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Everything posted by ems-buff

  1. Date:08/19/09 Time: approx. 2220hrs Location: Forest Ave/ Dearborn Ave Frequency: 46.26 EMS-15 Units Operating: RYE FD, EMS: PCRRB EMS:77-A4 EASTCHESTER: 57-B3 SCARSDALE: 79-A1 HARRSION: 61-A1 GREENWICH EMS Weather Conditions: Hot, muggy Description Of Incident: City of Rye dispatched to an MVA, rollover, total number of Patients are (7) seven. (6) BLS, (1) RMA 2225hrs 77-A4 requesting bed availability for SSMC, and WPMC 2227hrs 60-Control advising that SSMC can handle (5) Five BLS , WPMC can handle (2) two BLS 2232hrs 61-A1 enroute M/A 2237hrs 77-A4 request all units to bring backboards, and all immoblization equitment 2241hrs 61A-1 on Location 2245hrs 57-B3 on location 2248hrs 79A-1 on Location 2251hrs 61A-1 transporting (2) two to White plains 2255hrs 79-A1 transporting (2) two to SSMC 2256hrs 77-A4 advises all patients are off the scene, recap, 61-A1 2 to WPMC, 57-B3 1 to SSMC, Greenwich EMS 1 to SSMC, 79-A1 2 to SSMC 77-A4 with 1 RMA Dispatchers: 662 Writer: ems-buff
  2. I have recently started FF1 at WCDES.... And I have to say that I have learned alot from this topic, along with all the great instructors, and the book. I must say... When I did Mask Confidence today, for the 1st time. It was really hard, but whenever I got to stairs I went feet first, crawled, and felt my way thru everything, carefully. I have to say thank you to all that posted on this topic, for helping me gain more knowledge on how to protect myself in a fire...
  3. So is this site handled by the webmaster, or is this site handled by one of the companies you guys chose. I might be looking for help with a site...
  4. Wow sound's like some of the 50 series we have now... Although I must say, Fleet service has gotten alot better....
  5. I still think that truck is still fairly new..... It doesn't see as much work as Yorktown's
  6. My god it was differant back.... Mark-b with hair... Had more company morale... What I would of give to have work back then with great people that are now far better then they have ever been... Ya know I wish the county fair would come back to westchester and yonkers, just so I can experiance the stories jono told me.... Lol
  7. Oh.I got to ask billy boy about that one, next time he works mamaroneck.... Danny what's with that picture of you and the snake on FB... Looks like your enjoying that right there.....
  8. Nothing like EVOC coruse in the snow..... LMAO
  9. As another saying goes stupid should be painful.....case and point if the driver started to move in this story....
  10. I must say.... It is a very nice site.... Very well layed out...
  11. Happy brithday fearless leader
  12. I have to say this has to be one of the saddest stories I have ever heard. I feel for these poor kids and there families. I also would like to say that, this is going to be a tuff time for all agencies involved. I am proud to say that I work in the Hawthorne fire district, as a Paid EMT for Empress EMS. I must say that I have never met a more dedicated group of men and women. I am sure that their professionalism was nothing short of extraordinary. My heart goes out to all of you at HFD, as well as all the other departments mentioned in the in IA.
  13. Here he is.... Photo credit goes to Captain Grant Nishanian of Larchmont/ Town of Mamaroneck Volunteer Ambulance Core
  14. Does anyone have any pictures of this years parade?
  15. Members, I think it's safe to say that Seth has the issue under control. Please do not let the actions of other low life individuals who have nothing better to do, Make you second guess the security of the site, but as stated above, Any other issues please let the staff of the fourm know.. Thank you.
  16. Hawthorne?
  17. Was wondering when you would show andy...
  18. Very nice photo's thanks for sharing.....
  19. Can you guess who this medic is?! Photo credit goes to Captain Grant Nishanian of Larchmont/ Town of Mamaroneck Volunteer Ambulance Core
  20. nope not black and white, but it's all 4 feet of him.....
  21. May he rest in peace, god bless him, his family, and his fellow brother firefighters...
  22. Wow.... wait till you guys see Don Grande and Richie Werner.... it's a sight...
  23. Can you write alittle more on what the class is, maybe a link to the trainig bulliten...
  24. Well given all the crap that's been going on in albany right now.. This may not happen for awhile.
  25. I wish the officer and the young man who was hit, a speedy recovery.