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Posts posted by prucha25

  1. I would imagine WEMS was picked being that they already cover all of Northeast Westchester including Armonk with the 34 Medics. Why have one company provide a Medic and another an EMT ?

    WEMS supplies the 45 medics, the 34 Medics are Empress in Yorktown.

    Also when I worked with WEMS which was admittedly over 5 years ago they had mutual aid contracts with a few surrounding towns in north eastern westchester.

  2. Westchester County

    • TransCare
    • Empress
    • WEMS
    • EMStar

    Putnam County

    • TransCare
    • EMStar

    Dutchess County

    • TransCare
    • Mobile Life
    • NDP
    • EMStar

    Ulster County

    • TransCare
    • Mobile Life
    • EMStar

    Orange County

    • TransCare
    • Mobile Life
    • EMStar

    All in all there is more than enough business to go around. Every company has hiccups and every company manages their system status how they desire.

    WEMS is not for profit.

    87D124 likes this

  3. Well, if the EMS guys want their chief tossed out, and the Fire Commissioner did the very same thing, then that explains the commissioner's defense of the EMS chief, doesn't it? How can you fire a guy for doing what you did?

    The fire commissioner ordered one thing and the EMS chiefs didn't execute those orders. There was another piece of CBS tonight. The city council is going to have hearings on this in January.

    Just another reason why captains and chiefs in FDNY EMS should be tested positions with training.. In brutal honesty alot of higher ranking officials are glorified lieutenants since that's the highest rank you achieve via civil service the rest is promotion via word of mouth

    I agree

  4. Reverting to the old HHC operated EMS would be a big step backwards. EMS was so bad when it was part of HHC that many communities formed volunteer ambulance corps. so that there would be rapid assistance available (and proper patient care) when needed. I worked for HHC's EMS., there was little or no enforcement of crews who would 'disappear 45 minutes to and hour before the end of each tour, didn't answer the radio when called, the list of major problems is too long to include here. HHC's EMS was terrible at best.

    Reverting to the old HHC operated EMS would be a big step backwards. EMS was so bad when it was part of HHC that many communities formed volunteer ambulance corps. so that there would be rapid assistance available (and proper patient care) when needed. I worked for HHC's EMS., there was little or no enforcement of crews who would 'disappear 45 minutes to and hour before the end of each tour, didn't answer the radio when called, the list of major problems is too long to include here. HHC's EMS was terrible at best.

    As much a I hate to admit it this is true. EMS is treated like a second class citizen in the FDNY but it is still better then when we were under HHC ( based on what I've been told). There are some old timers who swear up and down on HHC but the majority say it's better under FDNY. We've gotten better pay/ benefits, as well as a much better budget for EMS. The ambulances used to be barebones you were lucky to be part 800. Now most of our buses are overstocked and the stations have plenty of extra to restock. However as I mentioned you are a second class citizen. Many people get frustrated that when EMS does something they refer to you as " FDNY members " or " Firefighters" and very rarely mention EMS. Also the changing our of supervisors mentality has changed drastically in even the 4 years I've been there. I wish our bosses were like the bosses for the Firefighters, but ours would rather write charge packets, for the same thing they were doing a year ago before they got their bar. This is where the whole Sandy thing comes into play. Unlike what the Commissioner says units were ordered to stay at their cross street locations ( not in shelter) during the storm, and station supervisors were ordered to stay in quarters until the water was so many many people lost their cars because it was too late to evacuate. Had these same Chiefs been out in the field ( there is usually only 1 to 2 EMS chiefs on at night and they're basically ghosts who only appear when something big happens) they would have seen how fast the conditions deteriorated and how much danger the crews were in. Putting the crews in danger jeopardized the citizen's we are here to protect because we became focused on trying to save each other and therefore took longer to respond to emergencies. Many member unnecessarily lost possessions and their vehicles because of the lack of preplanning and the lack of orders issued. This is a job to be proud of, and a honorable job where people look up to you. However I believe it is unacceptable to sit back and simply take abuse which can endanger you, this isn't a rant by someone who is burnt out, this is a rant by someone who loves his job however wish it was managed much much differently.

  5. The picture I posted as well as others were on CBS 2 news at 6 just now. When the segment becomes available online I will link it here. I will tell you one thing though, this isn't about EMS members "whining about being wet". This is about the safety of our coworkers and the public we are sworn to protect, and the failure of our leadership during Sandy.

    SageVigiles, nycmedic and JM15 like this

  6. If you worked FDNY EMS you would understand everything over the rank of Captain needs a major overhaul. With the exception of a handful of Chiefs our " management" is a joke. Not to mention Chief Nahmod was nowhere to be found during the storm, and the Chiefs under his command ordered units to stay in evac zones ( not at stations as the fire commissioner said) thus putting their lives in danger. and delaying care to patients. Why wouldn't that warrant replacement? If someone died would that suffice? 4 EMS stations alone in Manhattan were evacuated with no planning and no preparation. Also illegal drug transfers( narcotics)/ tour changes were handled on street corners in the middle of Manhattan. As NYCMEDIC pointed out there is a picture ( which I have seen) where a Chief was being carried in a stair chair by her subordinates in flooded conditions.

    There will also be a news report on channel 2 at 6pm this evening, I'm not sure what it's covering but it's about EMS during Sandy.

  7. The Rangers agreement was that they could have a franchise anywhere on LI ( including queens and BK). Also this whole thing just means I have 6 more easily accessible Rangers home games I can attend :)

    Also the arena will be the smallest in the NHL, and the Arena wasn't designed for hockey but does have a hockey setup ( they were supposed to host 2 NHL preseason games, and will be hosting KHL games in January).

    peterose313 likes this