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Everything posted by gss131

  1. 77 locust hill ave.
  2. Rest In Peace Brother
  3. Whats the matter with" YOU PEOPLE",if you start firing everybody for saying stupid S***,we'd all be out of work.
  4. Did I hear a little street dogs in there?
  5. a rotoray would look hot.
  6. One main thing that comes to mind is utilities.In omds it is possible to have 2 or 3 banks of gas meters,(one for each wing).It is important to get main shut asap.Ive seen basements where the main shutoff was 200 feet from the farthest bank and the street shutoff couldnt be found..Preplanning woul help greatly in this is not uncommon to find these meter rooms turned into storerooms,containing everything from mattresses to paint,even illegal apts.We had a job in a htype where the guys held off the meters till the shutoff could be made almost 20 minues later. The whole key is to cool the exposures without putting out the fire.,and keep manpower nearby for guys to take over the line for bottle change if necessary.We need more topics like these.
  7. are the holes in the front of the grills for the new roto-rays???
  8. it may may seem trivial,but its not.when dealing with contracts and items are not being upheld(lowest bidder)such items need to be grieved.,and if things are not being done the right way,you dont buck up and provide it yourself.where then would you draw the line.This seems to be more of a union topic,and those that aren't part of or haven't been a part of a union might not understand this concept.Those that attended the Andy Frederics seminar heard Billy Goldfeder talk about the seriouseness of decon of clothing in the firehouse and not in your own home.So, Like i said ,good for them.
  9. I was fortunate to have gone through at randalls island during flips school and found it very cant sense those temperatures in a simulation,and i mean to the point of right before it flashes,when the air in your pack starts to come out hot in your can actually watch the change from open flame ,to the rolling right to was also worthwhile to incorporate the tic and watch the change while monitering the temps.I personally feel if your going to be an officer and be responsible for leading guys on the search,this would be a good evolution.
  10. If the county is scheduled for a test ,it would be for the same day as white plains.
  11. so long as they are not going to your house right.common sense is the real issue here.the person you might "push" is the same person that makes the right on red whenever it suits them.maybe they should incorporate that into what to do if approached by emergency vehicle,nobody said push them across an 4 lane highwaybut you can make them uncomfortable enough to get them to pull 3 feet over when your coming.if you have noise ,use it.if you give people an option ,9 out of ten times they will make the wrong decision,solution ,dont give them an option.
  12. screw all the "proper channels"! drop a dime in the right persons ear(the journal snooze),and come what may,and if if things continue to get worse,im sure you can find enough wrong with the rig to refuse to ride(the whole crew of course)and thats where the union and the lawyers come in.knowing ernie and his love for MV fire it may be the only way to get things done.stay safe
  13. first found chilpolte in denver,co.seemed like they were on every corner.i wish they would open more around here(other than the city)
  14. what was the extent of injury,or illness?
  15. just watch the rain drops,or you'll need a shield like spankys from the little rascals. Happy thanksgiving everyone.
  16. good point ,not only for hot spots,but at night when its harder to see ,all of the windows and exterior doors would be pointed out under the sheething.
  17. sure,go ahead and brag whydontcha
  18. this pic taken in 2001 aboard the carrier roosevelt.this is the first plane of the first sortie in action taken against the taliban.the flag in corner is the flag recovered from the trade center sent over to fly on the roosevelt.pic sent to me by my cousin.
  19. Would you mind if i borrowed it??
  20. I wouldnt worry,its fine!nice job. Its kinda like cooking in the firehouse ,the most critical are the ones that dont cook, but what you find is no matter how much they b****,they'll still eat it.
  21. yeah good rigs,In the summer you get the real Weber effect riding in the back,can"t say i'll miss that.