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New Rochelle Avoids Firefighters Layoffs

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My opinion is they will get pink slips again next year. L12 is still browned out during 2011 and would think be browned out in 2012 when the overtime budget is used.

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I hate to ask, but how long will this last? Is the City of New Rochelle going to be faced with the potential for layoffs again next year?

I will happen again next year and the year after that and the year after that...........

Local governmental funding will continue to go down until (at a minimum) Albany gets its sh*t together.

We wrote about this in the consolidation plan 3 years ago that this was coming. I have spoken with a number of communities around us and they all have said they will need to cut services in the years ahead.

Maybe some of our leaders need to consider that every 20 years we go thru this and while their is some recovery, it never gets back to where we were.

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I will happen again next year and the year after that and the year after that...........

Local governmental funding will continue to go down until (at a minimum) Albany gets its sh*t together.

We wrote about this in the consolidation plan 3 years ago that this was coming. I have spoken with a number of communities around us and they all have said they will need to cut services in the years ahead.

Maybe some of our leaders need to consider that every 20 years we go thru this and while their is some recovery, it never gets back to where we were.

Why consolidate when the dept heads and political idiots play Russian roulette with lives of the men and women who serve and the lives and property of the people we serve

Congrats to the brothers in new ro

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I wonder if the city will try to rework our shifts form a 24/72 to a 24/48 like alot of other depts in the country.

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I wonder if the city will try to rework our shifts form a 24/72 to a 24/48 like alot of other depts in the country.

If you are a member of L273 you should know the answer to that. If you are not a member then this is not the forum to explain our contractual work schedule.

LTNRFD, x129K and 791075 like this

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I wonder if the city will try to rework our shifts form a 24/72 to a 24/48 like alot of other depts in the country.

Under labor law they would need to negoiate that and as to cost savings, I'd have to study it, but off the top of my head, I would say this would increase overtime by 16 hours per man per week. Thats 124,800 additional overtime hours. Just to look at it from a money number if the OT rate was $50/hr (for found numbers) the cost would be an additional $6,240,000 per year plus benefits. That would be a 25% increase in our budget.

The advantage of that work schedule is they could maintain a similare onduty shift with approximatly 25% fewer ff's. or not cost savings, but fewer employees spreeding the welth.

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