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2/6/11 Ronald Reagan's 100th Birthday

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The superbowl is no where near the most important event of today. This is Ronald Reagan's 100th Birthday. I wouldn't post this for any president but Reagan wasn't just any president. He was our 40th and our BEST. Reagan is regarded by both sides of the aisle as one of the best presidents of all time.

His smile, his wit, his patriotism, his conservatism and his vision for American still endure to this day. For a man with such a gentle face, he was a pillar of strength and a profile in courage.

Happy Birthday Gipper, We Miss You.

calhobs and firefighter36 like this

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The superbowl is no where near the most important event of today. This is Ronald Reagan's 100th Birthday. I wouldn't post this for any president but Reagan wasn't just any president. He was our 40th and our BEST. Reagan is regarded by both sides of the aisle as one of the best presidents of all time.

His smile, his wit, his patriotism, his conservatism and his vision for American still endure to this day. For a man with such a gentle face, he was a pillar of strength and a profile in courage.

Happy Birthday Gipper, We Miss You.

While I'm not sure if he was our best (Washington and Lincoln come to mind), "The Great Communicator" was, without doubt, one of our best.

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While I'm not sure if he was our best (Washington and Lincoln come to mind), "The Great Communicator" was, without doubt, one of our best.

Indeed he was.

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While I'm not sure if he was our best (Washington and Lincoln come to mind), "The Great Communicator" was, without doubt, one of our best.

Agreed, I can think of at least 3 others more deserving of top 5 than Reagan. Jefferson, FDR or Roosevelt anyone? I am willing to explain my choices if debated but I hardly think a man who insighted the Iran-Contra Affair, "voodoo economics", increased the size of government by 25% and claimed victory over a "cold" force of mostly propaganda is more deserving of a honor of the top 5 more than the architect of our liberty (Washington), Freer of the slaves (Lincoln), Man who more than doubled the size of the US to included the nations "bread basket" and a considerable part of our natural resources and the framer of the constitution (Jefferson), The man who got this nation out of the great depression and won World War II (FDR), and the president who built the Panama Canal, defeated the Spanish on San Juan Hill, busted trusts and monopolies, protected our food with the Pure Food and Drug Laws and for all of you union/labor people out there created the Department of Commerce and Labor to protect the rights of workers and openly supported organized labor more so than any other president to that date (Roosevelt).

Do you out there really think Reagan is still the greatest president even when compared to Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt or FDR? Or have you been drinking the Tea Party Kool-Aid in Jonestown/Palinville?

Edited by bvfdjc316

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We needn't get into a debate over the resumes of past presidents. The thread was started to commemorate what would have been the 100th birthday of President Ronald Reagan.

He was one of only 44 people in history to hold that title and he held it for two terms, only about half the others can make that claim.

It is not necessary to argue about who was the best president. Let's just recognize the birth date of a commander-in-chief and distinguished citizen who served his country well.

Happy Birthday, President Reagan.

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Agreed, I can think of at least 3 others more deserving of top 5 than Reagan. Jefferson, FDR or Roosevelt anyone? I am willing to explain my choices if debated but I hardly think a man who insighted the Iran-Contra Affair, "voodoo economics", increased the size of government by 25% and claimed victory over a "cold" force of mostly propaganda is more deserving of a honor of the top 5 more than the architect of our liberty (Washington), Freer of the slaves (Lincoln), Man who more than doubled the size of the US to included the nations "bread basket" and a considerable part of our natural resources and the framer of the constitution (Jefferson), The man who got this nation out of the great depression and won World War II (FDR), and the president who built the Panama Canal, defeated the Spanish on San Juan Hill, busted trusts and monopolies, protected our food with the Pure Food and Drug Laws and for all of you union/labor people out there created the Department of Commerce and Labor to protect the rights of workers and openly supported organized labor more so than any other president to that date (Roosevelt).

Do you out there really think Reagan is still the greatest president even when compared to Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt or FDR? Or have you been drinking the Tea Party Kool-Aid in Jonestown/Palinville?

There was no doubt that a shameful liberal like yourself would take the opportunity to bash a great man like Reagan when all this thread was about was wishing him a Happy Birthday. Judging by your age status 18-21 you weren't even alive during the Reagan Presidency so anything you know was taught to you in whatever bastion of liberalism ( sorry i meant college) that you hide from the real world in.

You speak of Iran Contra .. first things first junior, no concrete evidence has ever been uncovered that directly linked Reagan to Iran Contra with that being said, the sale of weapons was devised to secure the safe release of 6 American Hostages that were being held in Iran. Some money was then funneled to the Anti Communist fighters but funding and arming anti communist groups is nothing new for the US.

Were the other presidents that you mentioned good presidents ? Yes they were but they weren't the leaders that Reagan was. The rest of the world respected and feared him which ultimatly kept us safe... but thats something that rose colored glasses wearing liberals like yourself know nothing about.

You have proven yourself time and time again on this site to be liberal, anti cop , anti government, and sometimes anti everything. You're obviously a young know nothing kid that thinks that your corner of the world is everything and the rest of us known nothing.

You post your stupidity on here like you know what's going on when in reality you couldn't shine the shoes of the senior men and women who are on this site.

I'm sorry about the rant guys and i know this will get pulled down real quick but you can only read this s*** from this guy so many times

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