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Everything posted by goon16

  1. our dispatchers get the info from the call takers who are civilians who get hours of training compared to the intense training our fd dispatchers get. The UCT system is a joke
  2. Station 7 ? Bar is that what u are taking bout
  3. While most codes say 75 feet (approx 6 stories), I see a big difference in our 6-8 story OMD and out 40 story "high rises". Our highrises are concrete & steel, sprinklered, have fire pumps and presurized standpipes, fire alarms, HVAC systems to evacuate smoke and fire service elevators, presurized fire stairs, etc. Our 6-8 story OMD's have masonary walls and wood interiors (many are wood frame with a brick/stone veneer). open stairwells, no sprinklers, no stand pipes, common cockloft. abandoned dumbwaiters, non fire service elevators and not detection Funny my job describes it as the same thing
  4. Yea thats not a highrise fire by our standards. I was just curious to what u considered
  5. What do u consider a high rise job? How many stories and what not
  6. White lith grease is good or any spray lubricant or a pb blaster type spray
  7. Or esu for 10-26
  8. Its hard to get used to something new when you have been using one certain thing for a long time. Our new ferrera has its advantages and has its disadvantages for instance the aerial ladder sways a lot side to side when our seagrave didnt, the top fly section is very narrow and the side rails are shorter than our seagrave. The aerial is a lot slower than the seagrave along with the jacks. The electrical system has been giving us a lot of issues the rig was oos almost all of sat. 9x tour for some kind of electrical problem. But it does ride nice as of now being a month old,the cab is nice and spacious and it has a lot of comparment space we will see how it does after a year of about 4200 runs and how it drives then
  9. Thank god seagrave was the only one I'm sick of the ferreras already
  10. Thats my ride 4 truck that is
  11. rescue 6 was only put into service because of some presidental campaign and it is no longer in service was only in service for a few months and was quarter with 20 truck and the 1st division
  12. nice looking trucks dont put out fires or get u there. Like i said before most of the ferrara's that havent been delivered have been brought back to ferraras facility to have something worked out on them, they have this guard on the steering shaft near the pedels that guys have been getting htere foot caught on them when going from the brake to the accelerator and back to the brake with just work duty shoes on. It would be very difficult to drive with bunker pants on. We werent too impressed with the new rig
  13. Like said before the new rear mounts are very slow, the ariel ladder is so much slower than the cutrent rig My companys new rear mount is delayed in getting delivered. There are a bunch of positive and negatives with the rig
  14. The vid looks like it was shot ifo paulies bar
  15. There was no critcism I was just simply asking why there were 5 l/s/o so if you think this is critcism you haven't spent enough time in the kitchen its part of the job... And again I repeat myself how can you learn if you don't ask questions unless youre an ike ( I Know Everything) And if this isn't a "why" thread ill restate the question....howcome 5 l/s/o on this car fire
  16. I asked the same thing about the 5 l/s/o and never was answered. I just got hammered about along why some brothers weren't wearing the masks...its alright I can take it..they still burn cars in the south bx if you dont ask will you continue to learn
  17. 5 l/s/o really? And why does yfd have there masks on, and hfd doesn't?
  18. The same as anyone else as long as you meet the requierments when you get hired meaming living in one of the approved counties that you can live in Good luck
  19. 46 or 60?....... and there would be no way that esu would ever be allowed to do fire supression.. it is already a battle on mva extracations and putting divers in the water. If you do that you would have duplication of services and someone would lose there job. ESU was formed during the war years i believe to help with some services for the fire department i not to sure on that someone can correct me if im wrong
  20. yeah im already in
  21. side posts screw into the battery so it might be a little difficult or impossable to use a terminal puller
  22. fyi .....some dodge and chrysler cars have there battery in the wheel well behind the inner wheel well of the car. I actually have to take the wheel off and the plastic inner fender well to change the battery. This is a real PITA. However they do have a postive connection on the top of the motor so u can jump start it... when i work my side job next i will put up years and models that have the battery in the wheel well for a reference. Helps being a mechanic on the side
  23. i wasnt trying to point anyone in the wrong direction. i was just stating that i have heard some companies have changed there policy. I remember the incident you are talking about. I agree with you, that you must bring the tools you are assigned to take.