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FDR Incident

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Per my "significant other", who's working there as a ranger, some twit threw a bottle which hit a 7 yo girl. Said girl sustained a scalp laceration. The families involved began fighting; Y-town PD drew down on the father as he attempted to transport the girl for medical attention (mistook him for the perp)-much chaos, screaming, all sorts of monkeyshines.

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So the whole thing got started because of the bottle being thrown and hitting the girl, or that was the result of the unruly crowd? If it was the later, then what started the trouble?

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The child struck by the bottle was transported to WMC prior to Yorktown PD being called into the park.

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Thank you.

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Get out the Pepper Spray and Flex Cuffs!

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Y-town PD drew down on the father as he attempted to transport the girl for medical attention (mistook him for the perp)-much chaos, screaming, all sorts of monkeyshines.

And Then......

The child struck by the bottle was transported to WMC prior to Yorktown PD being called into the park.

OK... So what REALLY happened?? :roll:

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When YVAC arrived the patient was in a private vehicle in the main driveway of the park. Parks PD was there and it may have been they that were involved with the incident Scooter related. (I didn't see it)

After we had been enroute to WMC for about 10 minutes we heard YPD send two cars into the park to assist Parks PD at lot munber 5. We also saw a couple of State PD cars blazing northbound on the TSP.

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Pronunciation: (mung'kē-shīn"), [key]


Usually, monkeyshines. a frivolous or mischievous prank; monkey business.

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about how long is the ride to WMC?

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FDR to WMC? If I was driving 11-15 min =D>

FDR is right off the TSP so it's a straight run south.

Medic 137 how long?

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its a good 8-15 min ride depending on whats going on w/ the patient

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8 min? WOW! Don't tell 8611 you made it that fast! =D>

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What a bunch of skells. Thank God is wasn't as bad as the savages that were revolting down at Playland on the the 4th. Every year the same s*** happens down there and yet the county continues to faciliate their actions by continuing to provide the free festivities. Half the people that attend that day don't even pay to go on the rides, they just walk around all day causing trouble. If they started charging $15 - 20 for park entry like other major amusement parks, these situations would happen with much less frequency. What is it about a holiday weekend that brings out the worst in people?

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It was about a 15 minute ride. Maybe a couple of minutes longer than it would have taken to get to Hudson Valley. We thought that if the patient needed plastic surgury, WMC was more likely to be able to provide it on July 4.

RWC, 8611 was driving the rig!

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