Bull McCaffrey

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Everything posted by Bull McCaffrey

  1. If you look at that thread carefully, I neither engaged in or started a pissing match. In fact that was the very thing I was trying to avoid.
  2. It's a shame that something that everyone could have learned something from had to be removed because of the immaturity of a few individuals. I saw a the entire incident on a 14 minute long amateur video and I planned on posting it here in order to discuss what went wrong and what could have been done better but after all of the infighting I decided against it.
  3. As tragic as this incident was, I can't say that it has affected me personally at all and it hasn't changed the way we operate at confined space jobs. RIP bros
  4. There's nothing more dramatic than guys tossing the stick up to the roof to make the grab.
  5. What the hell is going on in County parks this season? Seems like there is some sort of incident every week lately. Playland used to be a place where you could take your family and enjoy a little peace and quiet. Seems like that is no longer the case Hopefully these guys are alright.
  6. Reporters are nothing but vermin. They constantly step on each others back in order to elevate themselves. They could care less who they hurt in order to be the first ones with "breaking news". They also purposely slant stories in order to create sensationalism and controversy. There are no ethics in journalism.
  7. Complete buffoonery! While I do believe in this instance and in others where there is advanced and ample warning to stay out of certain areas because of risk of serious injury or death, I think what you propose is lunacy. These guys in Croton were idiots that because they had experience in white water thought that they could best mother nature. Look at what all that "experience" got them, dead and broken. Luckily most people that love the outdoors aren't that dumb, therefore they shouldn't be penalized for the actions of a few.
  8. Well I'd be careful with that line of thinking. If you're on private or "protected" land without permission that is called trespassing and I believe it is a crime, which cops are paid to stop just like you state in your post. Being a captain on the job has nothing to do with the price of tea in china. My point is don't take an arrogant stance when playing in someone else's backyard like you have a right to be there. Certainly don't go throwing your title in someone's face because it might work against you. Not everyone likes ATVs or the people that ride them. Lots of landowners or their neighbors will complain about the noise and the irresponsible riding habits of some. Keep in mind that unless you're riding in a designated ATV park you're probably doing something illegal. Even if it seems trivial.
  9. Actually Lost Trails is quite open. They never shut down. Not sure where you got this information. Perhaps you're mistaking them with "Paragon ATV Park" which closed down due to the landowner not wanting to renew their lease.
  10. The powerlines are one of the spots that people have been riding for years. Again its private property. Depending on where you live it could be ConEd (Yonkers/Southern Westchester) or NYSEG (Dutchess). For the most part if you're responsible and don't draw attention to yourself its not a problem. Cops like quads as well (again, don't ask me how I know) so for the most part they're pretty understanding from what I hear. As for your exhaust problem here are a couple of links to help you out. FMF Exhaust Muzzy Racing Rocky Mountain ATV
  11. There are tons of places all over Westchester/Putnam and Dutchess where you can ride you quad. Most of them are illegal and private property but they have established riding trails (don't ask me how I know). Most of these spots are fairly deep in the woods away from prying eyes. I've been riding quite a few times for a couple of years now and haven't had a problem. Then again, me and my riding buddies observe a few simple rules that if EVERYONE followed it would make life easier for both the ATVer and the landowner. Stay off any public roadways Haul out whatever trash you haul in. Nobody wants to see empty beer bottles, potato chip bags or whatever other kinda trash you can imagine. Stay on the establish trails and don't try to blaze new ones doing so amounts to tearing up the guys land. If possible ask permission. Leave the trail in a better condition than what you found it in (I always try to pack a large trash bag and sometimes end up picking up other peoples trash). That being said, what kind of machine do you have and how often do you try to get out to ride?
  12. Well unfortunately in today's society, it is easier to blame the police/government for some frivolous nonsense in order to make a quick buck at the taxpayers expense. Let them go to whatever hole they crawled out of and try the same thing over there. I can almost guarantee that the outcome for them would be totally different. Hopefully the county sticks to its guns and doesn't bow down to these animals.
  13. Couldn't have said it better.
  14. But they didn't so lets not speculate on the "what ifs". The fact is that some agencies, including my own were wading through stagnant, ankle deep water and putting people who had PLENTY of advanced warning on these inflatable boats so that they wouldn't get their feet wet and boasting on how many "water rescues" they pulled off. I have no issues with evacuating folks, even the idiots that should have left on their own while the earth was still dry. My thing is why treat these people as if they would melt if they touch the water? I'd would have them walk out of the house on their own and purposely make them get wet. Perhaps then it would serve as a lesson to them to heed the warnings and to not tie up resources with nonsense. Rescues and removals are like apples and oranges. Far from semantics. Lets not cheapen the heroics of some brothers by trying to stretch the truth.
  15. I too saw the footage on CNN and given what happened in Croton, I wouldn't be so quick to call evacuation/removal from a flooded home a "rescue". These people knew way ahead of time what was coming. This was planned and tons of advanced warning given out. From what I saw on TV they were in no imminent danger of death or serious injury from submersion, being swept away or crushed by the force of the water. Aside from the elderly, infirmed or handicapped, the people I saw being removed were merely being inconvenienced and didn't want to get their feet wet. Now just from reading the IA this morning, the incident in Croton was a "true" rescue. Good job by all involved, hope their injuries aren't too serious and they make a quick recovery.
  16. Forgive me Capt for not sharing your excitement over a vehicle fire. I just don't see what the fuss is about. I guess when you respond to several of these boxes a month the novelty tends to wear off.
  17. Out of curiosity YFD asked for a new firehouse and both an engine and a truck. Does anyone know what the PD is getting up there?
  18. Seriously dude!?! You need someone else to tell you that it's NOT okay for you to have a teenage boy fondle your junk? So if your town didn't provide you with that "training" you'd have no idea that this is wrong? Your way of thinking (find someone else to blame/failure to accept responsibility) is exactly what's wrong with this country.
  19. Wow, this site is a joke! There are more people interested in toy fire trucks than they are in a police officer shot dead. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. Rest in peace PO Johnson
  20. As I read this I can't help but ask myself, "what type of bubble or 5th dimension do some of you live in"? This incident pretty much maxed out everyone on scene. Like someone already posted there were close to 150 FFs there NOT including EMS and a slew of ESU cops on scene with their hands FULL. In total there were well over 200 well trained, fully equipped personnel with plenty of REAL world experience there in minutes to help mitigate this tragedy. I'll take it a step further, I don't think that there is a place in the region( nevermind the County ) that would have generated the level of response for a similar incident. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.
  21. Makes it easier to sneak up on those pesky fires. Serioulsy I don't get it. Perhaps a well known chief from one of the more "popular" departments can chime in being that he is a member here. He runs around AOR in an unmarked black Suburban or Expedition. Perhaps he can answer these questions.
  22. So what you're basically saying is that these 2 cadets should have self rescued after being exposed to severe hypothermia for an extended period of time? If you really have any high angle experience you'd know just how physically taxing rope ascension is. With the onset of hypothermia you lose much of your strength, manual dexterity and your mental capacity begins to diminish. You're the ONLY person I know that can operate after prolonged exposure to such conditions. What do you do at a working job with people trapped? Do you shout instuctions to them from the street on how they should get off the fire floor because you're afraid you'll get burned? Gotta love the Internetz lol
  23. Great grab by our brothers in blue. When no one else would answer the call, these guys got the job done! Question for anyone who is in the know, besides NYPD and the USCG do any other choppers have hoist capabilities in our area?