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Exciting Arena News Regarding Extreme Home Makeovr

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From the Arena Email List...what great news to kickoff the weekend!!!!!!! They deserve this more and I am very excited for them! :mellow:

Dear Family and Friends,

Today we received a call from EM:HE.  It seems ABC loved the Arena family and their community.


This means, it seems, that they are looking at sometime in April 2006.  We will not know much, but we are in their running.  First we must complete an extensive background check, which will take about 4 weeks.

Jokingly, she told us to please inform our friends that we are now finalists and that the letters can stop - LOL.  You are all the greatest.  Again, without all of you and your support this would not be a possibility.  I am so thankful to all of you for your love and support.  Now we just need to pray that all goes well, and hopefully, we will be surprised come April.  I am just thankful that Jimmy's story and the community's story will probably be told.  We are an incredible group of people, so please continue to pray for continued good news in this venture.  Our angel boy is smiling down on us, I can just see him.  He is such a special soul, and I miss him more than ever.  Let's wait and see what is meant to be.


May God Bless You and Your Family Now and Always, Love, Gina & Family

Edited by x635

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How can they NOT get it. Their story would be one of the most touching that that show could ever have.


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What great news for the Arenas in 2006! Well said ECLEMENTE! I must say, everytime i read the updates of the Arenas, i can't help but to get teary-eyed. Their love, hope and faith is such an inspiration and they deserve nothing but the best!

I can't see why Extreme Home Makeover wouldn't choose the Arenas for one of their projects!

Best of luck and i hope all goes in your favor!

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Im sure I speek for everyone here when I say that the Arena family deserves this more than anyone else that I know of. Please keep us informed about any updates. Best of luck!!! God Bless the Arean Family!!

Edited by RZ502

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