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  1. 25truck26 liked a post in a topic by OnTheWheel in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    Blue is a level of response. There are multiple. Each level brings different amounts of response. That's as far as I'll go as not to "lay all our cards on the table".
  2. 25truck26 liked a post in a topic by OnTheWheel in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    That sounds like a perfect letter to the editor on lohud if you ask me!
  3. 25truck26 liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    Well this is truly amazing. According to lohud, over 60 police units had to respond from as far south as Tuckahoe to deal with this unreasonable and unruly crowd. Why? Because their "muslim sensibilities" were insulted? Give me a freakin' break. The rules are posted and for certain rides, there is to be NO WEARING OF ANY TYPE OF HEADGEAR period.
    Why do these people think they are exempt from the rules, the laws? I know what they would like; Sharia Law. Their own version of a justice system implemented in the countries they emigrate to. I think that is a disgusting disgrace, as were the actions of these supposedly "religious" people at the Playland park.
    Look, you people want to assimilate in this country, fine. I guess we have to let some of you in. But if you don't like the system, the rules in place... TOO F'IN BAD, go back to the place you came from.
    The difference between these people and the ancestors of many of us here in this forum is our great-grandparents had a huge desire to assimilate into the American culture. That's why on my mother's side, they came from Italy, moved into the south Bronx and gave up teaching their native language to their children, my mother, and therefore I don't know Italian today as a result. I wish that part were different, but the point being these people were so anxious to "fit in" they even gave up their language. Italian was forbidden to be spoken in the house by my great-grandparents, as a result their great-grandchildren only speak English.
    Now these muslims with their headgear, the hijab, they can't even get on the Dragon Coaster without starting a ruckus? Like Playland OWES them something, like WE owe them anything? They should kiss the ground of freedom they walk upon, shut their damn mouths, follow the rules, or else.
    What a waste of PD resources to have to direct half the cars on patrol up to Playland because these freaking people were "insulted"! Enough! Fit in or GET OUT!
  4. 25truck26 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in Rappers memorializing DJ Henry   
    Going by what your profile says, you are not a cop and in no way affiliated with law enforcement but yet you see fit to come on this site and talk trash about a cop who was almost killed by some punk scumbag intoxicated kid.
    When you go to the doctor do you second guess his diagnosis ? When you go to the accountant, do you tell him he is doing your taxes wrong ? The answer is probably no to all of these questions so why do you think it's o.k. to second guess a veteran professional police officer with extensive training and experience ?
    You do realize that after a multijurisdictional probe and an extensive one at that and after having all the facts presented to a grand jury, all the officers involved in this case were cleared of any wrong doing correct ?
    Cops work 8 hours a day getting s*** from people who don't agree with what we do or how we do our jobs, the last thing I want to do is get out of work, come home and look at EMTbravo and have to see the same nonsense that I get at work
  5. 25truck26 liked a post in a topic by OnTheWheel in Mt Pleasant cop shoots bicyclist while euthanizing raccoon   
    I believe they are not sure as to what hit the persons leg. I think the title of this thread is misleading and blows it out of proportion.
  6. 25truck26 liked a post in a topic by helicopper in A plane can fall out of the sky anywhere at anytime, Is your department prepared?   
    He didn't because it didn't.
    Anyway, alot of large aircraft going into LGA fly over the southern part of the county depending on the wind. Aircraft going in and out of other regional airports may also be flying over the county so everyone needs to be prepared.
    We've had this discussion before but since we're not really well prepared for any MCI, focusing on aircraft incidents specifically may not be prudent. What about buses, trains, boats, etc.?
    Considering that most agencies have some degree of staffing problem that affects their ability to cover routine calls, we're going to have big problems at an MCI.
  7. 25truck26 liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in Trooper vs. Paramedic: update   
    Fair enough, I can respect that, but maybe there is a more suitable forum to "liberally" question the practices of law enforcement instead of a board that is supposed to be pro-emergency services. It's one thing to ask why we do certain things a certain way, it's another to make judgements and then every police officer here has to defend the actions of our brothers.
  8. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by 25truck26 in Brooklyn 4th alarm video   
    I am not sure if I posted this in the right area. Please move to the proper area if I am wrong.
    I found this video on another forum and thought it was interesting enough to share. Whoever filmed this didn't do a bad job just WATCH ghetto LANGUAGE
    The video is of the Brooklyn 4th Alarm on Washington Ave x St John Place that was on June 4, 2011.
    Incident alert by PFDRes47cue: Brooklyn 4th Alarm 06-04-11. I was not at the fire and simply just saw this video and thought it was a good video to show and to see how quickly this fire spread to a 4th alarm. In under 5 min this went from what looks like a small fire to the building fully involved. From my understanding this was a vacant building.

  9. 25truck26 liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Westchester County Police New Color Scheme?   
    (In a reply to a post made not visible)
    Is your message that the police shouldn't have vehicles to drive because of a fiscal crisis? If you're a cop as your profile suggests you know that vehicles are purchased regularly to maintain the fleet and that money usually comes from a different pool of money (capital vs. operating).
    Our members haven't had a contract in two years but vehicle replacement continues because it has to. That doesn't mean there's no fiscal crisis. It's a necessity or we'd be unable to respond to a lot of calls.
    As for this whole debate over painting of cars, why are we concerned about a couple of hundred dollars for paint and not the duplicative costs of seven PD's in a single town or 42 PSAPs instead of a real 911 center and communications system.
    I "hear" that Ford is providing two tone or white cars for nearly the same cost (I say nearly because I "hear" this and have no personal knowledge of it).
    I'm all for talking about saving money but there are much bigger fish to fry than this one.
  10. 25truck26 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Westchester County Police New Color Scheme?   
    For FD members with duplicative, redundant and extravagant apparatus, equipment, and stations to be so critical for the painting of some police cars is really disingenuous.
    The PD has as much right to paint their vehicles as the FD's do. What's the difference?
  11. 25truck26 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in 4th Amendment Decision   
    I understand where you are coming from. I take pride in my work and pride in our justice system no matter how silly it can be at times.
    Although I become frustrated with all of the hoops we have to jump through to get search warrants etc... I never want to see the law circumvented just to make an arrest.
    There are too many restrictions put on law enforcement and every time there is a new more restrictive ruling we have to adjust so this ruling is a breath of fresh air. People really have no clue what we have to go through to get our jobs done, we hit roadblocks and nonsense every step of the way and all we are trying to do is get the bad guy off the streets but in many cases we are the bad guy it seems.
  12. 25truck26 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in 4th Amendment Decision   
    For those of you that are concerned about the police having too much "power", this doesn't give us any more "power" than we already have.
    When you are a cop that works in a busy area or in a special unit that deals with search warrants frequently, you know what the destruction of evidence sounds like as opposed to " putting up a shelf," and you know what people scurrying around in an apartment trying to hid or escape sounds like as ooposed to people getting off the couch to come open the door."
    Let's try to keep this in perspective... we are talking about piece of s*** drug dealers here, the scum of the earth who ruin lives and communities, Who Cares what happens to them... when you live in a community that doesn't have the scourge of heavy drugs in it, it's easy to sit back and say " but we need to preserve their rights too."
    If the apartment or the house next door to you had frequent visitors knocking on the door at all hours of the day and night or cars coming up comstantly and there were strange odors coming from the apartment, and you heard rumors that they were selling crack of heroin out of the apratment, the first thing you would do is call the police and ask them why they aren't doing anything about it and when you get the answer of " Our hands are tied and they have rights too," maybe you will rethink your position.
    Or if your kids couldn't go to the park becuase the local dealer has taken up residence by the swingset to sell his drugs because the swing set has the best panoramic view to see if the cops are coming.
    Or there were drive by's and gang fights on the corner or if your car or your house kept getting broken into becasue the crack heads are staying in your neighborhood becuase your local dealer has the best product.
    I am a supporter of the constitution but I am also a supporter of Common Sense
  13. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by 25truck26 in WWII TRAILER   
    My Grandfather is still alive- 95 Years old! and his mind is sharp as razor! WWII Vet 63rd Infantry and proud! They are the greatest generation.
  14. 25truck26 liked a post in a topic by X2321 in Utica Triple Fatal Fire   
    A very interesting video by a local photojournalist at the scene of a horrible triple fatal fire in Utica. http://www.wktv.com/news/local/121577954.html
  15. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by 25truck26 in Osama Bin Laden DEAD! Killed By US Forces!   
    Fox News just showed Times Square celebration with FDNY Engine 54 and Ladder 4 guys standing on the top of their rigs celebrating. Great Scene
  16. 25truck26 liked a post in a topic by ajsbear in Pelham Working Fire 4-19-11 (Discussion)   
    It's all about taxes and the all mighty dollar. adding 1 man per shift is actually adding 4 men to the department. Add 1 per rig and you get the drift. Now figure each at a salary, benefits plus training costs etc. No one wants to see a raise in taxes. Its simple. Raise taxes and you will get a revolt. People are having trouble paying the bills already. No tell them their tax bill is going up $500 a year. Look at the other costs, gas, heating, food, insurance, health care and its never ending. My school district is looking for a 2 3/4% raise. I don't think that will pass unanimously. I just filled my gas tank. Only a 18 gallon tank and it was $70. I just cut channels out on cable and now I am looking at cutting my cell costs as well. Everyone is looking to save money so as bad as it is, you're not going to see manning go up soon. b**** all you want, no town, village or city official will listen.
  17. 25truck26 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in Pleasantville Police Officer named Officer of the Year   
    " Take down the blue wall ? " Sometimes the blue wall is all we have because it seems that we have ZERO support from the communities we serve.
    You ask what planet this forum is from ? The rest of us are from planet reality, how about you ?
    dj henrys father is connected where ? Just because some hack civil rights leaders are leading himn around by the nose in no way makes him connected.
    I applaud the PBA for giving this award to P.O. Hess.... he saved lives that night and is a hero.. END OF STORY
    As far as the feds go, they are on a witch hunt in westchester county and will stop at nothing to hang a cop, even if it's under false pretenses... we all remember how the FBI agent that was investigating Det. Quinoy in Sleppy Hollow tampered with evidence to try to get a conviction.
    But no matter what the feds say, it will not change the fact that PO Hess is the Pleasantville PBA's officer of the year !!!
  18. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by 25truck26 in Why Are Police Officers Down Here So Different?   
    Well reading your posts just pissed me off. I have a lot of pride in being a cop and I enjoy what i do. Maybe the area I work in sucks but I have fun. To say I as a NY cop or any of us cops for that matter don't take pride in our sector or post or we are not out their making arrest or working...You are way off base and seriously doubt you have any evidence to support your claim. I know plenty of us who take pride in our sectors and cops will tell you we don't like another sector picking up our jobs unless they absolutely have to. That's our sector and we will handle. Heavy job comes in (assault, robbery etc..) balls to the wall responding. Sometimes we get into back log because some guys are covering multiple sectors at a time and there are 3 cars out there for 7,8 or more sectors and we are holding jobs BECAUSE WE ARE THAT BUSY!! We don't take pride? Yeah ok.
    You worked as a dispatcher? I have a lot of respect for dispatchers but you are not out on the street with us. Your dad was a cop in a busy area? Good for him then he knows the job...NOT YOU! Your worked in a police supply store so you met and talked with cops. I was friends with lot of cops before I got on the job and thought I understood it. WRONG! You don't know what its like or how it feels just because you are friends with or hangout with a cop. Until you are out there on the street doing what needs to be done you don't have a clue. Never will.
    If I am wrong or off base someone tell me
  19. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by 25truck26 in Why Are Police Officers Down Here So Different?   
    Well reading your posts just pissed me off. I have a lot of pride in being a cop and I enjoy what i do. Maybe the area I work in sucks but I have fun. To say I as a NY cop or any of us cops for that matter don't take pride in our sector or post or we are not out their making arrest or working...You are way off base and seriously doubt you have any evidence to support your claim. I know plenty of us who take pride in our sectors and cops will tell you we don't like another sector picking up our jobs unless they absolutely have to. That's our sector and we will handle. Heavy job comes in (assault, robbery etc..) balls to the wall responding. Sometimes we get into back log because some guys are covering multiple sectors at a time and there are 3 cars out there for 7,8 or more sectors and we are holding jobs BECAUSE WE ARE THAT BUSY!! We don't take pride? Yeah ok.
    You worked as a dispatcher? I have a lot of respect for dispatchers but you are not out on the street with us. Your dad was a cop in a busy area? Good for him then he knows the job...NOT YOU! Your worked in a police supply store so you met and talked with cops. I was friends with lot of cops before I got on the job and thought I understood it. WRONG! You don't know what its like or how it feels just because you are friends with or hangout with a cop. Until you are out there on the street doing what needs to be done you don't have a clue. Never will.
    If I am wrong or off base someone tell me
  20. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by 25truck26 in Police Academy Question   
    Team Work! and watch out for each other from day 1! If someone needs something one day whether its polish for shoes or some other BS thing help that person out! That's what this job is all about getting each others back! Don't be that person who only looks out for you and doesn't care about the person next to you, because it will be a long difficult road for you!
  21. efdcapt115 liked a post in a topic by 25truck26 in EFD/FDNY E-30 For One Day   
    Read the book a "1000 years for Revenge" A great read and will tell you a lot about the life of Ronnie Bucca and what he knew about terrorism and Al.Qaeda. Ronnie was an expert, was probably the smartest guy ever to be in the FDNY and the FBI and JTTF should have listened to him. A great Book