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Everything posted by COMMANDCHIEF

  1. Do the lights not have the seatbelt buckle on the strap anymore. ?
  2. I hope someone lets the FIRE know not to burn between the closure hours.. Next the cops will get weekends off. On the other hand.. this might not be so bad..
  3. The origional paint scheme for the NYPD was the green, black and white. This got changed in like 1972 when they also got rid of the dark blue service uniform and started wearing the lighter blue shirt. The cars became blue and white. As a cost saving measure during the Guliani days. They stopped painting the cars two tone, and went withthe white care with the blue stripes. For a while, the department couldn't choose what decals they would put on the cars. You would see. NYC POLICE or a big NYPD running up both doors on each side of the car. They finally went with the smaller NYPD witht he reduced size patch on each side. NYSP changed their paint scheme 3 times that I can remember. The first cars were a cram color white and black. Then in the 70's they were blue and gold. Like a half and half style. I thought that was the sharpest. Then you have the primary color blue witht he gold stripes that they have today. Stat ENCON has changed from green to black vehicles. This was a cost saving measure. If I am not mistaken. Agencies that were seeking national accredidation had to have their cars painted white or something like that. Someone from an accredited department may know better.
  4. Or you can be big in politics. Then you can have someone call from County government and totally disregard the selection comittees choice, and put in the person THEY want. Enough said
  5. I think the union has a legitamate gripe. If they are working for more than 8 hrs a day. They should be paid for it. Several agencies run their academy's on a 24 hr basis. NY State Police, NYS Corrections to name a few. This IS the first FD academy that I have ever heard of being a sleep over to be honest with you. I have to agree with ALS. I think the confinement is more to prevent them from getting jammed up and loosing their jobs. The diffrence with the FDNY academy having people stay later than 1700 hrs for extra help and not getting paid for it and this issue is that they are staying after for EXTRA help. If the individual FF can't pass something and has to stay later with instructors willing to help. The "benifit" will come later when the Probie finished the academy, and still has a job.
  6. I posted earlier in this asking about where someone heard of this plan Just got back and saw the short clip from Youtube. So now for my more informed opinion. RUN!!! If this is the crap we are to expect. We need to move. A Civilian Security Force? It's called the National Guard. Citizen soldiers. I don't know if anyone has heard of this term before. But the recruitment posters years ago had them when they were looking to build the ranks of the National Guard. If that's not what he means. Should we expect the reimergance of the Department of Civil Defense? Bring back our trained civilians, who are ready to lend hand at the time of emergency. Civil Defense turned into Office of Emergency Management, and kind of left the path it was once following. Back in the day. Members of the Civil Defense were trained in light search and rescue, first aid and fire fighting. This is very much like the CERT teams of today. These teams are emerging all over the county, and in diffrent parts of the state. Unless we are expecting the military to revolt on the citizens of this country. Like some third world nation. Lets use this money to build up the military and our already established "security forces" like Fire and police agencies and our CERT teams. Because our fighting men and women will perform better abroad, knowing that their loved ones are safe at home. Stay alert for America!!!
  7. Where was this talk about a civilian security force?
  8. YES!! With Cardiacs being the #1 killer of FF's in this country. Way more should be done with both monitoring AND prevention.
  9. Yes. I found it interesting how even though it was EMS, and across the ocean. They could still get the NYPD involved. I was further impressed when the dispatcher at PD communications was able to actually assist them. I say this because somewhere otu there. Is an NYPD unit still waiting for tow because he couldn't give the dispatcher his exact GPS coordinates.... Wonders never stop existing. BZ to the Welsh EMS
  10. Let me tell you. There are some serious idiots posting on LOHUD.. And Robert.. best wishes to you and your family on a speedy recovery.
  11. It's the direct connect feature that has kept NEXTEL alive this long. They went from having just about every one in the emergency services and construction on their network. To those same people not even wanting to hear their name again. As great as the direct connect feature is. It's not good to you if you keep getting a beep back. I had ATT for my personal service at the same time I had NEXTEL and ATT at the time was not bad. They got progressivly worse with there phone service as well. Eventually got rid of NEXTEL and ATT and went to Verizon. I have not regrets.
  12. The new Dodges are nice. Good pick up off the line and decent handeling. As for the room in the car. I beg to differ. I think it's very tight. This is especially true if you have the computer, shotgun and radio. Just imagine adding the in car camera and a moving radar unit . The trunk is also small. Our unit had to buy smaller traffic cones so the Dodges could carry some in addition to flares.
  13. Congrats to you both. Best of luck on your future together.
  14. This latest turn of events is a slap in the face of anyone on that job who processed. Kept out of trouble and got passed over so they could hire these skells. It's only a matter of time before their criminal records become public. That is if it's looked into deep enough. News 12 has a way of being selective in what it covers, and what is DOES NOT cover. This whole background check after one starts the job is nothing new I have to say. It happens in police departments sometimes. This usually happens when their is a large class hired, and they are being pushed to have enough bodies for a class with a starting date too close by. I'm talking hireing 1000+ people at a time though. Not nine. I will tell you this though. When their background pops. They are done.... I feel bad for the guys that got passed over so a skell coiuld get their job. Better luck next time.
  15. I dont think it would be the Department of Health. Check the Department of Education.
  16. They will serve civil papers
  17. FFCOGS. Don't under estimate the stupidity of youth!! Pride in America has gone by the way side. With calls for "world Government". It's a shame Civics class isn't really taught any longer in school. Kids might understand the fight this country and it's population has gone through. They might appreciate it a little more instead of giving it away. It almost goes hand in hand with society today. Look around. Few kids have part time jobs. They are handed everything, with little if nothing expected inreturn. Just a though.
  18. McCain had my vote long before this positive event took place.
  19. First off. I would go by the rule of thumb. That anyone wearing a T-shirt advertising they are the POLICE is not an actual cop. And if it is. he/she is a dope that likes to wear a target on their back. Tactics wise it's bad. I'm sure the cops on here will agree. Half the people walking around in NYC with NYPD clothing on are tourists in from out of town. The issue isn't libility. Because the person is not a nenber. So them not acting has no bearing on the libility. It's the bad PR you will get if it is run as a fact like the person is a member. I strongly agree that clothing with agency logos etc. Should be under a strict control. If you want to see shirts. Make sure that it has something on it that will distinguish it from actual members shirts. Like the word supporter, or auxillary. Just a thought.
  20. Roof. Fishy or not. It didn't cost the PBA millions of dollars in "expert" fees to go up to Albany to agrue the EXACT same points with PERB. Every time the PBA has to go to PERB. The union is nearly bankrupted. Whoever said 4% for this economic time is pretty good is damn right. With the city track record over the years. It's lucky they weren't throwing out their usual zeros and 3's. Take it and RUN!!!
  21. Millwood requires you to pass your physical, FF1 , be fit tested, and be current on your OSHA.
  22. Mfc2257: I don't think it was so much the truck door that took out the center pillar as much as it was the truck backing in itself. But there was a door incident at the factory for the new E247. Also similar incident at least one time for an Ossining engine going to a structure fire off Main Street.
  23. What was the address for this job?
  24. Answer to the HOOKER question: No. it would not be considered shoplifting. It would be THEFT OF SERVICE. Play me out !!!!.. <lively tune with a quick tempo>