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Everything posted by COMMANDCHIEF

  1. I anticipate a posting from MFC2257 in regard to this one. Take it away Ed!!!
  2. We currently use a local station in town. In the event that power is down for a prolonged time, we can use the towns DPW pumps which has aux power back up.
  3. Most definitly the BRONX. But don't tell a resident that they live in the Bronx. They will tell you they live in "Riverdale".
  4. If you can't make the bear minimum, then you should be out. These people are a danger to themselves and others. This kind of crap is what gives the Volunteer Service a bad rep. If you planned on using untrained people, then just pull them off the street at the next alarm and you can save yourself the trouble of planning drills.
  5. I believe the level of care in the UK as well as many ambulances in Europe are far higher than ours here in the States. You will see EMS in the field showing up with a doctor on board. Here it's a Paramedic. That is why they chose to take this drastic action. So there really isn't a lower level of care like BLS to send. I don't know if it's true today, but years ago the Baltimore City Police use to cancel EMS and send people in taxi's if it appeared they were going to use the EMS system as a "bus". I don't know how they could have done this because of libility, but I was actually told that it was done. To spare the already taxed EMS service of our nation, I support a contract our system, where the local EMS will only transport/respond serious medical cases. All others will be handled by a paid EMS service. Our VAC's are getting killed by the abuse of the system. And it's a shame, they are a viable part of our national defense.
  6. Yup, This is the classic case of "A woman scorned" I hope the was at least a good F--- While it lasted, cause you know she's F--- this guy as hard as she can both on line and off.
  7. I would imagine 18. That is the age for EMT, and I have a guy in my department that is an instructor, and he's no more that 19.
  8. New members are required to be tested, we don't currently have a policy for random, I'm not thinking we will any time soon either. The Commissioners realized how much it would cost for their new "drug policy" and pretty much just left it as on the paper for most part.
  9. Oh, I'm not saying the guy wasn't going to fast to control the rig. I was just saying you can't get accurate statements from some witnesses . Particularly ones thast WANT to make the news. Cause if it don't stirp up controversey, it's not going to be used. And I determined that the truck was going too fast by it having rolled 3 times and then resting on it's side. The rig is supposed to be with the ladder side. UP. The yaw markes behind it isn't helping the drivers case much either. Those are markes showing the truck traveling sidways for some distance. Accidents happen, and we learn.
  10. Well, look who they interview. I bet the person commenting doesn't even drive a car. Chances are he does not living in the city, and only has limited experience even riding in vehicles going near 70-80 mph. These are also the "witnesses" that provide those accurate accounts of the police involved shootings. Enough said.
  11. The chance of Courtland getting a PD back is slim to non I have to say. I think the residents of Courtland would have a better chance asking the Superintendant of the State Police for more staffing for that station. Troopers doing town patrol is nothing special. All over northern NYS the state police covers far more area than 34 miles, and I have to say that is often HALF the patrol area a single trooper is responsible for. Where Cortland differs is that they have a higher populaiton in that area which leads to higher volume of calls for service. The upstate trooper my have half the people in that 70 sq mile patrol area where Cortland would have more. I've heard of the SP having sub stations manned only part of the time. But I was unaware Cortland was one of them.
  12. You are correct Bababoosky. The rank and file don't really care about the people who may or may not be trying to get on the job in the future. It's pretty much all about now. It's been that way since before we were even born. I do have to point out though that the current members of the union had no idea about the particulars of the talkes. In addition to the pay scale going down for the new people, We are loosing our personal day as well. And to top all this off. The union raised our dues a few months ago because all these legal battles are bankrupting our union. I want to see what the city/department says when the reports of misconduct start going up. One of the findings of the Knapp Commission was that the PD officers were being paid to little and it breed corruption.
  13. Briarcliff is close enough to Rocky's. Rt100 on the left heading to Somers. Stay up!!
  14. Yup, just another plus for going on the NYPD. The NYPD has been getting S-it for recruits now. Can you imagine what is going to be accepting a job for 12 bucks an hour. I hope there are enough people living with their parents still to fill all the open slots that the PD has. The department will tell you there is no problem with finding recruits. And if that is true. We will soon be seeing the Easter Bunny on patrol being scratched by Santa Claus. Enough said!!!
  15. I'm not directly familiar with the problem you guys are talking about. I havn't monitored it going on myself, for at least the length you are talking about. But I find it hard to believe that someone involved directly withthe fire service, or emergency service would be so stupid to do these things your listing on here. Not saying that it's not possible. I would venture to guess that it might be buffs of some type, more with the capability of transmitting on our frequencies than it is one of us using radios to jam up the airwaves. In this day and age. You can get radio equipment from just about any place. Ebay for instance. The success of being able to put a triangulation o this mutt is also slim being that it's probably a vehicle mounted radio, or worse yet a portable being used off of one of the towers. with these two you have to be super quick because they are most likely on the move. Log gone by is the day of the "radio station" where the Gestapo is running around in the location finding trucks. I think we will be more successful in listening to conversations being had. Just like these idiots with the graffitti, they will expose themselves in time.
  16. Rip brother.. Mahopac took best over all. Ossining too best regulation (or dress don't know their class) Millwood took best non reg, tanker and antique.
  17. I wonder what he does for an Encore...? Yell FIRE in a crowded theater?
  18. I believe that Hillcrest FD in Rockland is getting a computer in the new Chiefs car. I think it is going to be a self contained unit for now. but it will have the capability to communicate if the county system over there adopts it.
  19. I wonder if the whole turnout gear thing on medical calls started with Jonny G and Roy D. I can understand the long pants on EMS runs. If you have to kneel down it affords you a little more protection.
  20. They are their own worst enemies. Several years ago the Westchester County Dept. of Corrections was in a contract dispute. The CO's backed the jail's intake up for hours. Not by fouling things up or delaying tactics. They just "followed the book". If agency personnel were to follow every single step in a guideline you would find them getting half the work done. But the guidline was established usually after one particular incident and the "reactionary" government in a panic establishes for the "foot soldier" set rules that often hamper the timely delivery of service. If these guys were to disregard the guideline. Who do you think is going to take the hit? It's not Scopetta I'll bet money on that one. Arriving safe and ready to work has already saved lives. Don't fall victem of "The Man".
  21. You can get tours. But the lines are pretty long. You would be best to start down there early. I don't know what time the first tours are, but I know they do give them. Each ship has a tour. They break you up in small groups. and various sailors will show you around. I don't know what foreign navy's will be up. But you can tour those as well. As far as fire boats from up here going down, I'm not certain about. The Coast Guard and the Naval Malitia usually have some craft down there as well as the PD boats from the city.
  22. I think the point about parades is being missed. Formal drills such as parades/inspections are to promote the Esprit De Corp. of an agency. This team effort builds many various things while they clean, practice and execute. This all ads to the cohesiveness of the agency that I would hope carries on to the fire ground. I understand where you are coming from as far as your ideas of alternate point building etc, But most of the things listed would be argumentative in most cases. When would a departments credentials be submitted? Who would be the authority on inovations? And we have to remember. Not all departments have the same needs as others. This would lead to varied pack loads and equipment. Should that be held against them because it dons't meet the "standards" of the judge? Many things to consider when revamping but you have to start somewhere.
  23. Thanks Doug for pointing out that something so simple is so difficult.
  24. This might be the car club that does the PD vehicle restorations. I will ask around. Would also be interested in seeing it myself.
  25. Out of all the departments you have listed it's most realistic your going to even get a shot to get on NYPD. The NJSP is going to be most difficult, good luck with that one. But try some other agencies around.