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Everything posted by Porsha911gt3

  1. After reading the article from the poughkeepsie journal it is clear that this is just to give people no choice but to pay even if you were in the right, unless of course you drive a BMW or a Mercedes and you can afford to hire a lawyer. According to the article you will either have to go to court (hire a lawyer) or just pay the fine and since many people cannot afford a lawyer, they will have no choice but to pay. This is just another way to make the Rich Richer and the Poor Poorer. Just my thoughts
  2. Believe me although I have never gotten a ticket, I know plenty of people that have gotten their tickets reduced from the state troopers
  3. The site looks great guys, it is a big difference from the old one that was permanently under construction. lol I'm working on a redesign for the East Fishkill site but first I have to convince the chief.
  4. So get 2 6V batteries and wire a rotator onto your helmet
  5. The East Fishkill trailer serves several purposes. It is used for collapses and what not, but it also serves as a shoring trailer for auto accidents that require a large amount of stabilization. The trailer was created mainly because of the major highways that cross through East Fishkill, it was created with tractor trailers in mind. It has only been in service for about a year or so, and it has been used several times.
  6. In addition, a lot of the additives may be better for the environment, but they hurt your gas millage alot. A lot of the additives burn faster which makes things even more expensive.
  7. Last time I checked most of the oil production is back in service since Katrina hit and the prices never dropped. Now after the "composition change" is made and the prices are 3 dollars a gallon, they'll come up with another excuse. I bet the price of a gallon goes up 1 cent from the "composition change" but they'll charge us an extra 50 cents. Why because they can.
  8. Their little additions to the licenses will not have an affect for years due to the fact that the old licenses will be in use up to 2013. Therefore until 2013 a person can make a fake ID look like the old license. Anyway here is a link to show features of the new licenses. http://www.nydmv.state.ny.us/broch/c51A.htm
  9. My department does not hold a parade but we do go to several, I though it would be good to list all of the area parades in Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester and surrounding counties. So everyone would know when they are and they could plan on going to them.
  10. I think its a great idea, and may I suggest that you also would display in a members profile, the members: Rank Affiliation and Years of service Just a little food for thought
  11. Give him a break lol, it's all over the internet and it's circulating in emails. My professor even took time out of class today to make this point. lol
  12. I know I saw some at the Fire Academy the other day when I was in the book store, you might want to give them a call and see what they have.
  13. Who was that guy at the End of the Video and why would they ever allow him to talk on the news?
  14. You might actually just be able to try a printing shop, they may have the capabilities to make reflective logos. Also if that doesn't work, a Decaler [not sure if thats a word] would definitely have the capabilities to do that for you. Here is a website I found: http://decalsprinters.com/
  15. When It is nice out, there are no clouds for the Radio Waves to bounce off of. Radio waves of all type rely on clouds to help increase their distance. That is the reason that sometimes you can hear things from across the country, Radio Waves skip across clouds. The moisture in the air also makes the air more dense which has and effect on the distance as well. This is true only to a certain point, after the weather gets bad enough it is really hard to predict what is going to happen especially during storms because of the Ionization of the moisture in the air (I know that goes above some peoples heads but ya gotta find somewhere to use the crap you learn in college). The same properties hold true for wireless internet, on a cloudy damp day the signal travels further.
  16. Since were on the topic of TV shows, has any one seen that show "Made in America" on the travel channel. If so I know they did an episode called "jaws of life" where they went to the Hurst manufacturing plant, it caught my eye as I was flipping through the channels, I only caught the last part of it. Also I have heard that they are going to be visiting the E-One plant on another episode. There is also another episode about Wolf Coach Emergency Vehicles and yet another one about Globe firefighting PPE. If anyone has these episodes recorded or knows where to get them (preferably for free) let me know thanks.
  17. Can we all agree on American Flags, Italian, Irish whatever were all Americans
  18. That is very interesting thank you very much for that little bit of info Truck 32 I look foward to hearing more. Thanks Brian
  19. Up here in dutchess (or i should say when I am actually in dutchess and not at school in Rochester) I usually listen to the following. Be aware I have a scanner that holds 2500 channels and it has full trunking capabilities except anything Digital (probably not until the summer when I am working) Dutchess County Fire Channels: DISPATCH 1 HIGH 453.9000 DISPATCH 1 LOW 46.3600 RESPONSE 2 453.9250 COMMAND 3-4 453.8000 FIREGROUND 5-6 453.0500 FIREGROUND 7-8 453.4500 FIREGROUND 9-10 453.6250 FIREGROUND 11-12 453.9500 FIREGROUND 13-14 453.8500 FIELD OPS 15-16 460.4500 FIRE POLICE 17 453.9125 DOVER 18 453.8500 ROMBOUT 19 462.1250 PLEASANT VAL 23 453.1000 NEW HAMBURG 27 453.7500 WAPPINGERS 29 469.3875 EAST FISHKILL 39 453.1500 FAIRVIEW 41 453.3000 ARLINGTON EMS 43 463.1250 ARLINGTON ADMIN 453.0000 ARLINGTON FIRE G 460.2000 ARLINGTON TO VAS 461.0500 HUGHSONVILLE 45 463.2500 HYDE PARK 46 460.2500 LAGRANGE 47 453.2000 NEW HACK 52 453.1250 PLEASANT VAL 56 453.3500 ROOSEVELT 63 453.2500 MILLBROOK 460.4125 MILLERTON 453.7750 PAWLING 453.9500 STANFORD 460.6250 UNION VALE 460.0625 IBM EF EC 462.4000 BEEKMAN 453.0750 BEEKMAN 34 453.3750 BEEKMAN 460.1625 BEACON 460.4000 IBM POUGHKEEPSIE 462.3250 POUGHKEEPSIE F-1 453.6500 POUGHKEEPSIE F-2 458.5375 POUGHKEEPSIE F-3 453.7500 POUGHKEEPSIE F-5 453.6500 FISKILL 23 453.7000 Dutchess County Medical Channels: DISPATCH PRIMARY 155.7450 DISPATCH SEC 155.7600 DISPATCH TO HOSP 155.2800 HEAR ST.F NORTHD 155.3400 HEAR VASSAR 155.4000 MED 1 ST.FRANCIS 463.0000 MED 2 SHARON CT 463.0250 MED 3 VASSAR 463.0500 MED 4 NEW MIL CT 463.0750 MED 7 EAST MOUNT 463.1500 MED 9 CLOVE/ILL 462.9500 MOBILE TO CLOVE 467.9500 MOBILE TO ILL 467.9500 LIFECOM DISPATCH 463.0000 LIFECOM STAT 468.0000 MOBILE LIFE 155.2950 MOBILE LIFE LG 155.3850 N D PARAMEDICS 452.1000 ALAMO AMBULANCES 462.9750 ALAMO 155.2200 ALAMO TACTICAL 453.1750 Dutchess County Misc. HYATTS GARAGE 464.4500 LAKE SERVICE 463.9500 IBM 464.8250 Dutchess County Sheriffs office NYSP All channels that I can pick up East Fishkill Police LTR MTA Police I basically listen to every single channel that is part of the Dutchess County Motorola EDACS System which is in the area of 500 or so channels. It includes Poughkeepsie Beacon Fishkill Newburgh and much much more. In addition to all of these channels I also listen to Police and Fire in Orange, Ulster and Putman If you ever need a frequency for Dutchess County PM me and I'll see what I can do.
  20. I Thought they discontinued the air line peanuts in all of their budget cuts. Ur gonna have to bring your own lunch
  21. And some of us thought after you creating this site that you were one of the biggest buffs out there. Now what kind of buff that can afford to buy a house doesn't have a Digital Scanner. LOL
  22. This Definitely reminds me of the video that is always on TV about the guy that stole the tank and kidnapped an infant. Then drove around destroying stuff.
  23. What is your definition of a Rescue Squad, do you mean an ambulance or are you talking about a Rescue Truck with extrication tools and all.
  24. All I can say is wow, the other day there were 3980 members and in a days time EMTBravo got 37 members, WOW
  25. This truck was featured in a magazine (can't remember which one). The bed is a dump bed, and the entire under-body of the truck is also painted just as magnificently as the rest of the truck.