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What Happened And How You Can Help

8 posts in this topic

Well, as you may have noticed, EMTBravo has been down for over a week, while I was in the hospital for 10 days. Came home to this, and losing 10 years of work brought tears and did not help my recovery. But, after a week, here we are, still crossing my fingers.

The most recent backup we had was corrupt, so we had to back up, salvage this one, and will have to build on from here.

What I need from you is patience, and give us a chance to work out the kinks and bring the forum back, and please post,post,post any current events and IA's to kind of bring us back to today forward.

Stay tuned to this page for status.



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Glad you are back. I hope you are feeling better too, have to take care of you first, then EMTBravo.

Let me know what I can do to help.

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Glad you are back. And Seth take care of yourself.. get better!

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Glad you are back & hope you are feeling better. I am sure there is some sense of accomplishment in pulling of this fabulous restore. Again, great job and welcome back, we missed you and EMTBravo. It like they say: you never truly appreciate what you had until it's gone.

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Seth: Glad you are feeling better and are out of the hospital, and sorry that you had to find your creation in disarray. We will be patient. Keep getting healthier, and take your time with the restore process, so you do not rush to do the fixes and create immense stress for yourself. We keep checking the site, just in case, and will be there when it comes back on full. Just wish there was some way to donate besides PayPal - unable to do that, but maybe in future......Good luck.

Hey, just thought of this - Huge internet virus hit internet, you get sick about the same time, and so does your "child" the website - Hmmmmmm - always thought you were extremely connected and seem to be everywhere at once to get us great pictures and posing interesting questions for discussion, but did not realize you were so "plugged in" to get the virus, too! :)

Get better soon.

Edited by sueg
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Greetings from London. This is the first time in a week that I have had access to a computer and was suprised to see what happened. Take care of yourself and don't let the site stress you out. Remember health and family come first. Everything else can wait.

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Hey Seth,

Sorry you were under the weather, hope you're doing better now. Losing the site content was probably the last thing you wanted to hear about when you got home.

I don't post often, you guys would think of me as more of a lurker. Not that really, just found this site could help me find out about stuff going on near home and family when other connections did not. Like when I am at work.

Anyway, it seems like anyone who spends much time online these days is given tons of free cloud space at various sites. I know I have several accounts I will never use. Maybe there's a way to harness some of that space for some offsite backups.

Just a thought...

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