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Jersey City LODD of Rookie Officer

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Sage Vigiles started this through Incident Alerts, and do not know how to post link to actual article in Daily News (could not get full link name). Rookie Officer Melvin Santiago, fresh out of the academy in December, was executed by a gunman who "wanted to be famous" and lay in wait for the responding officers. The sub-human what's-his-name was wanted for a previous murder, and his partner in that crime is still on the loose - do not know if he has the same mentality.

Our sincere prayers, condolences and sympathy go to the young officer's family, friends and fellow officers as they grieve this senseless act of murder, and hope they find strength and comfort some way. He was only 23 and did not deserve anything like this from that dirt bag, who was killed by returning police gunfire. Hope they get the other suspect he was earlier teamed with very, very soon. - update: They picked up the other suspect in the earlier homicide investigation on Monday. -

Prayers and thoughts also go to Officer Santiago's partner, Officer Ismael Martinez, as he tries to mentally recover and deal with what happened to him and his partner - no one should have to go through that. Ever.

Edited by sueg
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