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Posts posted by everybodygoes

  1. No one is ridiculing you, just stating you want 1500 dollars for something that you can buy for 400. I looked before I typed, why don't you put yours on Ebay if it is worth what you want, its a world market place, should have no problems getting what you want. I looked and saw a similar coat for 200 bucks buy it now, and it was from 09, so still technically had 6 years left as opposed to 5, its easier to not say anything then to come here pitching wares for fantasy prices.

  2. By Larry Celona
    The New York Post

    NYPD cars are getting a new look — in the front and back.

    The department began replacing the decals on the front and rear hoods of all of its marked cars last month so that they read "NYPD Police" instead of just "Police."

    Police Commissioner Ray Kelly ordered the change after he saw a car marked "Police" driving erratically in December and thought it was from his department, sources told The Post.

    WCFCX613 likes this

  3. These would be the least critical patients or the lowest priority. In these situations we should use triage and make these black tags.

    The goal is to get to the red tag patients who are bleeding out.

    Also as far as just grabbing people and pulling them out, may want to rethink this. No need to pull dead people out and we should consider quick combat type bleeding control and then remove. Green Tags can be directed a safe route out and only issue would be the yellow tags. Would need to consider leaving in place if safe or use resources to remove.

    Look at Boston. Most patients who were in danger of bleeding out had some form of bleeding control done, many by bystanders. No spinal immobilization just quick bleeding control and go.

    We know where you will be, listening to your 'pilot program' scanner behind cover. And unless you have forty people on your grab team you won't have an opportunity to tag patients, especially when $hits on!

  4. Monte North has a challenge and full course starting in January. Classes are on 233 off Bronx River. I have done it 4 times there. Only catch is that since they increased the hours of the overall program they are using a book that is kind of pricey at 200 but it has online material that removes 10 classes you need to attend. Excellent teachers and the facility is not half bad.

  5. Not that I would ever tell anyone to go to the Journal News for anything I was sent a link to a video of the LMFD Chief giving an interview. How about next time you want to give an interview you take the tobacco out of your mouth, you are the face of EVERY one of your members, the media is less than important when it would have take all of 2 seconds to take that out of your lip.


    x635, wraftery and EmsFirePolice like this

  6. Missed the fall deadline so looking for a spring class. I was told by one school that the new textbook that is REQUIRED is 200 dollars. Has anyone else heard of this? Not that I think he is lying but is their anyway around this? I don't actively use it and the local program here in Putnam is way too far away. Is everyone using the same text book? It was described to me as the red ortho book. Was also told that a mandatory online training program is now in the program.


    x635 likes this

  7. No its a valid comparison. The error correction in TDMA is so sub par that it destroys the information so that its the ole talking in a fish tank. If you get even the most sensitive receiver you will still be dealing with the same nonsense. And then for the local govt.'s to be forced to pay 30 million to comply! If I can communicate with about 95% coverage with a cell phone tx'ing 600mw I should damn well be getting the same coverage with 4 or 5 and guess what, you don't.

  8. Its too broad of a tactic. And unfortunately we are always dealing with people of different intelligence levels at all levels of leadership, paid or not. Controlling flow path and being aware of it is great and is extremely practical, but not for every circumstance. Yes new materials contain an extraordinary amount of energy from the hydrocarbon chains with in them, and yes no hole besides removing the roof will rid the amount of heat they generate, but, in a top floor fire in an apt building, how much do you really think you will have? All it takes is to be on the inside just once when they roof is pulled and you can see the difference almost immediately. And the powers that be are no attempting to introduce the new tactics of hitting it from the outside first then proceeding in to depts all over.

    The research is great, but what needs to be done is training, supervisors need to be trained to identify everything from wind gusts to building layouts and the affects an open door will have. Just simply stating control the flow path is pointless on a 2 family flat roof private dwelling, as always the main concern should be life.

  9. Thank god I don't have to pay the westchester taxes like you all do. Total waste of money. And as far as digital anything being superior, TDMA is the reason why ATT wireless lost so many customers to Verizon, because the audio quality of the signal was so poor it caused them to ditch the whole system for GSM which is still sub par but somewhat acceptable. Digital communication has no place on the fire ground, nor do trunking systems or 7/800 systems. The lack of power and ability to communicate is all the reason you need. Unless you have had your behind on the line and needed the cavalry you won't understand the importance of a basic system.

  10. Just an FYI with feeling heat.

    FDNYs new attitude is when you feel heat threw your ppe you need to leave or cool the room with a line.

    Or in your case pull the whole company out while the 10-45 is just around the hallway on the couch in the living room cause you need to wait for a line that is coming down the street cause the can man didn't want to disrespect the Lt and tell you no when he should have.

    thebreeze and sfrd18 like this