FORGET our sacrifices speaking out to his party? He should denounce the GOP's failure to provide care for all of us who ran toward the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 and stayed their until the job was done!

I've been a voting member of the Republican Party for 34 years. I moved to independent last week. The GOP is the party of the mega rich. They demonize ALL unions, are anti middle class, anti pensions, anti benefits ... At the same time, they bend over backwards to appease the people who least need any assistance whatsoever: millionaires and billionaires.

I urge anyone on this site who feels strongly about seeing the 9/11 Health & Compensation Bill passed to take a few minutes and compose a brief message to all the Senate Republicans telling them politely how you feel about the GOP's complete lack of support for sick and dying 9/11 First Responders and send it to them. If you choose to do so, simply go to this site: My link and click on each Senator who has an 'R' next to their name. It will bring you to their website where you can click on their 'contact me - e-mail' section. Write your message once then copy and paste it into each Senator's e-mail. Discussing this issue here on this site is great and I'm all for it, but it would be better still for all first responders as well as their families and friends to bombard the GOP with their strong feelings. Thanks for listening ... stay safe.

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