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  1. x129K liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Unions in private EMS   
    The one down side of a union is it makes it harder for the company to fire the "problem" employee. On the flip side it creates a disciplinary process that has to be followed to protect all employees.
  2. comical115 liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Unions in private EMS   
    My definition of a "problem" employee is a employee who is constantly late, calls in sick constantly with out documentation, constantly goes home sick or family emergency so they can go to parties, does not restock the ambulance, and is disrespectful to fellow employees, patients and family / bystanders.
  3. ny10570 liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in FDNY Commish Orders Aviation VFD to Cease Operating   
    They have a history of squandering money.
  4. ny10570 liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in FDNY Commish Orders Aviation VFD to Cease Operating   
    They have a history of squandering money.
  5. FFBlaser liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Occupy Wall Street Being Raided!   
    You got to love judges who legislate from the bench. Unbelievable!
  6. antiquefirelt liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Teachers & First Responders Back to Work Act   
    On a side note they did not spend all of the money from the second stimulus bill. Those shovel ready jobs are still not ready.
    The local governments have to learn how to budget themselves and set priorities. For example NYC, the mayor is spending millions of dollars on bike lanes, bike racks and city benches. They also renamed a few bridges. Then in the same news conference he is telling the city's emergency services that their budgets are going to be cut. If you ask any citizen would they rather have a teacher, FF, medic, police officer or a bike lane, bike racks , city benches. You know what the majority of the people will say. To give a local government like this federal money only makes the situation worse.
  7. SageVigiles liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Teachers & First Responders Back to Work Act   
    I am against the federal government bailing out local governments. Especially when the federal government is borrowing money to do so. The local governments need to learn how to balance a budget. Everyone who works for the government knows where there is a waste of resources. The economy will force the government to get rid of the waste (which includes duplication of services) and save the tax payers some money.
  8. SageVigiles liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Teachers & First Responders Back to Work Act   
    I have no problem telling them that kicking the can down the road will not solve the problem. Look what happened the last time Obama did this. The second the federal money was spent the same police officers firefighters and teachers were laid off.
  9. antiquefirelt liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Teachers & First Responders Back to Work Act   
    On a side note they did not spend all of the money from the second stimulus bill. Those shovel ready jobs are still not ready.
    The local governments have to learn how to budget themselves and set priorities. For example NYC, the mayor is spending millions of dollars on bike lanes, bike racks and city benches. They also renamed a few bridges. Then in the same news conference he is telling the city's emergency services that their budgets are going to be cut. If you ask any citizen would they rather have a teacher, FF, medic, police officer or a bike lane, bike racks , city benches. You know what the majority of the people will say. To give a local government like this federal money only makes the situation worse.
  10. SageVigiles liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Teachers & First Responders Back to Work Act   
    I am against the federal government bailing out local governments. Especially when the federal government is borrowing money to do so. The local governments need to learn how to balance a budget. Everyone who works for the government knows where there is a waste of resources. The economy will force the government to get rid of the waste (which includes duplication of services) and save the tax payers some money.
  11. 99subi liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Verizon Strike - Local Impact   
    The scabs are not taking away your lively hood. You are doing that by yourself choosing not to work. How are you supporting your wife and kids if you are not working? If you were working you would not have to worry about this. Verizon workers lost all of my support when they stopped negotiating in good faith. Such as cutting lines and damaging network equipment. I hate to break it to you land lines are a dying breed. I know very few people who still have a land line. This is the cellular / wireless age. The writing is on the wall. It is time to start looking for another career.
  12. 99subi liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Verizon Strike - Local Impact   
    How much do you pay towards your pension? How much do you pay towards your healthcare? If you pay nothing towards any of these benefits then you have nothing to complain about. Maybe you should work in a nonunion shop and see what the real world is like. Job security should be reduced. If you do not know what you are doing then you should not have a job. Same goes if you are a screw up who does not do the right thing. This is where the unions fail. Instead of cutting out the dead weight, they protect these workers and make sure they have a job.
  13. 99subi liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Verizon Strike - Local Impact   
    How much do you pay towards your pension? How much do you pay towards your healthcare? If you pay nothing towards any of these benefits then you have nothing to complain about. Maybe you should work in a nonunion shop and see what the real world is like. Job security should be reduced. If you do not know what you are doing then you should not have a job. Same goes if you are a screw up who does not do the right thing. This is where the unions fail. Instead of cutting out the dead weight, they protect these workers and make sure they have a job.
  14. 99subi liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Verizon Strike - Local Impact   
    The union members are the ones who choose not to work. The did not get fired or laid off. If I was unemployed and looking to feed my family I would jump on the first job I can get. Even with all of the give backs.
  15. 99subi liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Verizon Strike - Local Impact   
    The scabs are not taking away your lively hood. You are doing that by yourself choosing not to work. How are you supporting your wife and kids if you are not working? If you were working you would not have to worry about this. Verizon workers lost all of my support when they stopped negotiating in good faith. Such as cutting lines and damaging network equipment. I hate to break it to you land lines are a dying breed. I know very few people who still have a land line. This is the cellular / wireless age. The writing is on the wall. It is time to start looking for another career.
  16. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in WTC Site - Ladder 3 Laid To Rest North Tower   
    The lowering of a FDNY EMS Ambulance into the museum.

    The lowering of FDNY Ladder 3 into the museum.

  17. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in WTC Site - Ladder 3 Laid To Rest North Tower   
    The lowering of a FDNY EMS Ambulance into the museum.

    The lowering of FDNY Ladder 3 into the museum.

  18. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in WTC Site - Ladder 3 Laid To Rest North Tower   
    The lowering of a FDNY EMS Ambulance into the museum.

    The lowering of FDNY Ladder 3 into the museum.

  19. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in WTC Site - Ladder 3 Laid To Rest North Tower   
    The lowering of a FDNY EMS Ambulance into the museum.

    The lowering of FDNY Ladder 3 into the museum.

  20. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in WTC Site - Ladder 3 Laid To Rest North Tower   
    The lowering of a FDNY EMS Ambulance into the museum.

    The lowering of FDNY Ladder 3 into the museum.

  21. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in WTC Site - Ladder 3 Laid To Rest North Tower   
    The lowering of a FDNY EMS Ambulance into the museum.

    The lowering of FDNY Ladder 3 into the museum.