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Posts posted by 87D124

  1. Seth,

    I am VERY sorry to hear about your illness, losing your job and everything else!! I am glad you are moving back to NY, but I wish it was under better/different circumstances. Be strong and keep your head up and things will eventually fall back into place and get better again. Feel free to give me a shout if you need anything. Take care Brother!

    efdcapt115 and BigBuff like this

  2. Yonkers City Admin. has proposed cutting 2 engine companies and a battalion chief to save money. Part of the cut would be the ellimination of all FD response to EMS calls. There is rumor that the city has a proposal to replace the 11 engines (each with 4 EMT''s) with 4 one person flycars (Not clear if BLS or ALS) for $1,000,000/yr.

    Well done YFD and FF Rodrigues.

    I think the city's new position id: "How dare you save a life, when we are trying to strip services to the people"

    The rumors you are hearing are just that...."RUMORS".........there has been talks between the City of Yonkers & Empress EMS about the possibility of having a certain number of units that would be 100% dedicated for calls within the City of Yonkers. These units would not leave Yonkers for transports, private emergency calls at nursing homes outside of the City or for mutual aid to the areas where TC covers when they do not have a crew. The "RUMORS" about these dedicated units only being fly cars is completely false. Nobody in their right mind would only have dedicated non-transporting units to cover the City of Yonkers.

    These rumors are being spread around by people who are angry with the City Council about budget cuts. There is anger that is being directed toward the owners & employees of Empress, which is wrong because Empress has nothing to do with the budget cuts that the City Council is making. Anyone wanting to know the TRUTH about the discussion between the City Council & Empress can gladly call Empress and speak with Mike, Dan or Matt Minerva. I am sure that they would be glad to speak with you about it.

  3. There is a known risk with this type of activity. Of course it is sad anytime someone loses their life doing any activity. My heart goes out to the family & friends of the victims. Overall, it is a pretty safe activity. There are more deaths associated with other recreational activities & even during everyday life. I know that this incident will prevent some people, who wanted to go skydiving, from actually going now, but if you look at the odds, now is probably the time to go do it. It is the same as when people decide not to fly on an airplane because there was a recent crash, the odds are in your favor to fly right after a plane crash.

  4. Your info says you live in Westchester. if that is the case, Empress would be closer than working in NYC. Empress has a very flexible schedule also. Sure, there are plenty of transports, but you have the advantage of doing a good amount of 911 jobs too.

  5. I know I will probably get in trouble for what I am going to say, but...............Michael Sussman is a GIANT BAG OF CRAP!!!! He LOVES to side with LOW LIFE, SCUM OF THE EARTH CRIMINALS. He makes them out to be innocent (no matter how long their rap sheets are, how much time they have done in prison/jail or how many felonies they have). According to him, these "INNOCENT VICTIMS" do not ever deserve the way that they were treated by the police. He thinks that every single police officer is dirty/corrupt/prejudice/racist/above the law/is out to violate everybody's civil rights etc. If the police officer is white, Sussman thinks that he is out to get ALL black people. if the police officer is black, even if he grew up in the same city where he works as a cop, Sussman thinks that he is out to prove something or that he hated the community that he grew up in because it was bad and that he is getting payback for something. If the police officer is hispanic, Sussman thinks that he hates other hispanics that are not from the same country that he is from.

    Sussman thinks that the police officers should never use deadly physical force to protect themselves or innocent civilians. He will always question their actions, no matter what they do or how they react in a situation. This is just typical of how this guy operates. Liberal, bleeding heart etc etc etc.

  6. If you are going to make a commute to NYC to work for TransCare or Citywide, you should shorten your trip and get off one of the many exits for Yonkers.......and come work for Empress. With TC & SC, all you are ever going to do with those companies is, transport after transport after transport......maybe a code 3 "Nursing Home" emergency once in a while.......At Empress, you will do transports, BUT....you will also do 911 jobs in Yonkers & Pelham Manor and in the near future........possibly Mount Vernon 911 jobs, if Empress gets the contract back again. In addition, Empress is a Union Shop, so the pay plus the benefits are much better than working for a non-union private EMS agency.

    x129K likes this

  7. Empress is hiring. From what I heard, they are looking to hire about 20-30 EMTs and around the same number of Medics. The quicker you complete your application and make the follow up phone call, the better chance you will have to getting hired for the next class that should be starting soon.

  8. Several years ago while at the JEMS Conference in Baltimore, I attended a lecture on crush injuries. Our instructor, who was an ER Doc in a system just outside of Philly. He had a County issued emergency vehicle and often responded to major trauma jobs.

    He responded to a call at a mill where a worker, who didnt have the proper guards in place on a large several ton press had both of his arms sucked into the press. It was determined that they could not disengage the press to reverse it because it would have completed another forward cycle before going in reverse. Since this press took a month to assemble & was made of hardened steel, there was no way to cut it or take it apart.

    The Doc knew the only chance for removal of the patient was a double arm amputation to be performed at the scene. He called the hospital & got a team of OR nurses to bring him everything he needed to do a surgical amputation in the field.

    The patient was removed from the press after being trapped for about 12 hours. Although he lost both arms, he was thankful that he was still alive.

    If not for this Doc doing what he did, the outcome wouldnt have been the same. This is just one of the many times that a life was saved by a field Doc.

  9. I know that Empress, Transcare & WEMS have mobile/portable radios from the County to use on the trunked radio system. My question I have is: Do these ambulance services have their own talk groups for company communications? If the answer is yes, are they permitted to utilize the County trunked systems on a daily basis for their emergency/non-emergency company communications?

    If the answer is no, would they be able, under County radio guidelines to get a talk group assignment & be permitted to use this talk group assignment for emergency/non-emergency intra-company communications?

  10. Ok, so in the Empress Communications Center there are 2 XTL series mobile radios. These radios only have 1 channel programmed into them. The channel name is REMSCO. These radios were provided to Empress/Emergacare by NYC. If NYC requires mutual aid for any reason (terrorist attack, plane crash or MCI), a NYC dispatcher can key up 1 or both of these radios & make their mutual aid request.

    Now, the questions I have are:

    1. Does anyone know if these radios are VHF, UHF & are they conventional or trunked?

    2. What does the "REMSCO" alpha tag stand for?

    3. Do any other agencies in Westchester County have these radios?

    Thanks in advance!

  11. Family & friends along with many residence of wonderful City of Newburgh are saying this guy was assassinated by the CNPD cops. They called the cops "murderers" too........It is very apparent that they do not know the meaning of assassination........it is also clear that they don't understand the definition of murder either.......a police officer protecting his/her own life, protecting the life of another police officer or protecting residents of the City cannot be guilty of murder.

    The same people would blame the CNPD for not doing enough if this perp stabbed or killed another resident with his knife. The fact of the matter is that this perp threatened police officer with a weapon & they were well within the law when they used deadly physical force.

    BFD1054, JetPhoto and jack10562 like this