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Everything posted by FFBlaser

  1. I like how much attention something bad gets.... However a picture of a few guys in correct PPE working and MVA or a Fully involved structure hardly gets this much attention...
  2. We just got put on notice here... several fires all over NM as well. If I was ask I would be the first on the truck to make the trek. Stay safe and wear your fire shelters people!
  3. No fire shelters? Great shots seth.
  4. It's Unfortunate that this young man, represents the same team I represented many years ago. He is now off of that team.
  5. Good to see I'm not the only skoal bandit out there.... Awesome pics. Doing the same out here in new mexico in a few weeks. Hopefully I will share some pictures.
  6. noticed ladder 21 had a blue light on the rear.... yes!
  7. What I'd do... 1. Take one of the grill Bars out, 2. Remove all the side lights except the M4's 3. Take the six lights of the rear pillars out 4. Take the two Interior 4 head dominators out Bam... Perfect amount of lighting.
  8. Having some issues with gear storage and lighting and such on my POV, and looking for some inspiration, If some of you, who have POV's could post some pictures or links that would be great! Thanks!
  9. I drive a 99 4runner, used to have an audi, but that was too much damage for the rural roads I respond on. I have an old military surplus box in the rear that is anchored to the seats which carries wild land gear and such as well toilet paper and other things I may need if stranded, I then have my large bunker bag floating around in the rear as well. Nothing else other then 100 feet of rope with a carabiner that I use to walk my dogs. haha Basically I am interested in mounting (cheap) an ICOM radio Charger and a Maglite charger. as well as mounting my radio and light switches/siren switches in the front.
  10. Basically what i'm looking for are storage ideas for the rear of my car, and how others have radios and such set up in the front portion... inspiration is what I need.
  11. Never thought of using that! I'm bringing that up at the next meeting, as for speculation on why she crawled... no idea. wasn't on scene, but was at the debriefing. No one seems to know. The hunch seems to be from a withdrawl of drugs...
  12. A few weeks ago we had an MVA where the patient crawled about 100 feet off of the way underneath two barbwire fences before the deputies even arrived. Always good to do a large circle around the scene!
  13. We can take pictures of anything except the actual patient, (HIPPA).
  14. They're all sideways... So if someone could help me with that? Thanks! The first few pictures we are training for our ISO test, in which we have to flow water indefinitely without being interrupted and without a hydrant, we use three dump tanks and call in as many tankers as mutual as possible. The last two are of our new Pierce Saber PUC, 4WD, CAFS, all the new 450,000 dollar toys... Will be in service at the end of the month, I will try and get more detailed shots soon.
  15. the unemployment rate is so high because people would rather sit at home and 'troll' or monday morning quarterback every pro war or non-obama news article. rant= over
  16. Had my two scoops last night! The BC and his aide were even scooping ice cream for customers!
  17. I have had the last three minitor models.... Minitor three and two were the best... I know the mountain search and rescue guys use the swissphone ( not sure which model ) and they like it. I still use my minitor 2 and I have had for a few years now and it works great.!
  18. All I can say is.... Sometimes it's healthy to have some redundancy in your response protocols, You never know if your back up for your back up is gonna be out of service.... A few of the genetics and blood testing labs in my city have selected CPR/AED/First Aid responders... who are selected based on experience... Those facilities are also located smack dab in the middle of the city... Sometimes its good to have someone who has knowledge of the buildings and facilities to help with firefighters and law enforcement... my 2 cents.
  19. I once had a cat named Oscar, after Oscar De La Hoya... Simply because He used his first seven lives fighting with the animals in my community, Live 7 was a Raccoon that ripped out his vocal cords and his front paw.... He left my home before I could figure out what Live 8 would be.... Cats are interesting. That was my "Just got home from long day" rant of stupidity. haha
  20. I like it.... would look good on some big tankers...
  21. What is the first utility looking truck?
  22. after serious thought I eliminated everything I don't use on a weekly basis! I have Door Chocks on a rubber band on my brain bucket Folding spanner Gerber MultiTool My pops just gave me a five in one rescue tool that I wrapped in Nylon. High Speed and Lightweight!!!
  23. We have blue LEDs on our big streamlights....