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Posts posted by NurseMedic

  1. Are you nuts?! Stop with the self pitty. A quick look at the Police and In Memorium forums I found 2 LEO LODD in 2012, that combined have not received as many posts as this one thread. Too bad there have all ready been 12 officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty this year, including a detective in New Haven. As this is clearly a forum dominated by all thing fire related, did they fare any better? Nope, 7 LODD so far and I see zero mention of any of their deaths. Yet the medic that no one here knew, no one here worked with, and died not while confronting an armed assailant or saving a life has gotten more attention. Her death was no less or more important than any other. Like every single other death her family, friends, and co-workers are devastated. This is not the issue to plant your flag on the issue of disrespect. Express your condolences as you see fit and find a more appropriate forum for sharing your views on the perception of EMS.

    +1. Thank you.

  2. As I see it to fully cover the entire City inclusive of the current VF districts would require the following bare bones minimum additions to SFRD:

    Long Ridge: 2 additional FF per staion per shift for a total of 16

    2 ffs x 2 stations x 4shifts = 16

    One additional Truck Company which, although I believe it would be pushing it, I'll keep within the Capt's parameter of "back-up rescue tools could be accommodated to any Truck Company". That's another 16

    4 ffs x 4 shifts = 16

    plus another Deputy and their aide that's another 8

    2 ff x 4 shifts = 8

    So at a bare minimum we're looking 40 additional personnel.

    For the purposes of this discussion and simplicity's sake I'll keep it to just new FF salary even though the fact is the price tag would be substantially higher with Company officers depending on rank and the Deputy/aide. I'll also throw in the rigs and stations at no cost, we'll just assume that these personell will be riding existing rigs out of exisiting VF stations to simplify it even further:

    A first year SFRD FF makes a base salary of just over $48,000 annually but we'll just round off to 48K for simplicity again to illustrate the point.

    48,000 x the standard 30%($14,400) in benefits = $62,400 annually.

    Ok so $62,400 x 40 = $2,496,000 but as we all know the actual number is substantially higher.

    The point here is, that absolute bare minimum of $2,000,000 plus could be used to fund a number of programs to recruit and retain volunteers while mainaining SFRDs current then becomes a matter of distributing those career and volunteer personnel effectively to best serve the needs of the community as a whole. Everyone knows my theory on how best to achieve that, but there is still a window of opportunity (at least hypothetically) to explore others...give it your best shot based on the $2,496,000.

    I have no dog in this fight, I'm just confused (my baseline, but moreso than usual :D )

    What you state above actually seems better than the proposed plan. Full disclosure, in case it isn't already painfully obvious, I'm a complete outsider with little understanding of the fire service, even less understanding of the backstory, and even, even less understanding of operating budgets, overhead, etc.

    If someone would kindly provide some bipartisan education, it would be greatly appreciated. I apologize in advance if this has been covered in the past 80-ish pages :unsure:

    From The Advocate

    The five-year contract before the board costs $8.6 million in its first year, increasing to $9.1 million in its fifth and final year. The city will pay for the contract through fire protection taxes in volunteer fire districts, amounting to a $6.8 million increase to the city operating budget.

    The bulk of the operating costs come from salaries and benefits for the proposed department's 59 employees, which include 10 firefighters already working at the Long Ridge Fire Co. The department's board of directors would hire a full-time chief at a $125,000 base salary with a head fire marshal earning $106,526. Twenty-eight firefighters would earn $45,182 each, while drivers would earn $55,917. The new department also expects to hire 10 transfers from Stamford Fire & Rescue at base salaries of $72,500.

    Read more:

  3. What's the problem? It's an ad, no different from the classifieds or the back of a trade magazine.

    If they are hiring sight unseen solely off an email response, then yes, I agree that is cause for concern. I would think, however, that they would do their due diligence and bring respondents in for an interview, perform background checks, etc.

    And no, I do not work for whatever company this is purported to be.

  4. No pocket guide can ever replace common sense and a gut feeling. The way you get good at it is by doing it as much as you can and asking questions when there is something going on with a patient that you dont quite understand. Some medics love to teach, other do not. Me personally I like to teach new EMTs because I enjoy what I do, outside of EMS and FF I also work as a Critical Care RN, so I'm a bit smarter and have a considerably deeper knowledge base than the average EMT/Medic. The best thing to do is learn not only what to do, but whyyyyy you're doing it. Too many people come into EMS and simply just do things because the protocol says to do it. I'm a big believer in that no protocol is a substitute for common sense. Always trust your gut.

    I agree with most of the above post with the exception of this:

    outside of EMS and FF I also work as a Critical Care RN, so I'm a bit smarter and have a considerably deeper knowledge base than the average EMT/Medic.

    Not to hijack the thread and start an "us vs them" match, but I would caution strongly against statements like this. I actively practice in both arenas (15 years urban 911, 11 years critical care RN in various specialties), and consider myself a proficient provider in both roles. I would never claim to be smarter than anyone - it's just asking for a "humbling" experience. Just my two cents.

    Back to your regularly scheduled discussion...

  5. I'm not firematic by any means, nor would I ever claim to be - I would probably equate this to staging for an EDP, or at a structure fire, as others have said. I, my partner, and the other public safety professionals are going home at the end of the shift. I can be quite dumb at times (just ask my partners), but I'm not stupid enough to put myself in a situation that I am not adequately trained nor prepared for - especially when I have no recourse due to lack of policy. I don't need to be a hero, I take enough pride in the fact that I enjoy my job and would like to do it again the next day.

    That being said, as entertaining as it is to read this thread, there is some obvious antagonism going on. As others have said, there might be some credibility if the posts were structured and thought out - not the case in this thread.

    Don't feed the troll!

    INIT915 likes this

  6. OK. I'm going to give in and ask a question and I swear its not a dig to anyone on the site. I thought there were rules of conduct that prohibited the "bashing" or bad mouthing of agencies? If they were an agency in the Hudson Valley posts would be deleted or the thread closed or deleted entirely.


    I was wondering the same thing. And I am from the same camp as ALS - I'm not offended, nor do I really care.

  7. A better sharing of information with a stern filtering of nonsense would limit the useless debates that arise over and over again.  Most of these issues are a matter of policy, procedure and politics, none of which will be changed or decided upon through these boards. These debates only cause resentment and go against the very intentions of this website.

    I really could care less what people post, just figured I'd throw in some food for thought. I'll go back to lurking in the shadows now. As you were...