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Mike Rowe Testifies Before Senate

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I absolutely agree with what he has to say, and glad someone's out there fighting for this important, brushed away by modern society cause.

Mike Rowe's Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

May 11, 2011

Read the speech here:

Watch the video of the speech here:

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AMEN!!!! Maybe, just maybe, Congress and the President would start up one of FDR's New Deal type programs. Public Works projects.

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In high schools, the vocational arts have all but vanished. We’ve elevated the importance of “higher education” to such a lofty perch, that all other forms of knowledge are now labeled “alternative.” Millions of parents and kids see apprenticeships and on-the-job-training opportunities as “vocational consolation prizes,” best suited for those not cut out for a four-year degree. And still, we talk about millions of “shovel ready” jobs for a society that doesn’t encourage people to pick up a shovel.

Too bad he didn't speak in front of the education department as well. Hopefully his testimony is passed on.

As a high school teacher, I can't tell you how happy I am to hear someone say this. Those have been my thought for far too long. There are some students in my classes who should definitely pursue a path other than college. I don't think society (or their parents) realize how important other career paths are and that they shouldn't be seen as consolation prizes. Keeping students who would truly benefit from a learning environment other than a classroom in a desk for four years helps no one - the student, society, etc. High schools used to offer classes like "shop". While those classes weren't meant to teach someone everything there was to know about carpentry, etc, at least students would be exposed to those essential skilled labor fields. If the class served to interest the student, they had an idea that there was something out there for them to study. I remember coming home with all sorts of stuff I made out of wood, metal, etc. I can't say I was great at it, but at least those classes were offered. And I knew how to use most of the tools in the classes already from when I helped my dad rebuild the porch, work on the car, etc. It's rare to find a school that offers classes like than anymore. There are the BOCES programs for students around Westchester (and other parts of NYS), but enrollment is often limited.

I've been reading educational literature lately in which there is a push for "college or career readiness". I've yet to see that happen, but it would be great if it ever did.

calhobs, Monty, x635 and 3 others like this

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I was lucky enough to get to attend a BOCES program. Not only is it great for "trades" careers, it is also great for emergency services careers, and should be embraced as a recruiting/retention tool.

I attended mine for law enforcement as well as the New Visions in Law and Government program. Through this program I earned my 8 hour NYS Security Guard certificate and Firearms Safety Certificate. If I stayed for the second year of law enforcement I would have earned my 16 hr. security certificate as well. By transferring to New Visions I earned 18 college credits, FOR FREE.

Orange Ulster BOCES also has a fire science program. Through this program a student earns:




Confined Space Awareness and Safety

Defense Against Weapons of Mass Destruction Awareness

Hazardous Materials First Responder Operations

Scene Support Operations

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AMEN!!!! Maybe, just maybe, Congress and the President would start up one of FDR's New Deal type programs. Public Works projects.

In all actuality most economists and historians will tell you that FDR's new deal program did nothing for the economy. Most went back to being jobless when their program was done. World War II is what actually pulled the US out of the great depression.

What they need to do is knock off the bullcrap and do what truly helps create jobs and help all people in the country. People have had a tough time keeping up with mortgages and because they have late payments they get denied refinancing at these record mortgage lows. But yet if they were granted they wouldn't have to be late anymore and the banks would still make money. Give solid tax breaks to small and medium business to give them more revnue and they can hire...ever job counts.

That doesn't include many who also are not making more on unemployment then they did whats the incentive to go back?

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