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Posts posted by voltage1256

  1. An ambulance corps has enough MCI equipment to treat 100+ patients, but can't get out the door for an elderly fall victim

    A fire department has all of the latest and greatest HAZMAT and WMD gear, but needs to call massive amounts of mutual aid for a room and contents fire

    A police department has plenty of tactical and active shooter training, but needs to call the state police or sheriff's office to handle a past burg or larceny

    While I see where you are coming from, I think its a little shallow to use these examples on such a grand scale. Sure every department has its "issues" but the majority in the system do not have the ones stated above. A couple of members here have some quotes in their signatures I find very true, "Over prepare, then go with the flow" and "When the time to perform arrives, the time to prepare has passed" unfortunately in today's world we have to be ready for whatever, I'm not saying in a paranoid way expect the big one its coming! But preparing never hurts.

    - Just My .02

    Tanker 10eng and Res30cue like this

  2. Does anyone know if the state of Florida accepts Fire Fighter I & Fire Fighter II along with any other courses one might have taken in New York? I know through paperwork NYS EMT is accepted and transferred. I'm trying to find out if the same can be done with on the Fire side compared to having National Cert. Any insight is appreciated!

  3. Not to change the subject here but I was surprised by how well prepared the school was for an incident such as this and how much they encouraged Emergency Service personnel to train for an active shooter. When I was in High School not long ago at all there was no communication between local LEO, FD, EMS and as far as the school was concerned as it appeared to me as a student, they thought locking classroom doors and shutting the lights off within what ever the allotted time was sufficient enough. The attitude of it will never happen to us has become far to common and far over thought IMO.

    A situation like this are a Law Enforcement matter, but as many have stated above me there needs to be the thin line where EMS is just as involved.

    Hopes & Prayers for the people of Chardon.

  4. My wifes cousin works as a flight medic up in boston. They do helicopter, ambulance and fixed wing aircraft tours. Not sure if private or municipal.

    Rayrider it'd be interesting to hear more about this company especially if they are fixed wing municipal, haven't found much out there on them. Thanks!

  5. As a certified flight paramedic I have experience on both the ground CCT and Areomedical side of the house. Yes there have been quite a few crashes in the last few years. I do not want to go into why the flights went down that is for the media. You want to know about doing EMS and being a pilot. All of the areomedical services that I am familiar with separate the pilots and the medical crews. Its actually a safety thing. The pilot should be concentrating on and concerned with flying the aircraft and not with patient care. So my sugestion is that you become a pilot and work on making the areomedical industry as safe as possible and find a job doing EMS/ Critical Care Transport in another service. Air transport has inherent risks all we can do is do the best we,as providers, can to mitigate those risks. I wish you the best of luck in your quest!!

    STAT, you hit it right on the money! I should clarify what I meant, I am looking into the pilot side of the job, are there reputable companies and services who perform these missions/ flights? my other passion lies within Emergency Services and I figured that pilots would indeed be a completely different crew from the medics as per the safety factors. I'd imagine it would be a nice way to have an aviation based job and somewhat be involved around EMS and CCT.

  6. Date: 2/7/12

    Time: 03:55am

    Location: Poningo St. x Parker St.

    Frequency: 155.625

    Units Operating: Port Chester Police, Port Chester Rye Rye Brook EMS, Westchester County Police and Detectives

    Weather Conditions: 45 Partly Cloudy

    Description Of Incident: 23 yr/old male fatally stabbed after what appears to have been an altercation. 911 was called where an ambulance was requested around 3:55am where EMS determined they had a D.O.A. Police have received different leads as of 12:45pm. The investigation and search for suspect(s) is ongoing.

    Update: Now confirmed Homicide Investigation

    details available at: http://www.lohud.com/article/20120207/NEWS/302070079/Sister-Stabbing-victim-foretold-his-death?odyssey=tab|topnews|img|Frontpage

    Reporters: voltage1256

    Writer: voltage1256

    firedude and sfrd18 like this

  7. I was curious if anyone has further information on the private sector of Air Ambulance transport as far as fixed wing (airplane) patient & organ transport operations go as compared to the helicopter county and state run emergency service jobs such as Lifenet and STAT. I'd love to intertwine my two potential careers but I am a little on guard as to the quality and legitimacy of this side of the industry as far as safety and qualifications if anyone would like to chime in it is appreciated as always.




  8. Really just quite the unfortunate situation. I don't think its fair to say these pilots are out of a job, how can you expect two people with a view of whats ahead of them and slightly side to side to see the fire truck way behind them? I think when AA looks into why they now have an MD80 being repaired for as Seth said a "Fender Bender" it will come down to lack of communication on the ground operations crews' behalf. firedude's video depicts a perfect scenario that is pretty much only seen in Europe these days with marshallers. Over here, its more like the guy front and center and 1 guy near each wing tip looking at their shoes, not the aircraft....

  9. As a Rye Brook resident I'd like to add my opinion. I've had 3 incidents in my home. One was a save by PCFD and RBFD on what could have been a structure fire, and the other 2 were unknown type odors. Each time PCFD and RBFD promptly responded and was at my house within minutes. I can't fully attest to the first one as I wasn't home but my mom tells me you guys did a great job. The other two I was home for and I can personally say that the response of apparatus and man power was there. One was a day time call where we received Ladder 30, Rescue 40, Engine 61, 64, and I believe 59 along with the chiefs. The second one was a night time call past the 7pm transfer where Ladder 31, Engine 59, Engine 63, Engine 64, Rescue 40 showed up again with a chief, again with an above decent amount of manpower. I think it'd be a little drastic to say RBFD, and PD need to be abolished. EMS, well... they are PC-R-RB so there wasn't a real point in saying to get rid of them either. Is it fair to say RBFD is under staffed? Yes. But with the little knowledge I have on the Village of Rye Brook side of politics, I think it's fair to say it's a political issue on how the $ is spent as compared to an emergency services issue. It would be nice to see a properly staffed house on King St. But PC does a great job handling what they were given.

    Keep it up & Be safe