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Call to arms

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I hope the NYPD sends out a call to arms to ALL Uniformed personnel ( PD, FD, EMS ) to block all the roads leading up to the LODD funerals of PO Liu and PO Ramos from all politicians who are looking for another soapbox to stand on. All uniformed should stand united, arms locked and make these POS politicians try and walk the " walk of shame " through the sea of Blue. It is time to stand united!!!

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They are already showing up at the make shift memorial on the site of the assassination to be interviewed by the press. never let a tragedy go unused.

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They are already showing up at the make shift memorial on the site of the assassination to be interviewed by the press. never let a tragedy go unused.

Sort of like the old kitchen table quote. Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story. They can go on TV and try to spin this any which way they please. The facts are indisputable. A gang member from Baltimore shot and killed his girlfriend ( most likely because she was going to out him on his plan ) and headed to NYC to " put wings on pigs today ". I can see the cover of the Times tomorrow. Ismaaiyl Brinsley was a good kid who was only weeks away from attending community college to get his life in order. He was active in his community ( selling crack to the community ) and a role model ( to the kids they hire to sell the crack ). His mother Ms Not his last name and father Mr not his last name ( because he a was being raised by his Aunt ) can't understand what went wrong in his life and can't believe those cops chased their son down the subway and shot him ( he would never kill himself ). Lets blame everyone in society for our problems and not look in the mirror and hold ourselves accountable. WHAT A TRAGEDY IN ALL ASPECTS OF THIS STORY. THANK YOU PRESIDENT OBAMA, MAYOR DEBLASIO, AL SHARPTON ( I refuse to use Rev in front of his name ) JESSE JACKSON AND ALL OF THE HATE SPEWING RACIST LEADERS IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!

Edited by lad12derff
Stench60, trauma74, SOUSGT and 14 others like this

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