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Posts posted by lad12derff

  1. EVERY CT Trooper does stops in unmarked cars. Because just about every CSP car is unmarked. There are a few marked units per Troop, mostly older Jeep Cherokees which I believe were intended for special units and details including (but not limited to) Dive Team, Child Safety Seat Education, etc. Every once in awhile you'll see them used for a road job or in a snowstorm or something.

    Mass uses a lot of unmarked cars as well.

    So the lights on top of CSP don't count as marked?

  2. It can be a mystery. I've seen a lot of buildings like this, particularly in older or tight cities, or in towns/cities with "main street"-like storefronts. It can be confusing to a first responder. Speaking of narrow houses, here's what's supposed to be the "narrowest house in Boston", known locally as Skinny House. The house is ten feet at it's widest! Try doing primary and secondary searches in a house with interior walls being at the most nine feet wide and the narrowest space at six feet. Plus, there is no entrance facing the street, only via an alleyway about five feet wide on the "B" side, with exposure tenements on either side and a tight street out front. Sometimes, I don't know how companies in places in America's tightest and most compact cities, like New York, Philly, Baltimore, D.C., and Boston can do it.

    Good topic mstrang1.

    I would love to do primary and secondary searches in a building with 9x6 rooms.

    antiquefirelt, x129K and JohnnyOV like this

  3. Rather a trivial issue...

    Should Chief's cars markings say "Incident Command" instead, with Chief de-emphasized or deleted?

    In my opinion, Chief is kind of an old school term. Especially when you have departments with 3 or 4 vehicles marked as "Chief".

    As far as public perception and modernization on this issue, wouldn't "Incident Command" or "Incident Commander" more accurately relflect not only the role the person driving the vehicle, but the vehicle's purpose as well.

    Well hopefully the one driving is the Chiefs aide and not the Chief. Or in this case the Incident command aide. He plays a big role and Chief officers in my opinion should not be driving themselves.

  4. It's got alot to do with it bro., you should know that. You can have all the fancy equipment, training and bresnan distributors you want on a rig but if the manpower isn't there to deploy it and use it that ISO rating means nothing. Does the ISO take into account how many personnel show up to a Job at 3am without relying on m/a? The citizens of the Town of Mamaroneck might really enjoy their new reduction in Insurance premiums but lets see how they feel when their house or business burns to the ground cause a skeleton crew showed up on the 1st due apparatus within the 1st three minutes.This is by no means a diss to the TMFD, they got alot of great guys and do the best they can with what they got, but I think just too much emphasis is placed on ISO ratings. How many of the ISO employees have ever even fought a Job. I could care less if my Dept. has more then its full complement of halligans and nozzles or a great water supply within its district, if there's a delay in utilizing these resources you can take that ISO rating and stick it!

    10/4. I had a brainfart. I should have picked up what was implied.

  5. There are two sides to every approach. When a cop, who is supposed to protect and serve and treat respectful citizens politely, instead lets loose with a bunch of profanity, they're effectively saying 'I know I shouldn't talk to you like this but guess what, I don't care, I don't give an *expletive* about PR-friendly polices, they don't apply to ME or YOU and I'm going to drop f-bombs until you realise that, and I want your submission'; it's a form of intimidation. That's the expanded version of your 'means business'.

    I'm not a cop, I don't have your job, I don't deal with what you have to deal with on the streets, I accept that, Sometimes that language might be justified to get the job done, I agree. Other times it isn't. The situation posted in this thread sounds dumb, I agree. Here's another example to counterbalance, and this is the only reason I'm posting to this thread. Have you heard of Mark Fiorino, and what happened to him when he exercised his legal right to open carry in Philly? He was walking down the street, he was nothing but law-abiding, polite and respectful, and he got a lot of aggression and f-bombs in response:

    I found this rather disturbing.


    I have to agree with you. I found this whole thing disturbing myself. This knuckle head has a full carry permit in PA and decides to walk into the ghetto with his weapon on his hip like John Wayne and not expect trouble. Then he decides that he is going to set up the PPD with his BS act on the street, and his BS acting like a lawyer, and his BS acting like a person who has no idea what it is like to be a ghetto cop. Just what these guys need is another TURD from the BURBS coming into town to start trouble. As though they don't have enough trouble with the people who live there. All he had to do was comply with the officers request and things would have worked themselves out.So as I said I found this very disturbing also.

    Sorry Philly for the ghetto reference. You are a great place to visit.

  6. Agreed, the FD's should only be sent to priority calls (Chest pain, SOB, unconsc) or when a mutual aid agency has to be called. However the mayor from Endicott wants to stop ALL FD response to medical calls. How is that worthy of praise? Those residents will be S.O.L. waiting 20 mins for someone to respond. Hope the public gets involved...... or moves somewhere else.......

    I did not read the artical only his quote about hiring firefighters to be firefighters.

  7. We need legitamate EMS not BS calls. A certain city in Westchester use to do 1500 runs a year with over 200 firefighters and now does 9000 with 155 firefighters. I would say that city fire dept is holding up to their end of the productivity agreement but not the city. I don't think you will find one person on this board, including myself, who would not be willing to do any and all real EMS calls. It is the general illness calls, the runny nose calls, the twisted ankle calls that happened at 4:00 in the afternoon and they need a ride to the hospital at 2:00 am calls. We all know the calls I am talking about. I have been around a little while.

    ny10570 likes this

  8. Obama sticker on my prius? what a moron...

















    OK, time for work…

    Not me, my union got me today off :o:o:o

    INIT915 and CFFD117 like this

  9. I would definitely think that staffing is the reason why the Pelham stick was not raised. The fact that 2 guys arrive ( I think that's the # )at a job makes you decide your priorities. #1 forcible entry for the engine company, #2 search of the fire floor for victims and locate the fire for the engine company, #3 search above the fire for victims and vent, and #4 open up. Does not leave a lot of time for the LCC to stick the house. In New Rochelle our assignments are as follows for PD's and multi dwelling ( non high rise ) First due truck, officer and jump seat ff force entry search fire floor, first due chauffeur does a walk around looking for things the IC may need to know ( fire location from outside and victims hanging out windows or who have already jumped ) Second due truck, officer and jump seat ff go to the floor above and search while the second due chauffeur hooks up with the first due chauffeur and ladders the building with ground ladders or the sticks. Third due if needed picks up the slack, opening up, more ground ladders, secondary searches. Pelham is up against it as soon as the bells go off and truly have to "do more with less".

    FF398, x635, eric12401 and 3 others like this

  10. dont you think the short, low hose bed is the problem? if it were long then it wouldnt be stacked so high for equal amount of hose. that short of a hose bed is gonna have ALOT of folds.

    If 1 engine gets it they won't have to worry cause they don't stretch enough to have to worry about packing hose.

  11. Yes I thought they were private property. I imagine Lucas Oil Stadium where the colts play is private property too. However, the article says the bill will allows guns to be brought into the stadium.

    Can you say sensationalism. That is what the article is providing. The media wants all the gun haters to be up in arms ( no pun intended ) and cry about this law. I am sure the Colts are not going to allow guns inside unless your a cop. It is also foolish for any stadium or private facility to stop off duty cops from carrying inside. I would want more help if things went bad at an event and cops were in attendance.