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Posts posted by x4093k

  1. Was just looking on http://www.FirehouseSolutions.com/ and saw under "in process" or something section of the page, I saw 2 Westchester County departments are expected to be getting a new website soon.

    First I saw Hartsdale is getting the full upgrade, along with Goldens Bridge, also getting a full upgrade.

    (For those who don't know what the templates/designs are of these websites, I invite you to visit http://www.bedfordhillsfd.org , that's formatted by www.firehousesolutions.com.

    Good luck to Hartsdale and Goldens Bridge with their new sites! (Proof Below :P )


  2. May or may not be a stupid question, but I have never seen someone answer it before..

    On the back of most newer/slightly older engines, rescues, etc, theres a traffic advisor(arrowstick). I have never really seen an engine park in the middle of the road and turn that on to direct traffic elsewhere, So, is there a different purpose for these?

    And on the new engines, Mostly all of them have those very BRIGHT Chevrons on them, why would they spend the money to buy a arrowstick for the back of it? With the chevrons, nobody's not going to see it...

    Thanks for the info.

    (This thread is not to start a debate about money spending or why they're on chief vehicles, just wondering why they're on rigs that really don't need them..)

  3. Date:5-2-12

    Time: 15:30

    Location: Rt 202 & Hilltop Road

    Frequency: Several

    Units Operating:Yorktown FD: 2531, 2532, E-270, R-16. Yorktown PD Yorktown VAC, NYSP: 3k28, 3k87 NYSEG

    Weather Conditions: Cloudy, Slippery

    Description Of Incident: Yorktown FD dispatched IAO of Hilltop road and 202 for a Serious MVA. Units got on scene and shortly after confirmed. Units operated until about 16:30(approx)

    Any Info to add, Please PM me.

    fireboyny likes this

  4. Date: 4-29-12

    Time: 11:00 approx.

    Location: 32 St Marks Place

    Frequency: 46.26. Fire 16, Fireground 8

    Units Operating: {Mt Kisco FD: 2282, 2281, 2284, E-106, E-105,-TL-14, R-31, R15, U-13]{ WCDES: Batt 13, C&O Z5, 1405] {Yorktown: Ladder 51, 2531, 2533. 2535,(stand by) } {Chappaqua: 2061, 2062, 2063, E146, R-23(Cascade)}{ Ossining: 2331, E-98, U-51(FAST){MKPD] {WEMS: 45M1]{ Bedford Hills: 2031, 2033, TL-57(FAST)} {MKEMS: 70B1]{Millwood: E-247(Stand By)]

    Weather Conditions: Clear

    Description Of Incident: Working fire in a 2 story structure, fire showing upon arrival.

    Reporters: firedude, Larchmont_Boy

    11:23: Batt. 13 update: 2 story wood frame 20x20 Con Ed Electric on scene. Also have ladder ops in affect, 3 L/S/O A.T.T.

    11:26- Batt 13 requesting another FAST team to the scene.

    11:27 Yorktown FAST dispatched.

    11:28- 2281 requesting Red Cross to the scene, 8 adults 2 children.

    11:35 Yorktown unable to fill the FAST assignment, Ossining FAST now requested

    11:37: Ossining 2331 assembling FASTeam

    11:39- Chappaqua Rescue 23 responding

    11:45- All units still operating- Batt. 13 requesting if Ossining has assembled their crew yet.

    11:46: Rescue 23 on scene.

    11:47- Red Cross on scene.

    11:50: As for 2281- fire under control, still using all units on scene.

    Any Information regarding times and updates past 11:50 would be much appreciated. I was unable to listen any further.

    Articles & Photos on the fire...




    Disaster_Guy, 2231* and BigBuff like this

  5. Anyway to create a separate module on the right side of the .NET homepage for just IAs? I agree they need to be taken out of the recent topics. In the case new IA's flood the shoutbox, can we now allow more shouts to be seen. Same size window, just more can be seen when you scroll down. Same theroy should apply to the shoutbox, I still want to see the day's shouts before the flood of IAs. just my 2 cents.

    It's rare something like today happens. Like I said above, if thats taken out too( along with the recent topics area" then we will have to manually go back to the home page, and scroll down and see if theres a new one. It's not hard, just a pain to go to the recent topics page, and then to look for an IA you have to go back to the first place. I agree with you Kyle, i would also like to see the current shouts, instead of just IA's.

    If that makes sense..