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Everything posted by ajsbear

  1. Gotta say the Giants have turned it up a few. The Pat's have been just getting by the last few games. If Eli can continue to have no interceptions, they keep switching Jacobs and Bradshaw in the backfield, I think it'll be close, 21 17 Giants
  2. This is why there is a need to consolidate departments. With call volumns in Putnam and at least in the area I'm fimiliar with, a career department just isn't afordable. In Phillipstown there have been 3 calls I can think of that needed M/A to handle in the last year. 2 were wires and one an odor of gas all in the middle of the night in bad weather. Getting new members is a problem. Keeping them as well. I was just at the fire in Peekskill on Main street and with the M/A companies there were more than enough people there, esspecially with the cold. If you consollidate departments all the better chance of getting out a full rig then with just 3 or 3 people. The distance one must travel to get to the fire house is another issue no one really looks at. Some areas its 4 or 5 miles or even more to the fire house. 2 minutes for the member go get out of the house and start the car. another 5 to the fire house. Get dressed and on the truck another 2. Fully staff a house for 200 calls a year? At the cost of $10 million with benefits stc. Its just not going to happen righ now. Consolodate, if that doesn't work then a como department may be next. All the career departments in Westchester started as Vollunteer, then combo then career so it takes time to evolve.
  3. Replay of week 17 except Giants 21 Pats 17
  4. Seth while I agree with locking threads I don't agree with the 2 weeks. One has just to look at the thread started by "hudson144." on his 2 department issues. There were several times 2 weeks went by and nothing. Then an update and several posts after then another few weeks. Some issues just take a little time off. I think the 30 days were fine.
  5. Has anyone had any experience with this? I just read an article in Fire Engineering Fire Interruption Technology-5 (FIT-5), http://www.fireengineering.com/display_art...Fireengineering
  6. First let me say I am a Jet fan. I know pain. Second a NY fan. I would love to see the Giants make uip for week 17 but with the secondary so banged up after Dallas Farve may have a field day going long. i will say however anyone except New England.
  7. Ask your brother, he's in Texas.
  8. With as many members as this site has if just half donated $5 each it would solve the issue of costs of this site for a while. Come on people. We all enjoy this site, Seth has been doing a great job. What's $5? One less trip to Starbucks every week?
  9. After doing a donation that looks like its their service charge. I do know that there is a 4% charge for transactions and that may be their minimum.
  10. 1973 American LaFrance
  11. Is that the pickup parked on cinder blocks?
  12. I believe we need to make a change. Years ago when living on LI there was a fire in a police station that was within 50 to 100 yards of a fire station. It was not the departments district though. The fire department from a mile away responded. I myself now belong to my closest department but it is not the department that will respond to my home, the closest department is across the county line. School districts are no better but lets leave that for another discussion. The other issue is consolidation. Yes 50 plus rescues, the number of other apparatus etc. Moving to a regional model may not be the total answer either. Lets look at some of the towns that have multiple departments, split it up to comb, career and volunteer. Will it work? I think most may. That will save millions. Some of this will bring the closest rig, some may still not. You will still have to go over town and county lines in some areas. That is a lot harder to do. Lets see a list of the towns with multiple departments, how would consolidation work? Who would benefit? How much can we save in reduction of duplicate equip? Finally in most cases would this reduce response time and the manpower shortages?
  13. Bob I agree with you on the most part. Why does Westchester need 53 Rescue trucks? Putnam another 10? I do agree with working together. Some departments have enough to get by. Look in some communities who do not have ladder trucks, ground ladders work in 98% of the incidents when needed. On the west side of Putnam there are none. They rely on Mohegan and Peekskill on the south, Rombouts and East Fishkill from the north. Do you think thats wrong? Peekskill gets ajob, has no water pressure and calls for some tankers because they don't have one. Crotan needed additional tankers last week. in the Bedford, Mt Kisco Somers area they always assist with tankers and additional manpower. For the most part the system in place works and its all we have. Combining some departments is needed. The Kingdom thing will put up road blacks, walls and who knows what else. Look at the Stamofrd problems. A lot of that is giving up the key to the kingdom and losing some control. Give in for the good of the taxpaying community already. I'm not pro volunteer of career. I'm for doing the best for my community and save some money in doing so. I've seen my taxes go up over the last 8 years by almost 33%. School, county, town etc. YOU CAN HAVE THE SOAPBOX BACK. Merry Christmas to all.
  14. One reason Bob that at least up here you see 4 or 5 departments for M/A is water supply. You work in an are with Hydrants. Depending on the size of the structure and the distance to fill you may need 4 or 5 tankers. Also with the length of some of these driveway and back roads you have some huge distance to go with hose you then need to set up a water relay. I've been in homes up here with driveways as long as streets and streets that are no wider than driveways. We have set up here when a report of a structure fire comes in the no mater who's district, all 3 departments get toned for tankers and stand by for additional manpower. Usually another department supplies a source engine to fill the tanker. I also see consolidation of some of the vol. departments though. I have seen it take too long getting trucks out. The territorial thing has got to end to protect the public. We have an area that there are 2 departments who dispute so its a joint response. Solves the problem.
  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHIEF. It's been a long time since the days on Oak Street.
  16. I have to agree with a lot of what has already been said. I will add that this morning I was doing traffic at an MVA. Have not done that in a while. People trying to catch a look at what's going on are going to cause another accident. I can't believe the stupidity of these people. We have 2 close ones. One talking on the cell at the same time and it looked like one trying to take a picture with a cell.
  17. I do a lot of travel in my current work. I only stay in Hilton, Sheraton, Marriott and Hyatt hotels.
  18. Great jopb Tracy. Your dad must be proud!!
  19. In NYS when you approach a NYSPD car you see the blue and red lights you know you are approaching from the rear. If all agencies, PD and FD made this standard every motorist would know that. I would think that we'd all believe in "Saftey" first. Blue has been proven to be easier to see at night.
  20. Jonesy, Congratulations and Good Luck!!!!!
  21. Hey, you mind as well take out a Crystal ball and use that to figure it out. Just remember, the weather people have a 50/50 shot at getting it somewhat right.
  22. I remember riding the back step but then it was down county. We also used to crowd 2 or 3 into the jump set area. Now today we all ride wearing seat belts. That's one reason, everyone on the rig must wear a seat belt. In the 70's FDNY stopped when some of the men on the step got hit with bricks and other things thrown at them. I think that's when everyone in Westchester started getting rigs with crew cabs and everyone was inside. I don't remember ever reading an OSHA regulation. WIth a crew cab, warm in the winter and rigs today with AC cool in the summer, why ride the back step? Also today's rigs are not set up to ride.
  23. The thing about fresh cut trees that you cut down yourself is the needles last longer. The ones that are already cut, most are cut in September and October. We go out and get a fresh cut every year and I take it into the woods behind my house after we take it down and most were still green in March. I know the one you mean Seth, we used to go there too. Now you have to go further north.
  24. The NYS V & T laws say we only need to slow down but NFPA says we need to stop. All who drive a rig today remember if you think that just because the NY V & T says you can cruise through an intersection will protect you think again. The lawyers know about NFPA and they will find it. It only takes a few extra seconds but you can't help anyone unless you arrive alive and the rig is in one piece.
  25. I was just at a drill a few months ago run by Cont. Village doing just that, water relay into portable pools. Up here where we really don't have hydrants the norm is to send the first due to the house, dropping LDH at the bottom of the driveway. The second due come in hooks up and when the tanker arrives sets up to pump out of the pool and pumps to the first due. A real easy system one you get set up. An extra look stretch would mean a third pumper with a relay in the middle. Not unusual in the more rural areas.